
Gunstar Heroes

ZombiemamboZombiemambo Registered User regular
edited August 2008 in Games and Technology

Gunstar Heroes is a run 'n gun shooter developed by Treasure for the Sega Mega Drive. As far as I know, it's pretty celebrated around here and for good reason.

The plot is very important in the same way that DOOM's plot was important. It revolved around Golden Silver, the God of Ruin, a robot programmed to suck the energy out of planets and destroy them. Many years ago, the Gunstar Heroes defeated it and sealed away its energy source - four mystical gems - in the moon. The Gunstar Heroes then sealed themselves in capsules and went into a deep sleep. All was well...

...Until a madman named General Gray decided to revive Golden Silver, believing it would bring him to Utopia. With his agents Pink, Black, Orange and Green (one of the former Gunstar Heroes now under his control), General Gray extracts the four gems from the moon. The Gunstars are awakened to stop Golden Silver once and for all.

GH can best be described as Contra with faster gameplay, more bullets, more enemies, more bosses and more explosions. It's an adrenaline rush from the moment you start until the moment it's over. The Metal Slug series must have taken a que from this game. A quote from a random site I found on the internet:
Gunstar Heroes is just one of those great "kitchen sink" moments when a group of creative people are finally given the freedom to do everything they've ever wanted. How else can one explain the sheer diversity present from start to finish? Notice, first, your choice of two main characters. In addition to firing guns, you can also throw enemies, jump kick, body dive, slide, hang from ceilings, or even block. Your choice of weapons is determined by collecting various power-up icons, and then combining them into new weapons. Want a flamethrower? How about a laser gun or a lightsabre? Would a homing beam be more to your style, or would you prefer streams of red bullets?

What I like most about GH is definitely the sheer number of choices you had to dispatch your enemies. Not only did it have 14 weapons, but the aforementioned hand-to-hand combat, throws and blocks. You can even grab the bombs thrown at you and toss them back.

It also shows an incredible technical mastery of the Genesis. The action on-screen can get more hectic than Metal Slug at times and still doesn't show any signs of slowing down, there are explosions and bullets all over the screen and gigantic bosses, all animated with great fluidity.

I always have trouble wrapping OPs up, so...discuss? Appreciate?

Zombiemambo on


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    ZeromusZeromus Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    This is the first game I bought on Virtual Console

    Zeromus on
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    BlueBlueBlueBlue Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I played the one on the gba first and it ruined the genesis one for me. I think it looks ugly?

    BlueBlue on
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    slash000slash000 Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Bah! The Genesis game looks and plays glorious. It's brilliant. A true classic. One of Treasure's finest. A gem of the 16-bit era.

    slash000 on
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    KrisKris Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    This was one of my first VC purchases as well. However, I have yet to play past the first level. Am I a bad person? D: I've been meaning to play through it all, if that's any consolation.

    Kris on
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    SteevLSteevL What can I do for you? Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Treasure blew everyone away with this game, which also happened to be their first.

    Black has built a silly dice maze! Go!

    SteevL on
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    DualEdgeDualEdge Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I keep telling my friends to buy this game on the Virtual Console, but they're too busy with Mario to play one of the finest 2D games ever made.

    DualEdge on
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    ZxerolZxerol for the smaller pieces, my shovel wouldn't do so i took off my boot and used my shoeRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    SteevL wrote: »
    Treasure blew everyone away with this game, which also happened to be their first.

    Black has built a silly dice maze! Go!

    Oh god fuck that level.

    Zxerol on
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    slash000slash000 Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    That level is ten times worse in Gunstar Super Heroes.

    slash000 on
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    FremFrem Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I really need to find a Genesis cart for this. I discovered it through a website which must not be named a while back and loved it. It's like a faster paced mega man with new guns and powerups constantly being thrust upon you all the way through the level. Just because of the sheer speed of it all, it might be harder than some of the mega man games.

    Frem on
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    DualEdgeDualEdge Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Is there anything more satisfying than using your friend as an improv weapon and chucking them into a group of enemies while getting points for it?

    DualEdge on
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    GunstarGunstar Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    i like this game

    Gunstar on
    Xbox : gunst4r
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    AaronKIAaronKI Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I saw this at Insert Credit today. I think this it's relevant. Spoilered for large image.
    Yesterday I watched a youtube video for Gunstar Heroes Game Gear, just for fun. If you've never seen or played the port, you should take a look - it's nothing short of a technical marvel. They squeezed almost everything that's important about the game into a tiny cartridge. Anyway, one thing that caught my eye was a comment from Youtube member SeekingRapture. Here it is, formatting intact:

    I beat Gunstar Heroes when I was 10 years old.
    It was the best game I ever played.
    It was my most favorite game for Sega Genesis.
    I miss playing it.

    Poetic, right? Even in its grammar flubs. So I asked Persona to draw it - and he did. And what you see to the left is the result. It is great.

    AaronKI on
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    KaimakaKaimaka Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Gunstar Heroes is a run 'n gun shooter developed by Treasure for the Sega Master System. As far as I know, it's pretty celebrated around here and for good reason.

    Master System? Gunstar Heroes is a Mega Drive / Genesis game. After a quick google search apperently there was a rare port to Sega Master System and Game Gear but even so most people will be familar with the Mega Drive version.

    I bought Gunstar Heroes on Virtual Console and played it with my brother. Next time we're in same city we have to finish the fourth level and the game.

    Kaimaka on
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    DeMoNDeMoN twitch.tv/toxic_cizzle Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Gunstar wrote: »
    i like this game

    I don't believe you.

    DeMoN on
    Steam id : Toxic Cizzle
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    Handsome CostanzaHandsome Costanza Ask me about 8bitdo RIP Iwata-sanRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I played this game at my friends house as a kid and was amazed by it. I never knew the name of it though until years later.

    It was also my first VC purchase.

    Handsome Costanza on
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    ZombiemamboZombiemambo Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Kaimaka wrote: »
    Gunstar Heroes is a run 'n gun shooter developed by Treasure for the Sega Master System. As far as I know, it's pretty celebrated around here and for good reason.

    Master System? Gunstar Heroes is a Mega Drive / Genesis game. After a quick google search apperently there was a rare port to Sega Master System and Game Gear but even so most people will be familar with the Mega Drive version.

    I bought Gunstar Heroes on Virtual Console and played it with my brother. Next time we're in same city we have to finish the fourth level and the game.

    Sorry, meant Mega Drive. Little mix up there.

    Zombiemambo on
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    DouglasDangerDouglasDanger PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    what's the difference between gunstar heroes and gunstar super heroes?

    DouglasDanger on
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    SixfortyfiveSixfortyfive Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    what's the difference between gunstar heroes and gunstar super heroes?

    Gunstar Super Heroes is a GBA remix/pseudo-sequel that reuses and tweaks a lot of the content from the original game with some drastically changed gameplay. It's mostly competent, the controls are better (no more sticking to free or fixed shot only), some parts of the game (notably Green / Seven Force) are even more awesome than their original incarnations, and the tweaked scoring system gives me a little more incentive to replay and improve, but it's a very uneven experience. It was obviously rushed. I can't think of any other way to explain why Pink's robot in the first level has no attacks (when it was shown using some in a preview video) and why some levels (the DESTROY THEM ALL stage, most notably) are just painfully barren and short.

    Sixfortyfive on
    poasting something foolishly foolish.
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    Conan-sanConan-san Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    This is the post wherein I admit it wasn't my first VC purchace and that was Kirby's Adventure.

    Conan-san on
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    RichardTauberRichardTauber Kvlt Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I never got into the Gunstar Heroes for the gba because whenever I got used to doing one thing, there would be a new stage and something else to do. I mean, collecting birds? Yeah, great fun when I want to shoot things.

    RichardTauber on
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    UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Never played Gunstar Heroes. When I run out of stuff to buy on VC that I already know from first-hand experience is awesome, this will be first up.

    UnbreakableVow on
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    SixfortyfiveSixfortyfive Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I never got into the Gunstar Heroes for the gba because whenever I got used to doing one thing, there would be a new stage and something else to do. I mean, collecting birds? Yeah, great fun when I want to shoot things.

    But I liked Flicky. :(

    There was also some sort of Altered Beast-ish stage that was cut.


    Sixfortyfive on
    poasting something foolishly foolish.
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    John QuixoteJohn Quixote Registered User new member
    edited August 2008
    I played this game all the time back when I had the Sega Channel. Definitely one of my favorites.

    Seven Force is still one of the greatest videogame bosses of all time.

    John Quixote on
    get down tonight
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    major_tommajor_tom Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Man, i've been sorely tempted to pick up a mega drive just for this game. I would pick it up on VC but I suspect the PAL release is a hobbled 50Hz borderrific joke, just like most of the PAL VC stuff.

    60Hz please, Nintendo. Our TVs can cope now. :|

    major_tom on
    This is what i get for caring about gamercards...
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    SixfortyfiveSixfortyfive Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    If you're going to buy a console for Gunstar Heroes, you should get a PS2 that can play Japanese games or just mod your existing one.


    You get:

    - Gunstar Heroes (JP MD version, US GEN version, beta MD version, JP GG version)
    - Dynamite Headdy (JP MD version, US GEN version, JP GG version, Brazil SMS version)
    - Alien Soldier (JP MD version, PAL MD version)
    - superplays + replay record function
    - lots of design doc materials and concept art

    Only drawback is weak sound emulation.

    Worth it for Alien Soldier alone, though, as the original goes for lolhueg prices.

    Sixfortyfive on
    poasting something foolishly foolish.
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    EddieDeanEddieDean Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Gunstar Heroes was the last game I played before I sold my Mega Drive.

    I sold my Mega Drive :(

    EddieDean on
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    major_tommajor_tom Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    If you're going to buy a console for Gunstar Heroes, you should get a PS2 that can play Japanese games or just mod your existing one.


    You get:

    - Gunstar Heroes (JP MD version, US GEN version, beta MD version, JP GG version)
    - Dynamite Headdy (JP MD version, US GEN version, JP GG version, Brazil SMS version)
    - Alien Soldier (JP MD version, PAL MD version)
    - superplays + replay record function
    - lots of design doc materials and concept art

    Only drawback is weak sound emulation.

    Worth it for Alien Soldier alone, though, as the original goes for lolhueg prices.

    You sir, are a legend. I had no idea that collection even existed. And I flip-modded my PS2 the day I heard that Okami was going to take six ferking months to hit euroland (though I have no idea how I held out that long).

    To play-asia!

    major_tom on
    This is what i get for caring about gamercards...
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    piLpiL Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I love this game so damn much. A lot of my game purchases when I was younger, I'm not necessarily proud of. I bought the Toy Story 2 game, for example. But this, along with PSIV, Zombies at my Neighbors, and General Chaos are proof that I always had good taste! Too bad I missed the opportunity to buy Shadowrun off some guy I knew.

    But Gunstar Heroes, so so so so good. It's definitely a once-a-year game for me. I tend to favor a lighting-fire combo, though when I was younger and less-competent, I discovered that lighting-chaser is the key to easy success and lets you focus all your energies on dodging. My only complaints is that, even though I love the board game section, it is very difficult to make it through with an unskilled partner, making the game difficult to show off.

    But those complaints are minor. I think Gunstar Heroes is pretty close to a master work in the field.
    doesn't show any signs of slowing down

    Not entirely true, I recall slowdown on Pink's stage in both the VC version (first game I bought on the VC too!) and my cartridge copy. But it's super rare, especially considering how much stuff was going on on that screen at any time.

    piL on
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    SixfortyfiveSixfortyfive Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    There's lots of noticeable slowdown when you're playing 2P actually, especially on DESTROY THEM ALL, but that level is all about throwing around as many enemy sprites as the Genny can crank out.
    piL wrote: »
    I tend to favor a lighting-fire combo

    High five.

    LOUD AUDIO, btw.

    Sixfortyfive on
    poasting something foolishly foolish.
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    Conan-sanConan-san Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    major_tom wrote: »
    Man, i've been sorely tempted to pick up a mega drive just for this game. I would pick it up on VC but I suspect the PAL release is a hobbled 50Hz borderrific joke, just like most of the PAL VC stuff.

    60Hz please, Nintendo. Our TVs can cope now. :|
    Yeah, I wish Nintendo would get a freakin' clue in that regard.

    For the record, it is 50hz, Borders, Final Destination.

    Conan-san on
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    DelzhandDelzhand Hard to miss. Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    The difficulty on this game is directly related to the weapon you choose. If you use the homing laser like a little bitch, it's really easy. Otherwise it's quite hard.

    Delzhand on
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    ZombiemamboZombiemambo Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Delzhand wrote: »
    The difficulty on this game is directly related to the weapon you choose. If you use the homing laser like a little bitch, it's really easy. Otherwise it's quite hard.

    I used the homing laser pretty much all of the last level. There was no way I could finish some of those parts without it.

    Zombiemambo on
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    SixfortyfiveSixfortyfive Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Delzhand wrote: »
    The difficulty on this game is directly related to the weapon you choose. If you use the homing laser like a little bitch, it's really easy. Otherwise it's quite hard.

    Doesn't apply on higher difficulties. The homing weapons generally are too weak to kill everything fast enough at that point. Some weapons only really work well depending on whether you choose Free or Fixed controls, too.


    Sixfortyfive on
    poasting something foolishly foolish.
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    RainbowDespairRainbowDespair Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    If you're going to buy a console for Gunstar Heroes, you should get a PS2 that can play Japanese games or just mod your existing one.


    You get:

    - Gunstar Heroes (JP MD version, US GEN version, beta MD version, JP GG version)
    - Dynamite Headdy (JP MD version, US GEN version, JP GG version, Brazil SMS version)
    - Alien Soldier (JP MD version, PAL MD version)
    - superplays + replay record function
    - lots of design doc materials and concept art

    Only drawback is weak sound emulation.

    Worth it for Alien Soldier alone, though, as the original goes for lolhueg prices.

    Or you could just get a GameTap subscription as all 3 of those games are available there.

    RainbowDespair on
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    SixfortyfiveSixfortyfive Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    If you're going to buy a console for Gunstar Heroes, you should get a PS2 that can play Japanese games or just mod your existing one.


    You get:

    - Gunstar Heroes (JP MD version, US GEN version, beta MD version, JP GG version)
    - Dynamite Headdy (JP MD version, US GEN version, JP GG version, Brazil SMS version)
    - Alien Soldier (JP MD version, PAL MD version)
    - superplays + replay record function
    - lots of design doc materials and concept art

    Only drawback is weak sound emulation.

    Worth it for Alien Soldier alone, though, as the original goes for lolhueg prices.

    Or you could just get a GameTap subscription as all 3 of those games are available there.

    Including the beta/SMS/GG/international versions and the extra features? :P

    The Japanese version of Dynamite Headdy is like a completely different game from the one we got. The US version is obscenely difficult at times.

    Sixfortyfive on
    poasting something foolishly foolish.
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    RainbowDespairRainbowDespair Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    If you're going to buy a console for Gunstar Heroes, you should get a PS2 that can play Japanese games or just mod your existing one.


    You get:

    - Gunstar Heroes (JP MD version, US GEN version, beta MD version, JP GG version)
    - Dynamite Headdy (JP MD version, US GEN version, JP GG version, Brazil SMS version)
    - Alien Soldier (JP MD version, PAL MD version)
    - superplays + replay record function
    - lots of design doc materials and concept art

    Only drawback is weak sound emulation.

    Worth it for Alien Soldier alone, though, as the original goes for lolhueg prices.

    Or you could just get a GameTap subscription as all 3 of those games are available there.

    Including the beta/SMS/GG/international versions and the extra features? :P

    The Japanese version of Dynamite Headdy is like a completely different game from the one we got. The US version is obscenely difficult at times.

    No, but then again $60 for a year of GameTap is probably a lot cheaper than modding your PS2 and buying the Treasure Collection. Plus you get access to hundreds of other quality games (including Puzzle Quest, Planescape: Torment, the Fallout games, and pretty much everything and more that's included in the Genesis & Neo-Geo PS2 collections)

    RainbowDespair on
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    SixfortyfiveSixfortyfive Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    No, but then again $60 for a year of GameTap is probably a lot cheaper than modding your PS2 and buying the Treasure Collection.
    It probably isn't. Not by much anyway. Games in the 2500 series retail for 2500 yen (~$25). EDIT: Actually, it seems modding is cheaper. Not sure of the reputability of this specific store, but that's the product and type of case I use.

    And I don't like subscription services anyway. Playing Gunstar on the Sega Channel was awesome in 1995-1997, but I prefer to have a permanent copy of games that I'd like to, you know, actually keep.

    Sixfortyfive on
    poasting something foolishly foolish.
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    Colour Out of SpaceColour Out of Space Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Delzhand wrote: »
    If you use the homing laser like a little bitch


    My friend and I played this constantly. He'd play Gunstar Blue, fixed shot, with some powerful projectile; I'd play Red, free shot, with the homing laser. He mostly got gun kills while I would jump all over the screen like a monkey, grabbing bombs, enemies...my friend... and throwing them while my homing laser wore down some of the larger baddies. Still my favorite game in the world. On the dice maze we'd spend more time just throwing and catching the die than actually progressing on the board.

    Colour Out of Space on
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    fragglefartfragglefart Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Oh man, Gunstar Heroes.


    fragglefart on
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    JeiceJeice regular
    edited August 2008
    Delzhand wrote: »
    If you use the homing laser like a little bitch


    My friend and I played this constantly. He'd play Gunstar Blue, fixed shot, with some powerful projectile; I'd play Red, free shot, with the homing laser. He mostly got gun kills while I would jump all over the screen like a monkey, grabbing bombs, enemies...my friend... and throwing them while my homing laser wore down some of the larger baddies. Still my favorite game in the world. On the dice maze we'd spend more time just throwing and catching the die than actually progressing on the board.

    Throwing the die was the greatest! When the die could be thrown by either P1 or P2, my bro and I went crazy trying to see who could get the last throw in. Much fun was had by all.

    Ah, I'm feeling nostalgic now. When I get home from work, I'll dig up my old sega genesis and play this game again.

    Jeice on
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