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PAX06 Blog and Live coverage!

altmannaltmann Registered User regular
edited August 2006 in PAX Archive
Check it out peeps!

You can also see the photoset here (just the beginning):

I'll be posting every day a couple of times a day. Spread the word!


Imperator of the Gigahorse Jockeys.

"Oh what a day, what a LOVELY DAY!"

altmann on


  • DJBreslinDJBreslin Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    God damn, that's awesome. Thanks for the pre-pics!

    DJBreslin on
  • jonxpjonxp [E] PC Security Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Is there a link to something other than that one post? Like, maybe a link to the blog itself so we can see updates?

    I couldn't find or figure out a URL for that.

    Also, cool prepics. Too bad Nintendo wasn't set up yet. :D

    jonxp on
    Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
    3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
    PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
  • DocDoc Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2006
    Anyone know who it was that I drive-by nerfed?

    Doc on
  • waderockettwaderockett Tacoma, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2006
    jonxp wrote:
    Is there a link to something other than that one post? Like, maybe a link to the blog itself so we can see updates?

    I couldn't find or figure out a URL for that.

    Here 'tis:

    waderockett on
  • eelektrikeelektrik Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Nice, Khoo playing Steel Battalion... That game was still fucking great.

    eelektrik on
  • jonxpjonxp [E] PC Security Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Good interviews. Looks like I found my PAX coverage site.

    jonxp on
    Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
    3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
    PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
  • altmannaltmann Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Yeah thanks. Digg it for me and pass it around if you can!


    altmann on
    Imperator of the Gigahorse Jockeys.

    "Oh what a day, what a LOVELY DAY!"

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