Mike (Gabe) has said on the podcast that his favorite joke is when someone says a big word or hard word
which allows him to ask if the word is another word. Damn it is hard to explain. Here's an example:
Tycho says: "...imprimatur..."
Gabe interrupts and says: "Is that when someone visits their old school?" (alma mater)
Tycho says: "...pogrom..."
Gabe interrupts and says: "You mean one of the first Americans?" (pilgrim)
Tycho says: "No."
Gabe interrupts and says: "Oh it's a fruit right?" (Pomegranate)
To the point!
Whenever possible (like at a QnA) I think we should try to use a few large words that he could riff of of.
If Gabe takes the opprotunity, it will brighten his day!
So does anyone have some big words that we can use?
Penny Arcade TV makes my life complete!
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
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As in "Irrumate my tumescence!"
As in "Most contemporary games are meretricious drivel."
I'll find some more when I get home to my Mencken Chrestomathy... which reminds me that you could ask Jerry (Tycho) "Are you ever going to write a Chrestomathy?"
lol my words are breaking the spell check. I'm coming for you Jerry!
it'd be nice if we can yell at people to get to the question at pax, too.
Well they're not for you.
Well played
Awesome Ideas With No Inititive
IRC - radeon.slashdot.net #n37 key=topic
I am not suggesting a question. I am suggesting that those with questions attempt to insert a big word or two
into their planned question.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
*commits seppuku*
Are you doing it in true ninja fashion, with a buttered frisbee?
~ Buckaroo Banzai
i got one!:
It's more *real* and *ultimate* without butter. But frisbee none-the-less!
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
You asked if Annarchy was available at 06. You have no absolutely jurisdiction over these proceedings. Turn in your badge.
I can't tell!
TrainwreckX is correct, my declarations would only be salacious to a lexiconnoissuer (a word invented by Tycho no less).
- Don't plug your website/comic, no ones going to write it down, we're here for Penny Arcade.
- If you MUST thank them indivudually for PAX, then three words will suffice "Thanks for PAX". Believe it or not the room isn't filled with tons people wanting to hear individual messages of thanks. They know we're glad they do it... because we're in the room with them. Thank them at autograph signings when you have time with them.
- The room IS filled with tons people wanting to hear Mike & Jerry talk... not you. So be quick & to the point. Ask open ended questions which allow them to elaborate.
- You don't need to try (and fail) to be funny with your question, just ask questions which could lead to interesting/funny stories.
Speaking as somebody who's moderated a panel at PAX, I would say all of the above is far too restrictive, almost if not to the point of being a jerk. Who are you to say what is and isn't funny? Yeah, a lot of people have failed to be funny, and a fair number have succeeded, should we miss out on the latter because you're afraid of the former? I have no problems with somebody quickly mentioning their site, so long as they don't go on and on like an advertisement. People have memories, and if I'm interested I'll remember the site and look it up. Each thing must be judged on its own merit, not absolutely precluded categorically.
And really, you get to the point of saying be short, sit down and shut up. On that count you are just being a jerk. Have there been people who go on too long? Of course. But to say again, categorically, that every question that requires exposition or backstory or whatever should be precluded would have eliminated some past things of value and by extrapolation would limit or mitigate value in the future.
The only thing I agree with is that they don't need to be thanked with a paean by each person, and the only thing I would add is nobody should ask about Clan Walrus. For fuck's sake, that gets asked every year, they should just put it in the show program and when somebody asks 'What's with the CW?' G&T should just say look at the program.
Dude. None of those words are the least bit cromulent.
Then you're not paying attention. It's been mentioned and explained in news posts, and asked at least three or four times in PA panels, and for chrissake, everything thing Tycho touches with a signature is prefixed with (CW).
The point is I will judge for myself what interests me. I don't want something potentially interesting precluded based on the preferences of others.
Cry me a river. I'll try not to impinge too much on your platinum-plated time.
So by your own admission, this is a solution looking for a problem.
In summary and in short, it is always better to err on the side of free and unimpeded discourse. Let each be judged after, not before, the fact.
I can live with all the other stuff, since you already agree with me on the most time eating part.
I see CW all the time in Tycho's newsposts; it doesn't mean I automatically know what it means.
edit- This helps. From 2005, no less
Come on now. Having someone stand up for 5 seconds and say, "Hi, I'm Site Whorrington. I run DirtySiteWhores.com. That's d-i-r-t-y-s-i-t-e-w-h-o-r-e-s.com. Got that? Okay, I have a question about.....(relevant question or observation here)" is NOWHERE NEAR as bad as people STANDING OUTSIDE OF PAX... WEARING MONTIORS... trying to decry and belittle the very event they're standing outside of every day of its run. Sure, I'll roll my eyes a bit, slump down in my chair, and die a little inside with the former, but the latter just makes me want to pimp-slap a site-hoe.
There's a BIG fucking difference there.
Awesome Ideas With No Inititive
IRC - radeon.slashdot.net #n37 key=topic
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
No, Jerry (Tycho) himself coined lexiconnoisseur (I notice I reversed letters the first time), and it's a good word. Nobody knows how to invent good words anymore. William Shakespeare invented 1700 words single-handedly according to most estimates.
Perhaps, perhaps not. I cannot speak for ET. However, the former, as used in his statement, is a fine example of the neologism created by Tycho.
~ Buckaroo Banzai
I have no problem with someone saying "Hey, I'm from PlugMyWebComic.com and I want to know where you got your inspiration for the characters haircuts."... but it seems like every year theres someone who just gets up there and rambles about their site like we're supposed to remember them or something.
The other stuff about getting to the point just kinda came to mind from the 5 minute thank you speeches people feel inclined to give that details their epic journey from Renton and how much they appreciate it. Or a rambling 10 minute back story about NOTHING and then a "Who'd win a fight?" question... I'm sure people who are left standing in line at the end of the event would prefer people get to the point.... but yeah that doesn't mean you have to RUSH anything... just have an idea of what you want to say before you get to the mic.
If your question requires a setup... then set it up... and I of course some people might ramble nerviously with all those eyes on them so thats not a big deal... but it seems many people just don't know how to communicate normally...
I think everyone remembers the hilariously funny and interesting "mumbler" from last year that wasn't at all uncomfortable or a waste of time... thats what I meant by don't TRY to be funny. If you are funny... or you have a funny story... go ahead.
It's not like any of the things I've mentioned are HUGE problems and really need to be laid out in the rules...I was just kinda ranting on behavior that annoys me. I want to hear some funny/insightful things from Gabe & Tycho... so I want people to ask good questions that promote that type of dialogue... not too much to ask I think.
He catches words like pokemon and levels them up until they get special attacks and shit (confuse, shock, quick attack, etc.)
Edit: From my first result in a google search for Clan Walrus
"Hi, I'm new to the whole Penny Arcade thing. And trying to describe it to my family is hard. Can you describe Penny Arcade in 5 words?"
Tycho after a bit came up with, "Penny Arcade is a comic."
Now that's just brilliant.