One of the three days I plan on having a BBQ/House Party. A few things though;
1.) I don't know a single one of you. This is ok as long as anyone coming doesn't feel like stealing or trashing my crib.
2.) I'm not about to feed any lazy asses or get you drunk. I will have some food and drink but bring a contribution.
3.) I live very close to the convention center (A ten minute bus ride.) So a suggestion on time and date would be welcome.
4.) If hanging out during good weather in a nice place with cool people and good food sounds like fun I'd like to get some sort of head count.
Oh, so people don't suffer..I have a pc and a 360. That's it

Anyone interested?
If a BBQ is indeed happening, I think my wife and I may be persuaded to bring something from Stewart's Meats in McKenna. I don't know of any better steaks. And if anybody saw the suitcase of booze I brought to Sealab last year, well... maybe not quite so much this year but you can bet I'll bring a fair amount.
There's already a planned pub crawl
With thousands of folks attending I'm sure they can do one or the other.
And I grill a mean steak!
It's happened before. Ruined last year's Sealab.
All hail the Hypno-Spode!
Not to be the bad guy but..can ya?
I sure did when I was under 21. So by not at least making an attempt to monitor age, you'll be open to a lot more liability. It might indeed make you a cool guy, and I think the drinking age in the US is absurdly high, but I myself would never do it simply because of the liability.
Looks good man.
The Sixth Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament Part 1 |
Pokecrawl Episode 4: The Power Of One!
Pokemon X: Atlus | 3539-8807-3813
That's the thing of it. I didn't let them in through the front soo...
No, ok, not really. With one room mate hosting visitors and another just moving in it looks like a bit of furniture smashed into an area that was already drilled for cable. It widened it by several margins.
Ah well. Pub crawl sounds better. More drinking, less watching over my own stuff