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Prison clothes, a bug?

DarkwyndreDarkwyndre Registered User regular
edited 2008 02 in Penny Arcade Games

I bought the game last week and played through it fairly rapidly. I then had to do a FFR on my computer, and on my first playthrough I didn't find everything, so I thought I'd re-download it tonight and give it a slower playthrough.

The first thing I'm noticing is an awful lot of the random population people running around have prison uniforms on ... black and white horizontal stripes alternating. I don't recall even seeing that as clothing on my first playthrough let alone seeing it so common. I'm seeing it more than 50% of the time as the clothes on the random population.

Did I just miss this the first time around or what?


Playstation Network ID : EasySleeze
Darkwyndre on


  • WillethWilleth Registered User regular
    edited 2008 02
    That's almost definitely a bug. Wipe and reinstall - it looks like you've just got a development texture being mapped in place of the actual texture.

    Willeth on
    @vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming!
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  • DarkwyndreDarkwyndre Registered User regular
    edited 2008 02
    I changed the graphics settings to high and it went away from prison clothes. After I posted this last night I actually played for awhile more and EVERY civilian was in the prison stripes... was kind of humorous in its own way.

    Darkwyndre on
    Playstation Network ID : EasySleeze
  • EYE 8 UR BRAINSEYE 8 UR BRAINS Registered User regular
    edited 2008 02
    lol. that's awesome

    EYE 8 UR BRAINS on
    Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fhtagn!
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