Since a number of us PAX attendees also double as lushes, I thought what better thread than one for us to share our favorite drink mixes. I'll start with one of my own concoction (although it's basically a modified Flaming Dr. Pepper).
Bebop Cola
1 shot Everclear (190 proof)
1 shot Root Beer Schnapps (100 proof if you can find it, the only place I've seen it is North Dakota)
1/2 glass of Beer (your choice what kind, lighter beers work better than darker beers)
pour the shots into the beer and enjoy, don't light any of this on fire unless you crave death
also, don't smoke around this drink or the fumes might catch fire and you'll be walking around with no eyebrows for the rest of PAX
Disclaimer: Alcoholic beverages are not permitted inside of the WSCTC. Please keep your drinking confined to the bars and hotel rooms.
FYI: Root Beer Schnapps can be found in WA liquor stores
BigRed on
<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited June 2008
at 100 proof or 42 proof, you can get 42 proof schnapps anywhere
Moe Fwacky on
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
edited June 2008
Unless their website is lying to me, you're only going to get 30 proof in this state.
My contribution, a modified Amaretto Sour that I've yet to come up with a good name for:
Equal parts Amaretto (I'm partial to DiSaronno) and Jones Lemon Lime Soda (this should just about fill a lowball on the rocks)
1/2 - 1 shot of Barenjager
Barenjager gives it some kick, but the taste is nice and mellow on the whole. Getting a hold of the Jones is a bitch, since I haven't found a single damn grocery store in the area that sells it. I'm going to have to order a case directly from them if I want any.
I might have some 100 proof root beer schnapps at my work, I'll check wednesday.
Anyways, my personal favorite is grog, or at least my version. I have introduced it to dozens of people, possibly hundreds, including some in seattle. I hope to do it again this year.
Three shots of amber or spiced rum(Sailor jerry's, Morgan Spiced, Bacardi amber all work from experience)
12oz beer(Generally a cheaper beer with little taste, budweiser, coors, miller)
1/2oz water(Do it damnit, no skimping this part)
Optional: 2-4oz beer(Stout, IPA, or some other ale, for taste)
Its a great drink, especially if you use the ale. It tastes like a damn good beer, while being quite alcoholic.
If me and my merry band of 21yo companions can get into Sealab, I will do one and allow it to be filmed and posted on the Youtubes and on the PAX forums.
If you perchance find yourself at a party that I am also attending, I will have you try my Pitcher o Booze. Until then, I decline to post the recipe. Just know that the usual Pitcher is a gallon, and it's mostly alcohol.
Other than that, one of my favorites is a new spin on an old classic that I like to call a Black n Decker. Basically, it's a screwdriver made with Blavod (Black Vodka). Rather than mixing the two right off the get-go, pour the orange juice first, then float the Blavod on top. Voila, Black n Decker screwdriver.
There are so many different drinks that rock, the key is just using fresh and quality ingredients in them.
Mojito, Texas Tea (Long Island with Tequila instead of Gin), Manhattan on the rocks, and the classic Vodka Martini made with Chopin vodka (it is real potato vodka).
Other than that, one of my favorites is a new spin on an old classic that I like to call a Black n Decker. Basically, it's a screwdriver made with Blavod (Black Vodka). Rather than mixing the two right off the get-go, pour the orange juice first, then float the Blavod on top. Voila, Black n Decker screwdriver.
God, I made a screwdriver with Blavod once. That just doesn't look tasty *at all*.
Other than that, one of my favorites is a new spin on an old classic that I like to call a Black n Decker. Basically, it's a screwdriver made with Blavod (Black Vodka). Rather than mixing the two right off the get-go, pour the orange juice first, then float the Blavod on top. Voila, Black n Decker screwdriver.
God, I made a screwdriver with Blavod once. That just doesn't look tasty *at all*.
Another spin on a classic is a Green Dragon but with Blavod (Black Vodka) which I called a Dieing Green Dragon:
Green Dragon
* 2 oz Blavod Vodka
* 1 oz Green Chartreuse
Shake separately and layer into a martini glass. Serve with cocktail onion.
My favorite is a Tanana -- I've heard it called a Harley Davidson, but I find my name to be a bit more fitting.
5 oz Black Coffee (drip is fine, as long as you have a decent bean. If you're in it to get shnockered, however, a smaller quantity of lower-grade coffee is acceptable).
1 oz Bailey's Irish Cream (flavored if that's your bag).
1 oz Kahlúa.
Mix in a coffee mug, drink. Add more booze and less coffee, or vice-versa, to taste.
Mix together in a large container:
2 thawed pink lemonade concentrade (can use regular lemonade if you like)
Mix in a full fifth of Vodka (can get the citrus flavored kind if you like)
Add 6 can of Coors Light (important to use a light flavored beer so you dont taste it)
I know it sounds nasty... beer & vodka?! But the only thing you'll taste is fizzy pink lemonade and it will knock you on your butt. Serves plenty. Drink one & hop, drink two & skip... drink three & go naked.
I used to serve this at pre-func's at house parties I'd host... make one batch & hand it out free (kind of parties where its $3 all you can drink keg cup) to first people showing up to encourage people to get the party started right. Hit with both the ladies & fellas... just dont tell people whats in it until they've tried it (cuz otherwise they get scared about a beer & vodka mix tasting bad).
1-2 shots of jager
and the rest filled with a equal mixture (about the rest of a normal drinking glass) of strawberry,banana, and orange juice. it may sound weird but it is very good. can barely tastes the alchy.
2. um idk some cute apple name.
1-2 shots jager
1-2 goldshlauger( yea i know typing)
and the rest of the glass with ice-cold lost (normal energry drink). then stir. tastes like apple cider when done right.
One part 7-up, one part tequila. Served straight up.
Wikipedia's explanation of how to drink a Tequila Slammer:
The drink gets its name from the way it is commonly consumed; the usual procedure is to leave about a fifth of the glass empty to allow the drink to fizz, then to hold one's hand over the top of the glass and to slam it onto a hard surface to mix it. The slamming action releases gas bubbles from the mixed drink causing it to foam vigorously. It will then quickly escape the glass if not consumed immediately in one gulp, the result (and intention) of which is swift intoxication.
Rosethorn on
Buy me a drink and guess a letter.
_ ____ __ _____.
One part 7-up, one part tequila. Served straight up.
Wikipedia's explanation of how to drink a Tequila Slammer:
The drink gets its name from the way it is commonly consumed; the usual procedure is to leave about a fifth of the glass empty to allow the drink to fizz, then to hold one's hand over the top of the glass and to slam it onto a hard surface to mix it. The slamming action releases gas bubbles from the mixed drink causing it to foam vigorously. It will then quickly escape the glass if not consumed immediately in one gulp, the result (and intention) of which is swift intoxication.
While not a big fan of tequila, when you do this with some Patron Silver, it is good. Make sure you are watching Hard Boiled and drink to Chow Yun Fat.
One part 7-up, one part tequila. Served straight up.
Wikipedia's explanation of how to drink a Tequila Slammer:
The drink gets its name from the way it is commonly consumed; the usual procedure is to leave about a fifth of the glass empty to allow the drink to fizz, then to hold one's hand over the top of the glass and to slam it onto a hard surface to mix it. The slamming action releases gas bubbles from the mixed drink causing it to foam vigorously. It will then quickly escape the glass if not consumed immediately in one gulp, the result (and intention) of which is swift intoxication.
They call these Moppits in a bunch of bars in Mexico and thats exactly how they take them. Tasty.
One me and a buddy came up with this one which we call "Alpine Nut Huggers". It's pretty much two oz of melon flavored vodka with half orange juice and half mountain dew.
Hey if nothing else saying the drink's name is fun. Alpine nut huggers... ALPINE NUT HUGGERS...
One me and a buddy came up with this one which we call "Alpine Nut Huggers". It's pretty much two oz of melon flavored vodka with half orange juice and half mountain dew.
Hey if nothing else saying the drink's name is fun. Alpine nut huggers... ALPINE NUT HUGGERS...
Sounds good but to get the apline really in there, you should include some gin.
I will, however, watch.
My contribution, a modified Amaretto Sour that I've yet to come up with a good name for:
Equal parts Amaretto (I'm partial to DiSaronno) and Jones Lemon Lime Soda (this should just about fill a lowball on the rocks)
1/2 - 1 shot of Barenjager
Barenjager gives it some kick, but the taste is nice and mellow on the whole. Getting a hold of the Jones is a bitch, since I haven't found a single damn grocery store in the area that sells it. I'm going to have to order a case directly from them if I want any.
Anyways, my personal favorite is grog, or at least my version. I have introduced it to dozens of people, possibly hundreds, including some in seattle. I hope to do it again this year.
Three shots of amber or spiced rum(Sailor jerry's, Morgan Spiced, Bacardi amber all work from experience)
12oz beer(Generally a cheaper beer with little taste, budweiser, coors, miller)
1/2oz water(Do it damnit, no skimping this part)
Optional: 2-4oz beer(Stout, IPA, or some other ale, for taste)
Its a great drink, especially if you use the ale. It tastes like a damn good beer, while being quite alcoholic.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Not after last year.
Other than that, one of my favorites is a new spin on an old classic that I like to call a Black n Decker. Basically, it's a screwdriver made with Blavod (Black Vodka). Rather than mixing the two right off the get-go, pour the orange juice first, then float the Blavod on top. Voila, Black n Decker screwdriver.
2 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
2 oz DeKuyper® Sour Apple Pucker schnapps
2 oz cranberry juice
Edit: I copied pasted from a mix website since well im lazy and it was faster then typing.
Half shot glass Bicardi 151
Half shot glass Absinthe
If you cant get Absinthe... use something delicious instead.
Mojito, Texas Tea (Long Island with Tequila instead of Gin), Manhattan on the rocks, and the classic Vodka Martini made with Chopin vodka (it is real potato vodka).
Two personal favorites:
Burnt Fuselage
* 1 ounce VSOP Cognac
* 1 ounce Grand Marnier
* 1 ounce dry vermouth
Stir with ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass and twist a strip of lemon peel over the top.
French Horn
* 1 oz vodka
* 3/4 oz Chambord® raspberry liqueur or just framboise liqueur
* 1/2 oz lemon juice
Stir and strain into a cordial glass. Garnish with a speared raspberry, and serve.
God, I made a screwdriver with Blavod once. That just doesn't look tasty *at all*.
Another spin on a classic is a Green Dragon but with Blavod (Black Vodka) which I called a Dieing Green Dragon:
Green Dragon
* 2 oz Blavod Vodka
* 1 oz Green Chartreuse
Shake separately and layer into a martini glass. Serve with cocktail onion.
5 oz Black Coffee (drip is fine, as long as you have a decent bean. If you're in it to get shnockered, however, a smaller quantity of lower-grade coffee is acceptable).
1 oz Bailey's Irish Cream (flavored if that's your bag).
1 oz Kahlúa.
Mix in a coffee mug, drink. Add more booze and less coffee, or vice-versa, to taste.
Also, though nothing special, Irish carbombs / G&Ts are delicious.
-2-4 oz of Cheap "like monarch" Bourbon
-A spoonful of nacho cheese floating on top.
Name: Tastes like a Butt Hole
Made while at burningman by KAOS camp Used for Initiation.
Mix together in a large container:
2 thawed pink lemonade concentrade (can use regular lemonade if you like)
Mix in a full fifth of Vodka (can get the citrus flavored kind if you like)
Add 6 can of Coors Light (important to use a light flavored beer so you dont taste it)
I know it sounds nasty... beer & vodka?! But the only thing you'll taste is fizzy pink lemonade and it will knock you on your butt. Serves plenty. Drink one & hop, drink two & skip... drink three & go naked.
I used to serve this at pre-func's at house parties I'd host... make one batch & hand it out free (kind of parties where its $3 all you can drink keg cup) to first people showing up to encourage people to get the party started right. Hit with both the ladies & fellas... just dont tell people whats in it until they've tried it (cuz otherwise they get scared about a beer & vodka mix tasting bad).
Warp core breech. Ingredients you can see in the video (WHYS ALL THE RUM GONE?). Made that massive batch for the ill-fated sealab 2007
List was requested
Equal parts say... 6oz of ea:
Bacardi Gold
Bacardi select
Bacardi limon
Captian Morgans spiced rum
4oz of:
Bacardi 151
3oz of:
Razmatazz raspberry liquoer (or you can use 6oz of Bacardi razz)
Mix up the booze in the bowl. Then add about 3.5-4 bottles of Sobe Power (the fruit punch kind). It *has* to be sobe power.
Mix again.
Add about a pound of dry ice thats been crushed into golfball sized pieces (dont just throw a block in there, smash it up first).
Let it get cold, then drink it quickly out of the bowl with a straw or else it will turn to slush.
I dunno, that mixture doesn't seem to safe even without the dry ice. :P
1-2 shots of jager
and the rest filled with a equal mixture (about the rest of a normal drinking glass) of strawberry,banana, and orange juice. it may sound weird but it is very good. can barely tastes the alchy.
2. um idk some cute apple name.
1-2 shots jager
1-2 goldshlauger( yea i know typing)
and the rest of the glass with ice-cold lost (normal energry drink). then stir. tastes like apple cider when done right.
3. satans blood
1 shot jack daniels
1 shot jager
1 shot goldslaugher
1 shot bacardi
1 shot irish cream
Tia maria
poured very carefully over a spoon, into layers. Mmmmm
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
1 glass filled with ice
1-2 shots of whiskey.
One part 7-up, one part tequila. Served straight up.
Wikipedia's explanation of how to drink a Tequila Slammer:
The drink gets its name from the way it is commonly consumed; the usual procedure is to leave about a fifth of the glass empty to allow the drink to fizz, then to hold one's hand over the top of the glass and to slam it onto a hard surface to mix it. The slamming action releases gas bubbles from the mixed drink causing it to foam vigorously. It will then quickly escape the glass if not consumed immediately in one gulp, the result (and intention) of which is swift intoxication.
_ ____ __ _____.
While not a big fan of tequila, when you do this with some Patron Silver, it is good. Make sure you are watching Hard Boiled and drink to Chow Yun Fat.
They call these Moppits in a bunch of bars in Mexico and thats exactly how they take them. Tasty.
Hey if nothing else saying the drink's name is fun. Alpine nut huggers... ALPINE NUT HUGGERS...
Sounds good but to get the apline really in there, you should include some gin.
*Trebles in Fear and Awe* o_O
Awesome Ideas With No Inititive
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