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Battlefield Heroes Tournament Team Finder!

on3nightstanon3nightstan Registered User new member
edited April 2015 in PAX Archive
hi! my name is stan and I'm a former top pro-player (Team HOT) looking to build a Battlefield Heroes team for the tournament. currently, I have myself and another former top pro-player (20ID) looking to fill up the remaining slots.

Name: Stan P. (on3nightstan)
Xfire: l3ssTaLKmor3rock
Team: Team HOT
Experience: numerous BF2142 & ETQW championships,

Name: Nick G. (BizZ or NikkiTheKnife)
Xfire: NA
Team: 20ID
Experience: multiple BF2 championships, several BF2142 championships

if you are interested, please contact me via replying to this thread, PAX forums or email ""!


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  • mtea32mtea32 Registered User new member
    edited August 2008
    Top pro-player..... lol comedy central. Tell me what you've done to make you a top pro player. It's funny how you didn't mention what game it was. I once beat magic carpet on the sega saturn without dieing. I'M SO PRO!!!

    mtea32 on
  • geeeeoffffgeeeeoffff Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    i'll be honest. i'm a mediocre fps player who would really like to have some fun in a battlefield heroes tournament. so if you're looking to put together a team i'm up for it.

    geeeeoffff on
    GD on paforums
  • PliskiN|SnaKePliskiN|SnaKe Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I'm in with geeeeoffff. I'm looking forward to this new BF, looks interesting. I'd like to play up, pro.

    Not sure if I'll go with my snake tag or Stanger, or something completely different just because I can! I'm no 1337 pro circuit player, but I'm a team player and was very good in CS, CoD and DoD (out of 10 for fps 1337'5, I'll give myself a 7). I prefer being an underdog (I mean, the least good in a group of better players) because it helps me play better to meet the challenge.

    PliskiN|SnaKe on
  • qNovApqNovAp Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    sent a PM

    qNovAp on
  • RaslinRaslin Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I'm totally down for this. I have a tendency to get good at games really quickly. People eventually get better than me, through sheer time played, but I tend to get quite good quite fast.

    Raslin on
    I cant url good so add me on steam anyways

    3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
  • PliskiN|SnaKePliskiN|SnaKe Registered User regular
    edited August 2008

    Sound good Stan? And everyone? I won't be there Friday at sign-ups at 2 to get us in, but I'll be there to play.

    Also, if you need my name at sign-up, Bruce M. The M stands for dangerous.

    PliskiN|SnaKe on
  • ninjownedninjowned Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Me and two friends are interested in playing. We're all fairly good at games when they first come out and I'm an avid fps gamer (among other things of course) So we're looking to find three people. Probably find them tomorrow at sign in, but it'd be nice to get them now :D

    ninjowned on
  • ThePimpImpThePimpImp Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    We have a team of 4 of us that are looking to get in on this. We are all in BYOC, so will be online all weekend and will likely just register a team.

    ThePimpImp on
This discussion has been closed.