Dear PAX attendees,
Three years ago I ran into Tycho at E3 and he urged me to come to PAX. "The future of gaming is there, and it has kids." I came, I helped out with a few panels, and I saw. He was right. I've been envisioning a GamerParent revolution (a time when gaming parents - not non-gamers rate and judge games) for a decade now and I've run GamerDad for 5 years. Tycho was right, something special was happening in Seattle.
Last year I took my wife and performed an hour-long speech about gaming and children. It went over well. I also filled in for a few panels again, and I did an hour-long speech about Politics and the History of Gaming when the ECA's Hal Halpin had to cancel and the political panel was in jeopardy. That went over even better, garnering a write up in Seattle's The Stranger newsweekly. My wife, GamerMom, was impressed with the show. We had a great time. Energized, we headed home and almost one week later...
I had a massive heart attack. Then another one in the hospital. An emergency quadruple bypass operation stopped that nonsense. While in the hospital, GamerMom asked for help. Gabe posted it on the front page of Penny-Arcade (showing here (scroll down to Gabe's message)) and over 1000 people - industry leaders, game developers, celebrities, my audience at GamerDad and YOU - donated money. Each message told me to soldier on, each dollar amount was dwarfed by the collective hug that came largely from this wonderful community.
I'm proud to be speaking at PAX 08. Even if you're not a parent, come to hear me say thank you. Come to hear me talk about what's good about gaming. See me preview concepts from my new book. Come join the GamerParent Revolution and come see why Tycho was right...
PAX is the future of gaming. And it does have kids. It's time for more gaming with children.
(To test the patience of the admins, here's a link detailing the above and also talking about what I've accomplished this past year - mostly because of your generosity)
GamerDad: Gaming with Children Speech
2:30-3:30 Sunday at PAX!
I hope I can catch your panel this year. I didn't get a chance to at '07!
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Looking forward to the panel.
Aw forget it. I'm not your dad.
Thanks for all the kind words and I will be available for interviews, etc., hope to see a bunch of you guys there.
Andrew S. Bub "Gaming with Children"
Second, i'm unfamiliar with your site, but as I looked over it I can only say that it's well done and I really appreciate what you bring to the table.
I, myself, am a gamerdad. I make sure to game with my daughter and we have a great time. This year, she will not be attending PAX with me, but perhaps sometime down the road if she has the interest.
So, well done. Unfortunatly, I will not be able to attend Sunday, which means i'll miss your panel but I wish you the best of luck and again, congrats on the site.
Andrew S. Bub "Gaming with Children"
Andrew S. Bub "Gaming with Children"
i'm curious as to why you feel pax isn't for kids. i definitely appreciate your ideals most of of the time, but i feel that there is plenty for kids at pax, far more than at e3. granted, i'd personally rather the kids quantity be minimized, but i don't see anything bad at pax for them.