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FPS Team Tourny

Jaimz11785Jaimz11785 Registered User regular
edited July 2008 in PAX Archive
Anyone coming out to participating with friends? Let's set up a "rivalry!" That always makes things a little more fun right?

Jaimz11785 on


  • Ukali.KulaUkali.Kula Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    Won shadowrun last year..... If there is a Halo 3, Gears Of War, Call of Duty 4 tourney im in....

    Ukali.Kula on
  • MaoChanMaoChan Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    I would love to school some fools on Quake 3 and especially TF2 but since I am flying I am not bringing a computer. :(

    MaoChan on
  • Oz K. FodrotskiOz K. Fodrotski Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    I'm game to rock TF2 / Call of Duty 4 / FEAR Combat on the PC.

    Oz K. Fodrotski on
  • The Angry CeltThe Angry Celt Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    Is there consoles in the FPS tourney?

    The Angry Celt on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2008
    You speak as if there is one single FPS tournament. There are so many tournaments, both FPS and not, PC and console that I wouldn't even know where to start. As the summer wears on, we should get more specific tournament information.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • Ukali.KulaUkali.Kula Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    Last year it seemed as if there were tournaments more often than not. If your going to PAX for tournaments you will be overwhelmed and may not get to participate in every single one. Be sure to register for the tournaments the first day.

    Ukali.Kula on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2008
    Yeah the key to PAX is when they release the schedule, check through it, find all the things you want to do. Then decide between the things that conflict. Then, once you get to PAX, throw it away and just wing it. ;)

    Seriously though, choose the tournaments you want the most, don't try to do all of them because they always run long and you'll either end up missing one anyway or missing something else that you wanted to see/do.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • Ukali.KulaUkali.Kula Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    Yeah the key to PAX is when they release the schedule, check through it, find all the things you want to do. Then decide between the things that conflict. Then, once you get to PAX, throw it away and just wing it. ;)

    Seriously though, choose the tournaments you want the most, don't try to do all of them because they always run long and you'll either end up missing one anyway or missing something else that you wanted to see/do.

    Yeah it seems that only 50-75% of the people that sign up show up, so if the list is full ask to start a alternate list and then go to the tournament when it begins and odds are that you'll make it in. Especially with Console games because many kids play the popular FPS's and they'll register for the tourney and not go... Or people will sign up for any tourney they can just in case they get bored (like that is possible) and they'll go do the tournament so i highly recommend signing up even if it's full.

    - Oh and In the Shadowrun Tournament last year after the tournament ended they felt it was "unfair" so they wanted a rematch which made that tournament go for 2 days....

    Ukali.Kula on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2008
    Uh the shadowrun thing was supposed to happen multiple days...

    The first day there were people on the PC side that had no idea what they were doing.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • Jaimz11785Jaimz11785 Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    First of all, I'd like to apologize for my terrible grammar.

    Second, calm down.

    Third, I was referring to PC FPS team tourneys. Sorry for not being more specific.

    That's weird cuz last year I was able to get into all the tourneys that I wanted to. My friends and I are just interested to see if there are other people who have thought about it. I know the schedule isn't out, but just thinking ahead a little.

    Jaimz11785 on
  • AtwoodAtwood Registered User new member
    edited July 2008
    Really hope that source is back again this year, well run tourny last year.

    Atwood on
  • HighfireHighfire Registered User regular
    edited July 2008
    They throw Source tournaments every year, so I wouldn't worry.

    Highfire on
  • Labrack2401Labrack2401 Registered User regular
    edited July 2008
    Im all in for a CoD4 or Halo 3 tourney

    Labrack2401 on
  • FallFall Registered User regular
    edited July 2008
    Woo, PAX is back again already. Always a ton of fun, especially for the tournaments. I'm hoping for at least two of the following: CSS, TF2, COD4, UT3 or BF2.

    Atwood, were you on the CSS team that went to double OT last PAX in the LB finals? If so, perhaps this year one of our teams will beat the other :) Ties are so bittersweet.

    Fall on
  • TrainwreckXTrainwreckX Registered User regular
    edited July 2008
    Ukali.Kula wrote: »
    Won shadowrun last year..... If there is a Halo 3, Gears Of War, Call of Duty 4 tourney im in....

    Haha, my brother played on the winning SR team. He won a copy of the game. I thought that was hillarious, but hell, now we have 2 copies of the game!

    TrainwreckX on
  • Ukali.KulaUkali.Kula Registered User regular
    edited July 2008
    Ukali.Kula wrote: »
    Won shadowrun last year..... If there is a Halo 3, Gears Of War, Call of Duty 4 tourney im in....

    Haha, my brother played on the winning SR team. He won a copy of the game. I thought that was hillarious, but hell, now we have 2 copies of the game!

    Yeah...gave mine away. I went 16 n 0... and all the peps int he room who werent in the tourney got the pc version...which the crowd consisted of Chris(guy iw as staying with and his drunk friends)....and me and 2 of my 17 year old friends being as im 17... the drunkinness peeps were like 24.... and LOUD... they snuck in flasks with alc.. and swigged that all PAX.

    Ukali.Kula on
This discussion has been closed.