East Coast PAX registration is now live!
All the really nifty kids are registering now, you should too!
The Details That Have Been Confirmed
When: March 26th-28th 2010
Where: Boston, MA in the Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center
Who: Penny Arcade Inc has the ideas and call the shots, Reed Exhibitions makes it happen.
Original Post:
Tycho just posted
this on the front page:
PAX East Coast: 2010
Friday, August 1 2008 - 12:59 PM
by: Tycho
That's closer than you think.
We promised to bring PAX out there years ago when we spoke at MIT, but it takes us all year to plan and execute one of these. We had a venue chosen at one point, settled on a date, but eventually had to accept that we weren't capable of doing both.
People sometimes call PAX "The New E3," but that never sat right. It's better to say that PAX is everything E3 isn't. We made it the opposite on purpose - public instead of private, fun instead of work. It's about people who make and play games, instead of the games themselves. This is all pretty obvious in retrospect, but for some reason no-one else had done it. It deserves to be on the East Coast. Frankly, it should be global. I'm working on it.
We couldn't do two shows by ourselves - we tried. So we needed a suitor, someone to share the load. We had our choice, really, because you have made PAX the show that everyone talks about. In the end we chose Reed Exhibitions, who had just done the New York City Comic Con - people had good things to say about it. They also did the Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo. Maybe you haven't heard of the second one, but I understand it was quite a party. There are podiatrists who went last year that are still sobering up.
PAX is now a partnership. We still run the show, determine all the panels, choose where it takes place, select the bands, pretty much everything. We are its conscience. Reed provides the logistical muscle. So, that's what's going on. An East Coast show is only the beginning.
Now I want to know if both PAXs will occur at the same time. How fucking sweet would it be to attend both?
If they do happen at the same time that would suck because I would have to decide which one to go to, even
though I live on the East Coast.
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PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
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I just contemplated doing a reverse CCST in addition to the regular one.
I think my brain might explode
Thanks be to Khoo!
Can you imagine all the planning and business meetings he sat through to even get this far?
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
Do you guys think both PAXs will be held at the same time so we can do coast to coast gaming?
The online games would either begin early on the West coast or would run late on the East coast because
of the time zones.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
Hugely popular, because people are more centrally located and easier to get together
I seriously doubt it. It would suck to have a PAX where you don't have Jerry and Mike there for everything...
Run late seems better, but I personally think they shouldn't be going on at the same time. I'd love to see one in the winter, though.. I think that'd be awesome. :P
newspost says 2 shows. so pax EC is in addition to seattle PAX.
id guess the majority of the effort would be for seattle pax so it will still be hueg :P
Khoo has said in the past that PAX will always have some form in Seattle.
However this is crazy news. I would definitely make the pilgrimage. I'm kind of too stunned to fully process this right now though.
You speekth the truth o' wise one.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
PSN: theIceBurner, IceBurnerEU, IceBurner-JP | X-Link Kai: TheIceBurner
Dragon's Dogma: 192 Warrior Linty | 80 Strider Alicia | 32 Mage Terra
That's pretty much the exact same thing I thought.
But... driving in snow bad, but throwing snow fun. ;(
Excellent news though.
You need to alternate it though. Not 2 PAXes a year. one year East Coast the next West, etc
I know Seattle PAX will live on, but I mean the individual spirit of it is now going to be split over 2 venues.
I'm having a hard time keeping my anticipation for this August in check, never mind 2010!
Very true.
Of course, two shows do leave the Memorial Day/Labor Day option open...
It'll obviously be in a major city, so I'd just like to put it out there that it would be insane to travel by anything but train if it's available. $Amtrack < $automobile gasoline < $plane, no worries about parking, and seating for all.
PSN: theIceBurner, IceBurnerEU, IceBurner-JP | X-Link Kai: TheIceBurner
Dragon's Dogma: 192 Warrior Linty | 80 Strider Alicia | 32 Mage Terra
However, I'm also pumped, and would totally make the trip and have fun. I hope it starts small and 24 hours like Ye PAX of Olde!
Yeah, I was just thinking about how nice it was living near Seattle and not having to pay to get to Seattle... and then suddenly, this mysterious news post pops up! I guess there's still another year of it being only in Seattle, though...
We're actually still running both - it's a partnership between us and Reed, so not a whole lot is "changing." Just giving us the ability to really grow the show while letting us focus on all of the PAX-ey type things that make the show fun.
Right there with you. I'm going to be there if I have to walk.
No wai... There would be blood.
I lol'd.
Aren't Seattle's hotels more expensive?
The more I think about it, the more I think it'd be a bad idea, but... it still sounds fun...
Don't you dare tell me how to travel. Besides, I've got people Jersey-side.