I'm curious, the contest rules state that in half an hour, the person who does the most damage in the Deadmines wins. This is to be calculated with damage meters.
Thing is, aren't most people going to be able to kill every mob in this instance in a half hour, making the damage meters indentical? Or is this calculated by your highest sustained DPS?
When I first read it I assumed there would be multiple runs, basically each person finishes the instance, zones out and resets, but when i thought about it that made no sense. I'm assuming the damage meter will calculate additional damage that you do above and beyond the mob's HP, (Example, you hit for 1500, Mob has 400 HP, It takes 1500 as the damage) and in that case it's not the fastest to clear the instance but who can hit the hardest, the most times, in 30 mins.
Any Clarification?