Because these are always fun, right folks?
This is pretty fucked up
Has anyone heard of this story yet? Basically, in Winnfield, La, a white cop tasered a handcuffed 21 year old black male 9 times and killed him. The local government in Winnfield is apparently amazingly corrupt and the police are sticking to the official report which is full of bullshit and contradicted by every bit of evidence. The cop was eventually fired but no charges have been filed against him or anyone else in the case. Winnfield is 40 miles away from Jena, La. too
My first question is, Does this shit make anyone else mad as fuck?
I've already seen in a few places the idea that since there is a black man with a good chance of becoming POTUS is no more racism in America or at least not enough to actually be of any consequence. How many of you believe that?
Who believes that cases like this one are relatively rare?
How many of you guys think that black people just complain too much and use racism as an excuse to get favorable treatment?
How many of you believe that black people can only blame themselves for where they are in American today?
Do you ever believe anyone who says that they "don't see color"?
Why do most of my question have to do with black people?
Why do white people get pissy because it's not
as socially acceptable for them to use the n word?
... I don't know. I'm a young black guy and this shit actually gets to me. I see so many American white people acting like they are so oppressed in this country and just simply refuse to believe in white privilege.
Look at this idiot. Like, this video could be a perfect comedy routine except that he's serious. But wait, supposedly he has great grades and high test scores so this guy could easily become a senator or something. Fucks like this guy make the laws, man.
what do you guys think?
Granted, the cop was white, and the victim was black, but that doesn't necessary mean anything.
To me it seems like a fucked up cop in a corrupt town who likes to Taser helpless people and went too far, because nobody thought of stopping him (even though it was on record that he was a very prolific taser user).
I don't know if this is a racial thing, and maybe jumping to that conclusion is just a symptom of the stress between blacks and whites in that area.
Racism, in my opinion, will never completely vanish, just as other flaws in human beings will never completely vanish, so in that sense it's not ridiculously surprising. Disgusting, yes. Regardless of how unacceptable racism becomes in society as a whole here in the US in the future, these spots will always exist here and there.
Hopefully some mainstream press can get hold of this and the fucker (cop, obviously) can get a hell storm rained down on him.
Let's face it, we are all, in some degree, biased against certain groups of people.
Its no use trying to be all high and mighty and saying you aren't racist and you think the same of everyone.
We all have our prejudices, and there is no avoiding that.
The real point about being a thinking individual is to understand that these prejudices are illogical and not to act on them.
That's definitely true. I also get frustrated when I see people who refuse to believe they're racist because they're a minority, and that somehow absolves them of any sort of possibility at being racist. I'm Indian, and my whole family is pretty racist. My mother, in particular, is one of the most racist people I know. Yet they refuse to see it as racism, just as "looking out for their own" as if being part of the same race somehow means you're part of some fucked up brotherhood.
I completely agree about everyone having prejudices. It's like Colbert saying he doesn't see color, it's a joke to believe that no one is affected by the media and other preconceptions they pick up in life.
I don't see how assuming that the cop is racist is a huge jump in logic though. I admit that there is a chance the the cop is equal opportunity asshole and the killing had nothing to do with race, but cmon? Reporting that the guy was high off crack cocain and PCP? Would that have used that cover-up if he was a white guy?
Probably not, but that would only mean that he's playing off the prejudices of others, since he's trying to come up with a cover-story that he thinks people will believe.
Notice that the article doesn't exactly make the cop out to be a very nice guy, and kinda assumes he is guilty as fuck right off the bat, so we can rule out a bias in favor of the cop (the bias is probably the other way, because all this is alleged, but you still get the clear impression that the cop is the devil), and yet the only time the racial issue is brought up, it's to say that the black community are saying it was a racist act, even though there is no evidence in the rest of the article to support that.
Since we have already shown that the article is not biased in favor of the cop, there are only two conclusions possible:
1. The article is lacking in information, but there is evidence that this was a racial crime, and that explains the feelings of the local black community.
2. Jumping to conclusions based on personal feelings (White cop kills black guy = racism)
Actually, yeah. The last paragraph of the article: "In less than two years on Winnfield's 20-officer police force, police records show, Nugent ranked as the department's most aggressive Taser user. Among the recipients were a 15-year-old African-American runaway who was not charged with any crime and Pikes' father, currently serving a prison sentence for a drug offense, who was Tasered by Nugent last year, according to Kayshon Collins"
Racially motivated or not, this guy should not be on the street right now.
"The 21 year old Barron Scooter Collins, a convicted drug dealer. "
So, maybe there was more to it than him just being black.
plus the article said he's just a taser happy motherfucker. He tasered a 15 year old black kid who didn't even do anything.
Eh, I'm leaning toward the idea that this cop most likely has some racism in him(like we kinda just agreed on) and is just a major asshole anyway. I'm not really looking for what he did to be classified as a "hate crime", I just want him to be held responsibly for his actions. Drug dealer or no, the man was killed for no reason.
Calling "Racism!" pisses me off. Especially because it is always white on X. You never hear about X on white treatment being classified as racism. I think in some ways Racism is alive an well in the United States. I think their are anti whites, blacks, hispanics, etc. However it is always reported as white racism.
Fuck it. Seriously. Just because your skin is a different color than mine does not mean you get a free pass to act like a tool. When you tell someone to shut the fuck up, or stop doing behavior X it does not make you a racist. If I hate you because your black then yeah I am a racist. If I hate you because its 2 fucking AM and your blaring mariachi music that does not make me a racist. Turn it the fuck down.
If you want to enforce immigration law and deport illegal immigrants, You are racist. Obviously you hate community X and they should be allowed to continue breaking the law. No sorry, I do not care what country you are from, if your here illegally get the fuck out.
If i hate someone because they are an ignorant, a drug dealer, a free loader, annoying, enjoy playing loud music, feel the government owes them a free pass, or just because they rub me the wrong way its not racism. Racism is when I hate you based on your skin color, if i have a good reason to hate you and you call racism i hope you go fuck yourself to death in the path of a speeding bus.
There's the idea that racism doesn't really count if there is no power behind it. Like there is a difference between just maintaining racist ideals and actually using those ideals to disadvantage a person or group of people. racism is racism, but I kind of agree...
I guess a dog is a dog is a dog is a dog, unlike the wolf who made a widower of grandpa
The idea of "reverse racism" is completely stupid to me. I do believe in reactionary racism though.
White ppl are the majority race group in the US and have been since they killed most of the Native Americans. I understand where your coming from, but that's probably why white on x racism is most widely reported.
About immigration, the entire country is stole, I really don't think we have any say on who is here "illegally".
The main reason that X on white racism is not reported in America is that white people tend to be seen as the race that holds the power (which is true in most cases, granted), and when X commits an act of racism against a white person (whether in actions or in speech) it is usually a smaller matter than the other way around.
Racism is still racism without a power relationship in place, it just tends not to have so many negative side effects. Racial violence by minority cops against white people isn't something that gets reported a lot because it isn't something tha happens a lot, because there aren't a lot of black and latino cops in majority white communities.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Anyway you are correct that their is racism that is X on Y. Also lets let the topic of "illegal immigration" go on this one. Personally I believe if you want to change the laws, then the voting populous should change the laws. If your going to break the laws then you should be punished. Heck if the Canadian illegal immigrants want to invade hell I can respect a good invasion. Least its honest. Others disagree, life is funny that way.
The point id like to make, aside from a funny video, is that there are a lot of good reasons to dislike people. Race really does not need to enter into it. If I dislike someone its because i have a reason, not because of their skin color. Couple minutes with a good machete and we all look the same anyway.
Hate people because of how they are, not how they look.
Calling 'Racism!' pisses you off because only non-white people do it to white people? Maybe you should call racism on that.
You don't hear about the other shit because in the vast majority of cases, it doesn't matter. They're white. They don't have to worry about not getting job call backs because they have a black sounding name. They don't have to worry about their credit rating being lower based on the color of their skin. They don't have to pay higher interest on mortgage rates based on race.
I mean really, I could go on and on and on and on here. White privilege is very real and that is why when white people cry foul on racism, people facing real, impactful racism get a bit touchy.
LoL: failboattootoot
But not all white people get to experience it, at least not on any level they would recognize. If you're eating Ramen every night and have trouble sleeping because of nightly sirens, it might not occur to you that you don't have it as bad as someone else.
I think we can agree that across the board, poor people have it shitty too, white or black. Having come from Hicksville U.S.A, I recognize that. In fact, poor people have it so universally shitty that think they would be surprised how much power they wield of they could get over their divisive cultural vestiges, like racism.
Well thats because they look at the demographics and demographically blacks are a higher risk (when it comes to credit and insurance). But hell, it doesn't just happen to happens to everyone. Young people have to pay higher car insurance because young people are prone to have more accidents. And, demographically, black people are more prone to go to jail/commit crimes so cops keep an extra eye on them. Now is that a product of racism? Well I don't have any real proof to affirm or deny that, but could it also be a product of their culture? Once again, I don't have any real proof to affirm or deny that. Look at both perspectives.
And I think that black people that think whites don't get impacted by racism are very ignorant. There are bigots on both sides of the fence.
Very ignorant of....what, exactly? If there's a case of a group of powerful black men systematically shutting whites out of something - jobs or legal representation or health care or something - and it's really well known enough that someone's 'ignorant' for not knowing about it, then obviously it would be no trouble at all for you to supply a citation right about now.
After discussing it with my political science teacher (I know, I know: such an educated, junior college student, m i rite?) I have to believe that white privilege is real no matter your social standing. He was married to a black woman, and he told us stories about things that would happen to her that wouldn't happen to him.
For instance, they traveled across the country one time, and they noticed that, on average, if his wife would book a room at a motel, she would get a more expensive rate. So they decided to experiment, and have her go in first and ask for a price, and then have him go in. Almost across the board his rate was lower, and if they told his wife there were no rooms available sometimes they would say differently for him. He would also get the bill by default at restaurants if he went out with her family. He also saw different ways she was treated at work by the same higher-ups, as they were professors at the same place. Her students also treated her differently, though these could also be sex related.
There are large discrepancies when it comes to the amount of traffic stops both white and black people experience, as well as the severity of the reasons.
Have you heard of The Racial Contract by Mills? It's an interesting read, though, admittedly, I've skipped some of the dry parts. It paints a very bleak picture of the end of racism. Essentially, the only way to eradicate white privilege is to have whites refuse any sort of benefit they get from their skin color, and that's not likely to happen. I know I wouldn't tell a cop to give me a ticket if he were planning to only issue a warning.
There are so many tiny, subtle ways in which racism still exists. These forms of it are so much more difficult to eradicate, too, as there are no real large, structural changes that can be made to fix them. What's more, the problem is almost perpetuated by attempting to teach young folks about other races' cultures, as some sort of contempt will almost certainly be bred, as can be seen by the bitterness that some people hold toward Black history month.
I'm sorry if a lot of this is retreading what's been said here, and I'm also sorry I didn't provide any evidence for my claims aside from anecdotal, but I can later if you wish.
Wise words these
Can you elaborate some? What were you excluded from?
Yes. I totally believe the entire concept of race is a divide and conquer strategy.
Yeah, I kinda have a hard time believing that black people are more prone to commit crimes based... their skin tone or black people being naturally more aggressive or whatever dumb reason someone could think up. What do you know about black american culture?
I think we've all seen some of this. Stupid shit like, "oh why can't white people have a White Entertainment Television." You can only hope they grow out of this by the time they reach 15.
I'll check for this, sounds kinda depressing though.
Being poor and even being descriminated againest, ridiculous as it may sound, should not be a free pass to be racist yourself. I doubt there would be any serious citation as it is likely just the thought of such a study would be deemed racist.
Frankly, there are many forms of socially acceptable racism. The reason I get irrated about racism is that certain minorities are "allowed" to call racism while certain other groups can not.
Thank you for that intensely powerful insight. Again, I request a citation for people getting a "free pass" to be racist.
Oh, but you gave yourself a weasel clause that simultaneously reaffirms your own totally unsubstantiated belief! Good show!
Again, this requires citation. And no, posting a picture of Al Sharpton does not count, unless you're willing to show exactly how he's "socially accepted."
That's because an essential component of racism is power - the power to systematically make other people's lives shittier. Do blacks (or whoever) as a group have that power over you? No? Then it's difficult for me to sympathize with your martyr complex.
It's not like I go up to places and say "HEY, LET ME GET A LOAN... WITH THE WHITE APR *wink nudge*", which apparently is what a lot of people here think.
And coming from someone who has had to struggle for what little bit they got and ended up losing it anyway, the idea of "white privelege" is as ludicrous as it gets.
So hey, where's the artcile about the Phoenix man who died due to getting Tasered that was white?
So, if a poor, unemployed white guy calls a rich and succesful black guy a n----r, that's not racism since the white guy isn't in a position of power over the black guy?
It works in the reverse.
Apparently being a majority revokes ones racism license.