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PC Tournament Feedback for PAX '06

Dr. DeezeeDr. Deezee Registered User regular
edited September 2006 in PAX Archive
First off, I'd like to thank everyone who played in the PC Tournaments this year, and apologize for not having this thread up earlier. I'm currently without my computer and it's tough for me to be on internets, but I'll try my best to watch this thread.

I'm Deezee and I was directly responsible for the CS and DoD tournies, but I did some minor assistance on the BF2 tourney and I ended up removing myself from the UT tourney to help it get back on track. The other tourney admins were mainly Ghrog and Fall(out). DiscoDave helped run the UT tournament and a guy from Infernalan (I want to say it was Gary) ran the War3 tournament.

Some known issues:
-Wait times. Wait times are a bother, and everybody hates them. I know we tried our best this year to diminish them. Part of the reason that wait times are so long is because we have less machines than particpants to work with. Take, for example, the CS tourny: we had 80 machines available for the first 3 hours, but we had 160 players in the tournament (and 20 or so not so happy players we had to turn away). This means that the first round is more like two rounds of 16 team brackets -- you have to sit down the first eight matches and play them before you can play the second eight. If there's a delay in the first set, you end up having to tell the second set that they need to come back later, and you stand the chance of being wrong again.... and so on.

- The BF2 tourny. I can't speak to it except to say that it caused the CS tourny to start about an hour late and thusly finish about an hour late. Sorry for that.

- Prizes. This issue, I've been told, is currently being broached at the highest levels of government. ;)

Part of the reason the PC tournaments didn't run as well as they could have was because I came back on board for PAX about three weeks before the event. I had moved to Salt Lake City, UT about two months before the event and figured I couldn't go; at the last minute I decided to come anyway. Therefore, the tournament admin team wasn't as coordinated before this event as we will be before the next one.

This is the thread where you can yell at me, tell me I suck, and convince Khoo and/or DiscoDaisy to fire me. ;)

Dr. Deezee on


  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited September 2006
    Gary Briggs and Matt Royer, both from Infernalan, ran the WoW tournaments and Warcraft3 tournaments, respectively.

    David Coffman on
  • ctishmanctishman Registered User regular
    edited September 2006
    If you'd be so kind as to let Mr. Briggs know, it's "World of Warcraft" rather than "Worlds of Warcraft".


    ctishman on
    Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited September 2006
    lol, I'll mention that next time I see him. ;)

    David Coffman on
  • Xenocide GeekXenocide Geek Registered User regular
    edited September 2006

    I'm the captain/team leader of the dubbed "imaginary" team for CS:S, if you remember us.

    So, my only complaint about the tournaments was the wait time that you talked about in your post. Waiting for two hours/two and a half hours in front of the PC tournie room started to get a bit boring. ;)

    But I understand that shit happens and you guys have a lot of stuff to run, so I wasn't very upset. Until I lost in the first round.

    Xenocide Geek on
    i wanted love, i needed love
    most of all, most of all
    someone said true love was dead
    but i'm bound to fall
    bound to fall for you
    oh what can i do
  • Dr. DeezeeDr. Deezee Registered User regular
    edited September 2006
    Yours was a special case where you were scheduled to play a team that was in the BF2 tournament finals and ended up dropping out of the CS tournament due to frustration...

    So yeah, I'm terribly sorry about making you wait that long (my goal with tournaments is to try to eliminate as much time spent doing nothing for the player as possible), but at the same time, it really was out of my hands. What we did end up doing was giving you a bye, so really, you were eliminated in the second round ;).

    Dr. Deezee on
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