Ok, so I'd never heard of this before today.
I imagine you hadn't, either.
But there is, all of a sudden, a trailer:
This is, of course, a tie-in with the big PoP game being released on the HD consoles. It's cel-shaded (and fairly pretty) and the sidekick would appear to be present.
What has me interested is that the controls look primarily stylus-based, which I don't think we've seen on a standard run-and-jump 2D platformer yet.
I'm interested. Are you?
EDIT: trailer:
I'm not sure why, but I think it's the stylus control. Tap this edge to leap to it, tap this hanging-circle thing to go there... okay. Yes, I get it - using the unique control possibilities of the DS is a positive thing - but (perhaps it's my ancient and jaded gamer's heart) I think it would be better served by goin' a little old school. Apart from the 360 degree magic-shooting with Elika (is it Elika?), nothing in that trailer couldn't have been done with a d-pad and two face buttons.
(dirty hippy voice): simplifyyy, man!
Edit: (using the stylus is simpler than a d-pad and two face buttons)
But the trailer shows off some interesting stuff. I'm curious as to how it controls; blend of control pad and stylus? There are parts in the trailer where the stylus isn't doing anything but there's definite action on-screen.
Still, add to list of games to be aware of.
It's like the polar opposite of Warrior Within, and that's still not a good thing.
Anyway I was sceptical about this kind of control in Phantom Hourglass but it turned out to work like a charm there so I'm gonna give The Fallen King the benefit of the doubt for now as well. I'm sure they wouldn't choose this control scheme if they didn't think it added anything to the experience.
Assuming it was good and all, you know.
Good point - and without a hands-on to tell us more, anything else is just conjecture - which I'm more than happy to attempt. In Phantom Hourglass the stylus worked beautifully, you're right. It gave the boomerang in particular great functionality and made sending bombs and arrows at their targets a breeze.
Based on the (limited, which is why this is all surmise) gameplay we've seen, nearly everything we've seen thus far could have been served by the same controls scheme used in, for example, New Super Mario Bros. Aside from the Elika(?) bit.
I'm just playing at devil's advocate here - a review of the actual game as opposed to comments based on a short little video may well reveal that, like PH, the stylus controls allow for gameplay that could not have been possible otherwise. It's worth noting the devil can be a douche and makes a habit of being wrong - losing golden fiddles to boys named Jonny, et cetera.
I'll wait and see how this game plays out before judging it.
It could be great or it could be bad. Can't much tell from the trailer.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
We don't need more cash ins. We need more originality.
Look at the picture of the prince in the corner in the part before the last.
Why does he have grey hair? And look nothing like the prince?
Sort of reminds me of Aladdin on the SNES.
Which is OK in Zelda, because combat isn't in the forefront there. Here, it looks like there's a lot of combat & jumping. Well, jumping isn't fun when it's just "tap here," which is why NSMB barely used the stylus.
Still, it could prove to be more of a supplement to the gameplay, and since Ubi seemed to make good changes to the console version of PoP, I'm optimistic about the DS game. It doesn't look bad, just possibly meh.
I don't think that's the point.