This is a silly question, I'm sure, but I have to ask.
Since I signed up for the PAX forums, I've been getting e-mails from, which is a site I have never heard of, much less signed up for.
1) Has anyone else experienced this/
2) Can someone please confirm (really just so I can hear it said by someone who knows) that you guys don't sell our info? (Like i said, silly question, but i need to hear it).
Thanks all!
:!!: Current Addiction: World of Warcraft
:!!: Progress: My mage can kick your mage's ass. My hunter can kick your mage's ass, and I'm positive my Shadow Priest can kick your mage's ass also.
I haven't noticed any increase in spam . . . though, gmail is really good about filtering out such things (and I get a few hundred spam mails a day anyway). Never seen anything from that site, either. But if it was flagged as spam, I'd never notice, most likely, so that doesn't really help out :-P
Would check my spam box, but I'm stuck at work, and email is blocked :-(
Out of curiosity, did you sign up as press/media? When I came as media one year, I did get signed up for press releases with a handful of the PAX sponsors (BAWLS being one of them). You can easily unsubscribe to these.
However, in each of the other years I've attended PAX, no new email subscriptions have come my way (I've signed up as a normal human being the other times).
I use a different email address for every site I use. And I can tell you I have received spam at the email address I use on these forums. Not a lot... very little, actually... but it has happened.
Compared to other places, this seems quite secure. It's much more unsettling to me when addresses I give to my banks eventually have spam flowing into them. And not just "mortgage insurance" spam, but the hardcore stuff too.
Would check my spam box, but I'm stuck at work, and email is blocked :-(
However, in each of the other years I've attended PAX, no new email subscriptions have come my way (I've signed up as a normal human being the other times).
I'm sure it's not PAX related, and I trust the PAX forums. It was just oddly coincidental...
Compared to other places, this seems quite secure. It's much more unsettling to me when addresses I give to my banks eventually have spam flowing into them. And not just "mortgage insurance" spam, but the hardcore stuff too.