Ok, so my wife and I are driving up from Eugene today and somewhere past Portland she asks me, "So, you remembered your pass, right?" Of course I didn't. I can picture it stuck to my fridge in my nice cozy house where I wouldn't forget it, but I'm an idiot. I know I can buy another one at the door tomorrow, but I just wanted to see if anybody happened to find themselves up here already and happen to have an extra pass they would be willing to sell. I'm in the Sheraton, so somebody please sell me your pass.
Survivor of PAX '06 (BALL!), PAX '07 (Don't be a Dick), PAX '08 (Bad Horse), PAX '09 (H1Nerd1), PAX '10
ethically, i think it would be okay for you to go to the will call booth and claim that your pass did not arrive in the mail. i don't think you should have to pay twice.
No! But i did that last year 100 miles out from my house in vancouver, OH MY GOD NO WA! I started freaking out and my friends are like what what?! and im like i forgot my pass..
Suddenly, forgetting my hair moisturizer seems like no big deal.
KaitouAyashi on
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: i will nom all of your boxes
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
Things may have changed, but I was a +1, in 2006, and we both received new badges, and had our pre-reg's to spare.
Just a thought.
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~