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Super Smash Brothers tournament- pictures

grnfalcogrnfalco Registered User new member
edited September 2006 in PAX Archive
Does anyone have any pictures from the super smash bros tournament i was too busy playing to get any and i would like to have some of my second place finish.

grnfalco on


  • XRXR [E] LULK ILRegistered User regular
    edited September 2006
    I actually taped the finals match. I will try to put it on YouTube when I can figure out how to compress .mpg files. Both matches are 200 MB large.

    XR on
  • B:LB:L I've done worse. Registered User regular
    edited September 2006
    XR wrote:
    I actually taped the finals match. I will try to put it on YouTube when I can figure out how to compress .mpg files. Both matches are 200 MB large.
    Did you tape any other matches or tournaments? Beat the Pros? 8)

    As for compression, I guess you could use something like DivX.

    B:L on
    10mvrci.png click for Anime chat
  • XRXR [E] LULK ILRegistered User regular
    edited September 2006
    I didn't tape any of the other tournaments. Didn't think about it.

    I complied the video (~45 MB). It now on YouTube.

    XR on
  • XRXR [E] LULK ILRegistered User regular
    edited September 2006
This discussion has been closed.