I met my... now ex-girlfriend... on the interweb. she's now one of my best friends. so yeah love can truely blossom over t3h interweb. probably not like this though.
it'd make more sense to ask for a friend code in person, or just be like "Hey wanna play" or something. lol
Hey - I know a lot of people who have either met on the internet, or use it as their main means of communication.
Tril + Pola (Trillian lives down the road from me, and Pola is one of the coolest kids every), as well as two of my best friends. One has a girlfriend in kentucky who he's been with for 4 years, the other met her boyfriend online (a artist for Rockstar), and they're getting married next year.
But seriously, she was cute, but looked like she was taken. However, she does play one hell of a game of Ouendan. Last I saw, she was stuck on RSG on hard.
Well, you picked a good person to have on your team.
Yeah, but the guy hosting chose RSG on Insane, so I was annhilated, and held her back. Came back towards the end of the song though, so it wasn't a complete disaster.
The proposed legislation stems from an investigation into an Enumclaw, Wash., farm, where a 45-year-old man died on July 2 from internal bleeding due to a perforated colon resulting from having sex with a horse.
Story at 11.
it'd make more sense to ask for a friend code in person, or just be like "Hey wanna play" or something. lol
Tril + Pola (Trillian lives down the road from me, and Pola is one of the coolest kids every), as well as two of my best friends. One has a girlfriend in kentucky who he's been with for 4 years, the other met her boyfriend online (a artist for Rockstar), and they're getting married next year.
It's definitely possible.
Good luck to him, though. And hopefully she doesnt think he's creepy or anything lol
How about actually talking to her when you have the chance instead of pussing out and then stalking her on the Internet?
But seriously, she was cute, but looked like she was taken. However, she does play one hell of a game of Ouendan. Last I saw, she was stuck on RSG on hard.
Your wife is pretty hot, though. :winky:
[spoiler:5e8db4b14e]I do not know who your wife is, nor have I seen her.[/spoiler:5e8db4b14e]
Hmm, the girl in question has pink high-top converses and stickers on the top of her DS.
Then again, it wasn't a Lite now that I think about it. Carry on.
Edit: Also she wasn't asian.
Yeah, no stickers on her lite, but is also stuck on RSG on the fourth level. Funny coincidence. Girls with pink DSes and Ouendan...
Well, you picked a good person to have on your team.
Cymoro: Noel on the forums has a pink DS and plays Ouendan.
Yeah, something like that.
Edit: Let me reiterate that she was hella' cute.
you're kinda cute
wanna meet up at the mall
i have a van
good show.
Pedophiles win, flawless victory.
I want somebody to film a re-enactment of this thread and have Mila Kunis play everybody.
where are you?
she may have stolen your heart but you'll be the one going straight to fucking jail if this goes any further
this guy wants you
I wouldn't say no.