Doesn't Pink Godzilla bring most of their inventory to PAX anyway?
Yeah. Pink Godzilla basically brings their store with them, so there's no real reason to go there anyway. Other than to get slushies at Oasis right across the street.
You could try Al's, down in the udistrict...
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
For newer used games there is an EB in Pacific Place mall (pretty much across the street from Pax) and a gamestop in westlake center a couple blocks away. Not much for old school, but if you end up finding a bunch of people to play a DS game you don't have, it's an option.
AtomicFreak on
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
Oh, there is also a Half Price Books about 6 or 7 blocks away from PAX in Capitol Hill (as well as several other farther away spots), they sell used games as well...usually nothing good, but occaisionally you get lucky and find something awesome.
The only game store that I am aware of that is within walking distance of the convention center is the Game Stop in Westlake Center Mall, but as we all know, they dont really sell old school games.
The only game store that I am aware of that is within walking distance of the convention center is the Game Stop in Westlake Center Mall, but as we all know, they dont really sell old school games.
Theres a place up in ballard on hwy 99 that deals in old games but thats twice as far away that pink godzilla is.
Violets are blue
Yeah. Pink Godzilla basically brings their store with them, so there's no real reason to go there anyway. Other than to get slushies at Oasis right across the street.
You could try Al's, down in the udistrict...
Um, Aurora doesn't touch Ballard at all. Do you mean Fremont?
Well, there's another one in Pacific Place.
Which store? Pink Godzilla already brings mostly all of their games to PAX...