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stuck in hobo alley

happyfunballhappyfunball Registered User new member
edited May 2008 in Penny Arcade Games
I can't seem to get any farther here. the shithole is closed, the urine guy won't speak to me and aparently I need to get into the shithole to stamp the meat.

I've seen mention of a trashcan guy in other threads but I don't see any character like that at all.
my quests say I need to find a place to live in hobo alley, and check out pelican bay, but I can't get into pelican bay.

I've given the bolt and the windup key to anne. I don't know what else to try or where to go.

happyfunball on


  • TNTrooperTNTrooper Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    The trashcan guy is the big guy at the entrance try talking to him.

    TNTrooper on
  • happyfunballhappyfunball Registered User new member
    edited May 2008
    hmm.. I have, a couple times. I dont' recall getting any kind of quest. I'll try again.

    happyfunball on
  • happyfunballhappyfunball Registered User new member
    edited May 2008
    thanks, that worked. kind of annoying though, I figured he had nothing more to offer so I didn't bother talking to him again. stupid me for not trying anyway

    happyfunball on
  • clarson0420clarson0420 Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    To get the urine guy to speak to you, you need to do the trashcan guys mission. Once you've given the key to anne, you should come back to hobo alley, and there should be a big guy standing on the corner at the very start, looking all scared like, thats the trashcan guy. He'll have you do a mission, and you'll get a reward. Then visit Pelican Bay.

    clarson0420 on
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