Does anyone going to PAX want to make an easy $20? I'm not attending, but I really want one of those PA: Rain-slick Precipice of Darkness Collector's Editions that they're selling at the PA and Hothead booths. I could PayPal someone the cost of one + shipping + $20 for the hassle if they'd be willing to pick one up and ship it to me.
Others might be interested in this as well, so it could be an easy way to make some money for someone out there.
Are they limited or anything? If I don't have to worry about making it my first line up, I'd be willing to pick it up for a fellow fan. If you cover the price and shipping costs, that's all I'd need.
I'm not sure how limited they are, but yeah I don't expect you to rush right over and fight for one. If you head over when you get a chance and see if they still have them, I'd really appreciate it. And I'd obviously cover any expenses (cost + shipping + whatever) you incur.