So yeah, I'm looking forward to the freeplay areas as potential for a place where a lot of impromptu tournaments can happen, so I figure maybe we should coordinate some things, like who's interested in playing what as multiplayer and versus games go.
I'm not familiar with how the areas are set up, and what consoles are up for grabs, but for example, I plan on bringing a bunch of the usual suspect Dreamcast games, like Last Blade 2, Garou/Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves, Rival Schools: Project Justice, Bomberman Online, etc., and Street Fighter Alpha Anthology for PS2.
Would anyone be down for bringing along certain popular fighting and/or versus games for some assorted competitions to take place? If so, maybe we can start listing preferences for potential get-togethers here.
I plan on bringing my DC along for the hotels if nothing else, if that helps.
(Alternatively, maybe we can set up some stuff for that also.)
you might be able to work something out with the guys runing cfp
There will be events occuring within the console freeplay area, especially because ideas like your own are very common ground and are highly appreciated within the Console Freeplay area. There are likely to be game-specific stations setup, but no details on what's up.
It is possible we may be able to arrange something, depending on availability.
Your best bet is definitely to go to the console freeplay and address your suggestions there.