I'm not sure where I saw this raised before, I don't think it was on here...
Anyhow, what mods do you want to see for this game? In the vein of tweaks, graphics updates, more hair/tophats, different weapons, blah blah, total conversions?
I did read somewhere that under the EULA we can mod it, but that there aren't any tools... any geniuses care to ponder as to how you would go about modding it?
If you think this is boring, indicate by posting the word "bump" only. It's an acrynym, really. It means boring, uninteresting, uhm.... mundane... uh...
Well yeah, anyway. Go go gadget mod tools!
Obviously isn't a genre with typically lots of mods, but we want to show our love :P
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
IF you could access and manipulate the available materials and code like a pro.