I would guess that it had something with that survey they posted a few months ago that involved "top secret" things, according to Tycho. It was up for all of about 30 minutes and involved a ton of questions involving RPGs and RPG type things. Just a guess....
arthup on
Do not touch under penalty of "you die"
RankenphilePassersby were amazedby the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
In order of preference, I would want a game then a cartoon, as these things never translate well to animated cartoons. Games occasionally turn out okay.
It's probably a cartoon, though.
Monkeybomb on
Xbox Live Gamertag: Triplemonkeybom
RankenphilePassersby were amazedby the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
edited August 2006
From the XFire chat:
Tycho: Question: sorahiko: (For Tycho) I've noticed that your "blog" posts are often as amusing as the comic itself. With such a natural skill and unique wit for comedic writing, have you ever considered working on other writing projects, such as books or a screenwriting?
Answer: Thank you for saying so. More than consider it, I have actively begun working on extra projects. Expect one to be announced at PAX, and another shortly thereafter.
edit: further down in the interview...
cwgabriel: Question: LeonTheAsshat: I'd like to know PA stands as far Gaming and Publication is concerned and with the huge popularity that has come from such a great series. The rumors of PA The Series has been floating around a lil more actively since E3, but also popularity doesn't place food on teh table to a degree. My Question to both is how you guys deal with events like as well and The Rumor of you moving your offices is a false one?
Answer: We will not be doing an animated series. We've been approached multiple times and it never works at least not any time soon
edit 2:
cwgabriel: Question: What happened to GabeArt?
Answer: I am working on that but it will not be a separate site. We are making a huge announcement at our first Q&A panel of PAX. Once the word is out I will try and do more sketch dumps on the site. I should have plenty of material.
edit 3+4:
cwgabriel: Question: craziivan: Gabe you said animating the PA strip wouldn't work, have ever done any animating otherwise?
Answer: I don't have the patience to animate. And really I am not saying it would not work, just that none of the people who have approached us yet have made us believe they can make it work. I'm not saying PA will never be animated. It just needs to be the right people doing it and we have not seen that deal yet. Like Tycho said all these hollywood types think they are doing you a favor.
Tycho: Question: mittens: Do you (or, even, would you) ever help developers with storylines/art for commercial games?
Answer: Tycho: You are describing my most secret fantasy.
Answer: cwgabriel: Of course that would be a lot of fun I think.
Rankenphile on
The GeekOh-Two Crew, OmeganautRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited August 2006
All I can say is that we damn well better find out what the hell this thing is about:
I love you, Khoo In a very non-creepy way, I promise.
I'm drunk on Giddy right now, having seen the big update. I'm like the guys in Ghostbusters 2 after getting the positively-charged slime dumped all over them... Super huggy and giddy and friendly.
I love you, Khoo In a very non-creepy way, I promise.
I'm drunk on Giddy right now, having seen the big update. I'm like the guys in Ghostbusters 2 after getting the positively-charged slime dumped all over them... Super huggy and giddy and friendly.
I love you, Khoo In a very non-creepy way, I promise.
I'm drunk on Giddy right now, having seen the big update. I'm like the guys in Ghostbusters 2 after getting the positively-charged slime dumped all over them... Super huggy and giddy and friendly.
I love you, Khoo In a very non-creepy way, I promise.
I'm drunk on Giddy right now, having seen the big update. I'm like the guys in Ghostbusters 2 after getting the positively-charged slime dumped all over them... Super huggy and giddy and friendly.
He was the art guy that was posessed by Vigo, Scourge of Carpathia, Sorrow of Moldavia. Then he got hosed down by the Ghostbusters.
I love you, Khoo In a very non-creepy way, I promise.
I'm drunk on Giddy right now, having seen the big update. I'm like the guys in Ghostbusters 2 after getting the positively-charged slime dumped all over them... Super huggy and giddy and friendly.
He was the art guy that was posessed by Vigo, Scourge of Carpathia, Sorrow of Moldavia. Then he got hosed down by the Ghostbusters.
I love you, Khoo In a very non-creepy way, I promise.
I'm drunk on Giddy right now, having seen the big update. I'm like the guys in Ghostbusters 2 after getting the positively-charged slime dumped all over them... Super huggy and giddy and friendly.
He was the art guy that was posessed by Vigo, Scourge of Carpathia, Sorrow of Moldavia. Then he got hosed down by the Ghostbusters.
Aaah, got it. Yeah, I remember now, but the name had escaped me.
All I can say is that we damn well better find out what the hell this thing is about:
You know i saw this thread and I immediatly though "The Geek better post a picture of that thing and demand that we fidn out what that secret is" and here we are.
SoulFury on
The GeekOh-Two Crew, OmeganautRegistered User, ClubPAregular
All I can say is that we damn well better find out what the hell this thing is about:
You know i saw this thread and I immediatly though "The Geek better post a picture of that thing and demand that we fidn out what that secret is" and here we are.
Ask Grath if he likes monkeys.
The Geek on
LegacyStuck Somewhere In CyberspaceThe Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPAregular
edited August 2006
A novel written by Tycho.
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
I wouldn't put my money on a regular full length animated series or anything, but vignettes would be good. Something like that would work real well for the re-birth of techTv (aka, undoTV) currently in the works.
could be an animated series based on their work, not about gaming, something to appeal to a wider audience.
could be sideshow collectible maquettes based on the strip.
I thought the exact same thing.
They did have that one animated short at the first PAX...
Maybe a game?
It's probably a cartoon, though.
Tycho: Question: sorahiko: (For Tycho) I've noticed that your "blog" posts are often as amusing as the comic itself. With such a natural skill and unique wit for comedic writing, have you ever considered working on other writing projects, such as books or a screenwriting?
Answer: Thank you for saying so. More than consider it, I have actively begun working on extra projects. Expect one to be announced at PAX, and another shortly thereafter.
edit: further down in the interview...
cwgabriel: Question: LeonTheAsshat: I'd like to know PA stands as far Gaming and Publication is concerned and with the huge popularity that has come from such a great series. The rumors of PA The Series has been floating around a lil more actively since E3, but also popularity doesn't place food on teh table to a degree. My Question to both is how you guys deal with events like as well and The Rumor of you moving your offices is a false one?
Answer: We will not be doing an animated series. We've been approached multiple times and it never works at least not any time soon
edit 2:
cwgabriel: Question: What happened to GabeArt?
Answer: I am working on that but it will not be a separate site. We are making a huge announcement at our first Q&A panel of PAX. Once the word is out I will try and do more sketch dumps on the site. I should have plenty of material.
edit 3+4:
cwgabriel: Question: craziivan: Gabe you said animating the PA strip wouldn't work, have ever done any animating otherwise?
Answer: I don't have the patience to animate. And really I am not saying it would not work, just that none of the people who have approached us yet have made us believe they can make it work. I'm not saying PA will never be animated. It just needs to be the right people doing it and we have not seen that deal yet. Like Tycho said all these hollywood types think they are doing you a favor.
Tycho: Question: mittens: Do you (or, even, would you) ever help developers with storylines/art for commercial games?
Answer: Tycho: You are describing my most secret fantasy.
Answer: cwgabriel: Of course that would be a lot of fun I think.
I'm drunk on Giddy right now, having seen the big update. I'm like the guys in Ghostbusters 2 after getting the positively-charged slime dumped all over them... Super huggy and giddy and friendly.
He was the art guy that was posessed by Vigo, Scourge of Carpathia, Sorrow of Moldavia. Then he got hosed down by the Ghostbusters.
A child...
Diddley ding dong dangit, Khoo.
I've been waiting on this little scrap of a clip of something for goin' on three years now.
When are we gonna get even a tiny hint more about it?
Aaah, got it. Yeah, I remember now, but the name had escaped me.
Well, plus he straight-up said "We ain't doing no fucking animated series for the foreseeable future" in that interview a number of times.
Same here. A Sam & Max-style adventure game with Gabe's art and Tycho's writing done in a WWII-era alt-universe would be fucking awesome.
I think he might admit to it.
You know i saw this thread and I immediatly though "The Geek better post a picture of that thing and demand that we fidn out what that secret is" and here we are.
Ask Grath if he likes monkeys.
It's probably just a MacGuffin-type thing that Khoo uses to tease us with.
Or some kind of ongoing comic book series.
I could see that
10,000 angry convention attendees proceed to riot among downtown Bellevue
wink, wink, nudge, nudge *cough*Epic*wheeze*hack
could be an animated series based on their work, not about gaming, something to appeal to a wider audience.
could be sideshow collectible maquettes based on the strip.
could be ham.
could be free circumcisions to all PAX attendees.