I guess I am curious as to what everyone else out there is doing for PAX, because we are getting stoked as all hell for it, and I wanted to show off what we've done:
I have to give a HUGE thanks to CaptainViolence because he is the artist that painted on the canvas I provided (My '91 Buick Century).
So what is everyone else doing for this auspicious occasion?
*** Sidenote: Please don't steal our idea :P ***
I don't feel that I need to dignify myself with a signature...
dgbauer on
LegacyStuck Somewhere In CyberspaceThe Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPAregular
Crap... I didn't know someone already did it... Oh well. Anyways, on the top is Jesus with the bull horns. And it took us forever to track down the comic with Khoo in it, but thanks! We were extremely happy with the way that turned out.
dgbauer on
I don't feel that I need to dignify myself with a signature...
I'm dgbauer's room-mate, and I have to say, this is the sweetest idea for any occasion I've seen yet (not because I'm involved, because I'm really not, I just get to ride in the car ). I guess I never heard about the '04 one either, but I think this beats that anyday.
But, I wanna hear what everyone else has to say about CaptainViolence's "artwork". (I personally greatly enjoy CV's artwork, but you need to see what he's drawn to understand why. Visit BauerBox.com, and the logo for the site was created by CV.)
Obviously, yours has better art. But I'd say that's the better car.
I would have to agree on the better car thing! I just know that we have put tons of effort into ours over the last 4 days, so with any luck, it will somehow pay off while we are there. Even if it just turns heads. Nobody where I live even really knows what penny arcade is, so they just look at my car and shake their heads.
dgbauer on
I don't feel that I need to dignify myself with a signature...
Yay my car! And man....you guys had paint sticks or something, you trying making a three-foot tall fruit fucker with a weird spray-paint chalk stuff and see how well that turns out on the first try =p
You stole it from someone in 04. :P
Well, they just had Fruit Fucker on their car, but eh.
:^: for Khoo being on front. I would've just went with the whole hood being Khoo's face.
What's on the top?
But, I wanna hear what everyone else has to say about CaptainViolence's "artwork". (I personally greatly enjoy CV's artwork, but you need to see what he's drawn to understand why. Visit BauerBox.com, and the logo for the site was created by CV.)
What are your thoughts about the car?
Obviously, yours has better art.
I would have to agree on the better car thing! I just know that we have put tons of effort into ours over the last 4 days, so with any luck, it will somehow pay off while we are there. Even if it just turns heads. Nobody where I live even really knows what penny arcade is, so they just look at my car and shake their heads.
Also, Khoo kicks ass. That's my favorite one on the car, tied with Jesus.
I saw the yellow one as well in the red lion parking lot when i was crossing over to get to the other hotel.