I've been going to PAX since the first year in my old hometown in Bellevue, though I missed 2006. Either way, after seeing how crazy PAX was last year I am defo looking forward to 2008. I've never had the opportunity to go to any of the infamous PAX parties. I would like to, though, since partying with a bunch of geeks from all over America in overstuffed hotel rooms sounds fun. Any tips on how to get the party hook-up as some one who isn't much of a forum-goer despite my PAX experience?
problem solved ^_^
buttttttttt in all seriousness... go to all the events and talk to people.. i'm sure if you bring up a party or something a long those lines that you could get invited
ps i didn't try doing that... i was just kind of relying on sealab that i was invited to ><
pps it should work though ^_^
I know of one really big party that I can get you into. Send me a PM.
Is this a private party or what? I'd love to attend some parties, as this is my first PAX.
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
The Sixth Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament Part 1 |
Pokecrawl Episode 4: The Power Of One!
Pokemon X: Atlus | 3539-8807-3813
I need to find those parties. NEED.
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I know the answer is "No." but I'm also afraid I won't meet that goal either.
Comic Con was a general disappointment. I hope PAX alleviates that.
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everyone that goes to E4All
I found it far easier to master the art of button mashing, so I can hold my own in any fighter casually without having to actually learn *that* fighter. :P
Except MeeOK is going to enjoy PAX.
The folks at E4Shitty are gonna love having the chance to buy Target stuff while not being at Target.
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<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
whats... pinkberry? lol
sorry dude. that was last year.
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Oh, the pressure!
It's Frozen "Yogurt". Delicious. Might be just in California and NY but the frozen yogurt thing seems to be proliferating quickly with many different "brands".
Behold, Pretentious Hipster Food.
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Damn it... I can never keep up with the trends anymore. Alright time to come up with plan B, Curious George or Sponge Bob?
curious george... for sure!
i actually have two stuffed animal curious george's...
*walks away quietly hoping no one heard that*
Just as long as they don't get too curious.
it's the only way they know how to be!
Mine as well. I'm excited!!! PAX + Party (to be found) = Best weekend ever!!!
I am SO in on that conversation, as long as you don't mind me blathering on about emotions in game and referencing God of War chains of Olympus and the Darkness as examples of narratives that nail a sense of loss while fully embracing the interactive nature of the media they are presented in.
Yikes, I really need to stop overthinking this stuff...
Get me in too! =D
And no it isn't fake, leaf I have no reason why you would even suggest that.
But reading about the Sealab party and what happened was disappointing. I was really looking forward to such a party... So I think that this is a perfect thread...
Suffice to say this is my only vacation I'll go on all year and I really want to party it up
they could feets of couragouesness
5 story beer bongs
eating a glass plate
steve-o'ing a glass of liquor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvLdJ20xeV4 you just can't use hands like that guy!
why you make a party... a party
and... etc. lol
Anyway, if you are interested, I will give you a flyer for it as I only have enough room for so many.
But...if you wish, email me at holey@iconicesports.com and I will give you the information.
It's the 28th, the 29th, and the 31st
See you there!
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