...or at least to the top of that skyscraper.
Like a lot of folks, I love free-roaming games; what I love even
more than free-roaming games, though, are free-roaming games that put a
very large amount of emphesis on the "free-roaming" part. Grappling hooks, synthetic webs, jetpacks, wings, genetically-engineered leg muscles or plain-old handhold finding - to me there's nothing quite like looking up at a massive structure, looking down from its peak a few moments later, and then jumping off towards the direction of safe-landings (or jumping off and beginning a 100-story piledriver with the bad guy I've got in tow.)
Now while I know and have quite a few games that definetily put emphesis on free-roaming, a guy can never be too careful lest he wind up overlooking some precious gem, and so I put it to you people to help find me and other like-minded forumers games where the sky is no longer the limit.
For reference, I've got or know of:
Crackdown (WONDERFUL! Games like this are HIGHLY DESIRED!)
Spiderman 2
Just Cause (though the grappling hook in that one's kinda' dissipointing, though I hear 2's going to be a lot better in that regard)
The mainline modern GTA games
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Armed and Dangerous (not really focused on that, but the jumppack sections are AWESOME, so stuff with similar gameplay to those bits are welcome)
Assassin's Creed (A little mundane, though...)
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (Games with ridiculous amounts of mayhem are also welcome)
EDIT: Oh, yeah, I remember Mirror's Edge and Infamous (don't got a ps3, though) and I've already got Mercs and know about Mercs 2 (Psyched!)
Also, try Mercenaries, not so much jumping/ running, but lots of explosions and aircraft and madness.
Edit: Damn, by a minute.
I can already tell that Mirror's Edge will be my #2 or 3 game of the year, right behind MGS4 and possibly interchangeable with PoP.
also gta san andreas is the best one in terms of crazy extra shit to do
I hope the new one comes close to its awesomeness, but it's a movie tie-in so
It doesn't. Not anywhere near.
UnbreakableVow's got it right. Fortunately, some thoughtful and all-around awesome Penny Arcadian made a thread about the new Hulk game - the short version is it's really, really nowhere near UD, but a few people seem to dig it.
I was totally disappointed.
The general consensus is yes just go play UD and forget about the new game.
I never asked for this!
But it will take more work and the games aren't really built around this kind of idea.
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
Morrowind was much cooler in this regard. They took out a lot of the shit you could make ridiculous. For instance, you could enchant a pair of boots with levitate and something else...can't remember, and you could basically fly all over the island at warp speed.