Knowing that Photosynth was coming (I thought it'd arrive much sooner), I took a ton of photos at the various booths last year with Photosynth in mind. I've been sitting on these photos for this last year, waiting...
for yesterday! As soon as it was announced, I was uploading my images. And
here they are! Relive last year while getting psyched up for next week.

Some of them didn't turn out quite like I'd hoped (the
HaloClix Scarab, for instance, has some wonky navigation).
But the
Paizo and
Pink Godzilla Booths came out especially well. Just zoom into the Pink Godzilla display case to your left, and you'll be able to make out the fine print. 8-)
The servers seem to be under a bit of strain, so if a page doesn't load, you may need to hit refresh.
Hope you enjoy! And, if you want your photos in this year's synths, let me know in
this thread when you post your picture locations.
that is awesome by the way, we definitely need to capitalize on it this year! :twisted:
Looks like I took around 50 per booth. And yes... I'm hoping lots of people give me authorization to include their photos in my synthing attempts. As I told Mr. Khoo and the guys:
It will be an interesting experiment."
Dark Fibre: Fiberoptic cable placed in anticipation of future demand
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}