A few years back a game was played at PAX called Assassin...I was unable to attend that year, but it sounded fun and I was curious how many people might be interested in playing this year.
In a nutshell for those who aren't in the know about it, players names would be randomly mixed up and given out to other players. The name you were given was your target. You had to find your target and then tag them, telling them they had been assassinated. I hear Khoo was even a target that year. Dunno if we can really get any of the major players like that in this time around - with PAX being much bigger I'm sure they will be pretty busy, but who knows. Either way it could be a lot of fun if enough people are interested, and more challenging with the scope of PAX being so much bigger now.
So, any takers? Cosplaying as Altair is not required...
Woo, I've just finished playing my first ever Phalla, I'd well be up for Assassins. LewieP was Grand Vizier (or something like that ) of his uni's Assassins Guild in his first year, and had some awesome kills.
LewieP's Mummy on
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I still think that for this to work, we would some sort of identifier or at least you have to be willing to spread your name around because there will be so many people out there.
I still think that for this to work, we would some sort of identifier or at least you have to be willing to spread your name around because there will be so many people out there.
Badges! Or post pics before PAX of who we all are.
LewieP's Mummy on
For all the top UK Gaming Bargains, check out SavyGamer
I still think that for this to work, we would some sort of identifier or at least you have to be willing to spread your name around because there will be so many people out there.
Badges! Or post pics before PAX of who we all are.
I think both just to help since there will be what, over 37k people there.
I ran something last year that required images and discovered that using someones image falls apart in a population like PAX. You're absolutely right about needing an identifier, it just won't be your face.
The basic idea for what I'm putting together is to give you another card (and a way to wear it) with a unique but highly visible symbol on it. This card also has a smaller piece (think a keychain VIP type card) on it that breaks off; that piece has a mini version of your symbol and that of your target.
So your card tells you who your first target is, and should you find them, you take their breakway card, which has their target. In the event that they have already found that target, you'll take the breakway card with their current target. And so on.
For each "kill" you make you will have a breakaway card for it, so in the event you are eliminated, you will have a record of your kills. I'm also adding a way to record your kills online.
I ran something last year that required images and discovered that using someones image falls apart in a population like PAX. You're absolutely right about needing an identifier, it just won't be your face.
Yeah, trying to pick faces out from the printed "mug" sheets was rough. Fun, but rough. :P
I ran something last year that required images and discovered that using someones image falls apart in a population like PAX. You're absolutely right about needing an identifier, it just won't be your face.
The basic idea for what I'm putting together is to give you another card (and a way to wear it) with a unique but highly visible symbol on it. This card also has a smaller piece (think a keychain VIP type card) on it that breaks off; that piece has a mini version of your symbol and that of your target.
So your card tells you who your first target is, and should you find them, you take their breakway card, which has their target. In the event that they have already found that target, you'll take the breakway card with their current target. And so on.
For each "kill" you make you will have a breakaway card for it, so in the event you are eliminated, you will have a record of your kills. I'm also adding a way to record your kills online.
Well hot damn, looks like this is already being taken care of. :P Just let everyone on here know if you need us to help out in terms of say an entry fee to play to help cover getting the badges made or anything like that.
I ran something last year that required images and discovered that using someones image falls apart in a population like PAX. You're absolutely right about needing an identifier, it just won't be your face.
The basic idea for what I'm putting together is to give you another card (and a way to wear it) with a unique but highly visible symbol on it. This card also has a smaller piece (think a keychain VIP type card) on it that breaks off; that piece has a mini version of your symbol and that of your target.
So your card tells you who your first target is, and should you find them, you take their breakway card, which has their target. In the event that they have already found that target, you'll take the breakway card with their current target. And so on.
For each "kill" you make you will have a breakaway card for it, so in the event you are eliminated, you will have a record of your kills. I'm also adding a way to record your kills online.
shit son, you got this on lock. I am down for this, and if an entry fee is needed, I will definetly chip in.
Awww I love playing Assassin, but I think I'll pass on playing at PAX. Working registration (I saw a LOT of faces last year) and having a break room to hide in might give me an unfair advantage.
I will however lend my services as a spy/informant for sneaky people hunting down their targets...
Well, I remember the original PAXsassin that was done and went as such.
After everyone registers they send in a mug shot of themselves in so that people know who they are looking for.
Each person that had registered and sent in a reasonable photo (no masks or blurry pictures) gets a paper watch which basically was a large PacMan with a paper wrist strap.
On the first day of PAX each contestant is given one of the mugshots of another contestant (make sure not to give them their own picture...) and at a certain time everyone starts hunting, that way people have time to run away from where every other assassin is.
You get one point per assassination and the one with either the most assassinations of their targets or the last one standing by the end of the convention wins.
To get a kill is simple, when you spot your target you must remove the watch by any means. (without injury of course, that includes any kinds of weapons y'all were thinking of using '>.>) After their watch has been removed take the watch, mugshot and the one assassinated on back to whoever is running it to have them marked off and to get a new target.
While under attack if an assassin fails at taking off a watch from the target the target is able to fight back by taking off the watch of the other assassin. After one watch has been removed however the fight is over and the one without a watch is dead. If the attackee is the victor take the watch and the failure assassin back to the host and get your point, but keep your same target.
I THINK that is it... other rules such as when or when it's not ok to actually assassinate someone would be up to the participants/hosts (e.i. when they are in the middle of a tournament or saving a human life)
Not sure if I got all of it, or if anyone cares about this post at all, but I figured maybe something with a few more guidelines would be helpful, and something that has worked in the past, lemme know about any questions if ya got 'em. :rotate:
I ran something last year that required images and discovered that using someones image falls apart in a population like PAX. You're absolutely right about needing an identifier, it just won't be your face.
The basic idea for what I'm putting together is to give you another card (and a way to wear it) with a unique but highly visible symbol on it. This card also has a smaller piece (think a keychain VIP type card) on it that breaks off; that piece has a mini version of your symbol and that of your target.
So your card tells you who your first target is, and should you find them, you take their breakway card, which has their target. In the event that they have already found that target, you'll take the breakway card with their current target. And so on.
For each "kill" you make you will have a breakaway card for it, so in the event you are eliminated, you will have a record of your kills. I'm also adding a way to record your kills online.
We're trying a diiferent route this year in the hopes it makes things easier for everyone involved.
IIRC, PAXsassins was played at '05 and '06 PAX. I played in both. There were major logistical problems with the first one. The second one was run much better (by ctishman). It ended up being a neat way to meet a few people, but the crowds made it hard to play (especially with traditional rules). There was an attempt to make it happen at PAX '07 by HolyHesus and her boyfriend (players from the prior year), but the size of the new venue (correctly) dissuaded them from attempting it.
General advice from a former player: You cannot have single targets. It has to be free-for-all kills. Even then, the new venue is just too big, IMO.
So is there somewhere else where people sign up?
All hail the Hypno-Spode!
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
Awesome, let us know when it's worked out so I can throw my name in to play!
Badges! Or post pics before PAX of who we all are.
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
I think both just to help since there will be what, over 37k people there.
The basic idea for what I'm putting together is to give you another card (and a way to wear it) with a unique but highly visible symbol on it. This card also has a smaller piece (think a keychain VIP type card) on it that breaks off; that piece has a mini version of your symbol and that of your target.
So your card tells you who your first target is, and should you find them, you take their breakway card, which has their target. In the event that they have already found that target, you'll take the breakway card with their current target. And so on.
For each "kill" you make you will have a breakaway card for it, so in the event you are eliminated, you will have a record of your kills. I'm also adding a way to record your kills online.
Yeah, trying to pick faces out from the printed "mug" sheets was rough. Fun, but rough. :P
Well hot damn, looks like this is already being taken care of. :P Just let everyone on here know if you need us to help out in terms of say an entry fee to play to help cover getting the badges made or anything like that.
shit son, you got this on lock. I am down for this, and if an entry fee is needed, I will definetly chip in.
As will I.
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
I will however lend my services as a spy/informant for sneaky people hunting down their targets...
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
Well, they both are prices.
Name yours!
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
If some cost is involved, I don't mind.
After everyone registers they send in a mug shot of themselves in so that people know who they are looking for.
Each person that had registered and sent in a reasonable photo (no masks or blurry pictures) gets a paper watch which basically was a large PacMan with a paper wrist strap.
On the first day of PAX each contestant is given one of the mugshots of another contestant (make sure not to give them their own picture...) and at a certain time everyone starts hunting, that way people have time to run away from where every other assassin is.
You get one point per assassination and the one with either the most assassinations of their targets or the last one standing by the end of the convention wins.
To get a kill is simple, when you spot your target you must remove the watch by any means. (without injury of course, that includes any kinds of weapons y'all were thinking of using '>.>) After their watch has been removed take the watch, mugshot and the one assassinated on back to whoever is running it to have them marked off and to get a new target.
While under attack if an assassin fails at taking off a watch from the target the target is able to fight back by taking off the watch of the other assassin. After one watch has been removed however the fight is over and the one without a watch is dead. If the attackee is the victor take the watch and the failure assassin back to the host and get your point, but keep your same target.
I THINK that is it... other rules such as when or when it's not ok to actually assassinate someone would be up to the participants/hosts (e.i. when they are in the middle of a tournament or saving a human life)
Not sure if I got all of it, or if anyone cares about this post at all, but I figured maybe something with a few more guidelines would be helpful, and something that has worked in the past, lemme know about any questions if ya got 'em. :rotate:
We're trying a diiferent route this year in the hopes it makes things easier for everyone involved.
Sounds good as it seems like last year's might make it too hard to just go about playing while still enjoying events.
Check out T3h Awesome Blog of Awesomeness!
General advice from a former player: You cannot have single targets. It has to be free-for-all kills. Even then, the new venue is just too big, IMO.
<j0z1e> ummmm, all three? at once?
But therein lies the challenge, my friend!
(I do see your point, however. Single targets might be a bit too much.)