hehe, I'm pretty sure this is the first OP I've ever done on PA, so i'm like, nervous...
Anyway, this summer will be my first PAX (Almost went last year know some friends who did) and I live in the 'burbs about 20 minutes from Seattle. Unfortunately I won't be starting at UW until a month later, so I'm stuck commuting to PAX from what I can tell. I've been lurking this section of these forums a lot, reading the FAQ etc., but almost all of the posting here has to do with traveling to PAX, partying in hotels during PAX, and all the massive groups of travelers coming to PAX from around the world. So I've started to get almost worried about PAX from the point of view of the Seattleite. We're not gonna be in the hotels or travel groups, so how do we get in on the party?
Anyway, I'm asking for some insight from some of the PAX veterans. I know it seems like we have it easier, being that we don't have to fork over the dough to fly in, but remember, when you leave the WSTCS to party all night in the surrounding area, some of us might be stuck just going... well, home for the night.
(Washington state convention and trade center)
The best advice I can give is to just make friends at pax (lines, pax activities, and events) and you will probably fall into some kind of room party or something that is going on.
Thats not really the "Full PAX expereince" thats just hanging out all of pax, doing as much as you possibly can, then going to pass out for a few hours to get back up and stand in line for pax opening to start it all over again :P
- Don't add me, I'm at/near the friend limit
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