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Idea: Indy Game competition for next year

DarkphibreDarkphibre Photographer / Programmer / Data Scientist / GamerRegistered User regular
edited August 2006 in PAX Archive
What with XNA coming out today, it dawned on me that it would be great if PAX07 had an independent game competition. There's always been a "Pitch your game idea" panel, and a "Breaking into the undustry" panel. Why not take it to the next step and see what people are doing?

I'm not sure that E3 will continue their indy competition, if people would be able to staff their booth (only show it a couple hours a day?), or the logistics of determining a winner... but I thought I'd throw out the idea.

You did say we should be thinking of creative ways to use that space. ;)

Gamertag: Darkphibre, or Me for Halo!, flickr

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