Khoo said the ratio last year was 3 to 1, which is pretty damn good considering the kind of event it is. I'd expect it'll be a bit better even this year. I'm a guy, but my wife is coming with me this year.
I Definitely don't mind being in a room full of Geeky Men *Drool* since they are my all time fetish. but it just seemed like something worth finding ut
Sylvanbabe on
RankenphilePassersby were amazedby the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
edited August 2006
Holy shit.
Geek is a fetish now?
Rankenphile on
The GeekOh-Two Crew, OmeganautRegistered User, ClubPAregular
Last year, most of the girls i talked to were just there with their boyfriends and/or had no idea what penny arcade was. Pretty damn annoying if you ask me.
Lawl. This poll is amusing. The funny thing is, most of the ladies on the board are only a fraction of those going to PAX. That's because a vast majority of the women going to PAX are already attached, and they're being dragged (or "dragged" with alacrity) to PAX by their boyfriends.
Overall, this poll is going to be dominated by men becuase it's mostly men who are in here. The 3 to 1 ratio that Khoo stated is because guys are brining their wives/girlfriends. My boyfriend "dragged" me to my first PAX in 04, and I've been going ever since.
So guys, good luck finding single ladies at PAX! They're going to be in the minority. As one guy put it after last year's PAX "Every girl at PAX has a boyfriend. Even the girls who weigh 400 lbs and are really guys have boyfriends." Lolerskates.
Astayonix on
Awesome Ideas With No Inititive
IRC - #n37 key=topic
I think I'm going for a plaid skirt trend.... of course my "Rogues do it from behind" shirt.. since i was the girl during the PA Panel yesterday who asked "If Rogues do it from behind, then how do Gabe and Tycho do it?"... hehe...
ill be bringing my wife , but no " dragging " involved .. i was gonna go solo , but after she heard some of the cool stuff that was gonna happen ( and the sushi conveyor belt and krispy kreme ) she decided to ask for the time off
ill actually be hanging out with 2 women at PAX , my wife and a friend who lives in bellvue ..
we will be leaving our monkeys at home however .. i was told id have to pay for an extra pass to get the monkey in ..
Grats. That was their second most awkward convention moment.
Ooh, I'll bite! What was their most awkward convention moment?
It was at comic-con or something, and a guy was all decked out in some crazy costume that involved vynil short-shorts. He came up to Gabe and said "I was embarrassed to come over earlier because I had an erection."
Grats. That was their second most awkward convention moment.
Ooh, I'll bite! What was their most awkward convention moment?
It was at comic-con or something, and a guy was all decked out in some crazy costume that involved vynil short-shorts. He came up to Gabe and said "I was embarrassed to come over earlier because I had an erection."
It was at comic-con or something, and a guy was all decked out in some crazy costume that involved vynil short-shorts. He came up to Gabe and said "I was embarrassed to come over earlier because I had an erection."
Haha, that's right, I remember hearing about that. Poor Gabe. I mean, how do you respond to that?
How about "weiner romp" or "peenmoot"
Yes much more Politically correct
Geek is a fetish now?
Or maybe it was the other way around.
Wait, that's not right.
I don't know about anyone else here, but I know you are my fetish fantasy, Geek =P
Are you going to PAX?
...i'm a dude
I knew it!
Ayliana Moonwhisper Ecksus Cerazal
Overall, this poll is going to be dominated by men becuase it's mostly men who are in here. The 3 to 1 ratio that Khoo stated is because guys are brining their wives/girlfriends. My boyfriend "dragged" me to my first PAX in 04, and I've been going ever since.
So guys, good luck finding single ladies at PAX! They're going to be in the minority. As one guy put it after last year's PAX "Every girl at PAX has a boyfriend. Even the girls who weigh 400 lbs and are really guys have boyfriends." Lolerskates.
Awesome Ideas With No Inititive
IRC - #n37 key=topic
Yeah. Probably.
Awesome Ideas With No Inititive
IRC - #n37 key=topic
You'll just have to steal the taken ones, then.
Ooh, I'll bite! What was their most awkward convention moment?
ill actually be hanging out with 2 women at PAX , my wife and a friend who lives in bellvue ..
we will be leaving our monkeys at home however .. i was told id have to pay for an extra pass to get the monkey in ..
It was at comic-con or something, and a guy was all decked out in some crazy costume that involved vynil short-shorts. He came up to Gabe and said "I was embarrassed to come over earlier because I had an erection."
Was...was he the guy in the Robin costume?
Oh god that picture haunts me.
Haha, that's right, I remember hearing about that. Poor Gabe. I mean, how do you respond to that?
You forget, we've already made a monkey out of her. :winky: