I scored 1 Fallout Vault-Boy Puppet as well as one of the big Fallout 3 Posters done by Gabe. Bonus!
I got seriously lucky at the Fallout 3 booth today, in that I stood there and ended up with the controller in my hand within 15 minutes. Interestingly enough, there was no defined line at the Fallout boothes until right after the panel. A buddy of mine considered playing, but we ended up moving on.
I also scored a Left 4 Dead shirt whilst standing in line to play the game. It took an hour to get through the line, but I had a lot of fun chattin' up some nice people.
Dammit, I really want a Left 4 Dead shirt.
Like, I would kill a small child to get one.
I was one of the first ten or so people in line on Friday, and all I got was a poster.
Seriously, if anyone wants to perform a swag trade with me, let me know.
I really want a large Left 4 Dead shirt.
The one I got was long-sleeved too, which was extra bonus.
I will tell you, that they're not all that exciting. It's an all black shirt (front and back) with the Left 4 Dead written logo (i.e. no hand or anything) on the left side of the chest. It's pretty minimal.
Still though.
It's a free haircut, which is like 10 dollars, plus a sixty dollar game.
That's basically 70 dollars for HELL spraypainted on the back of my head that I can rinse off in the shower in about 3 minutes
I did it today. Yeah, the Hell came right off in the shower when I got back to my room. And yeah, while they're cutting your hair, you write down your name and address on a sign-up sheet, and you can choose from the PC, 360 and PS3 versions that they'll mail when the game is done.
I got a Vault Boy puppet today also, and some little black and white ball that switches color everytime you toss it that I haven't been able to stop playing with.
On Friday at the beginning, I think some booth was giving out these little plastic balls.. when you toss them up in the air or shake them or something, the white sides flip over to reveal a black side. I really really want one of these.
It's the Iron Chef booth if you want to grab one tomorrow.
-14 t-shirts total
-over 9000 rockstar stickers
-cool pacman bouncy ball
-bawls and white cheddar popcorn (yummmmm)
-a pretty girl checking me out
-fan guards
-snap bracelets
-annoying clicker things
-and a passionate back rub.
I won one of the champions online packages. Backpack, ping pong gun, skateboard deck.
BTW, not really swag, but the absolute worst raffle I went to: ITT Tech. I'm not interested in enrolling, but they had some sort of murder mystery thing, which they claimed would only take 20 minutes. Since I'm interested in problem solving, I decided to sign up. What followed was maybe 30 minutes long, consisting of the weakest murder mystery ever. There was no actual crime solving involved, it's basically long lecture where they walk you through everything. At one point, you solve a sodoku puzzle to figure out an encryption key, which opens up a file that the murderer left on the victims computer. The file states the full name of both the killer, and the person who hired him. Some mystery!
Ok.. Its not really great Swag, but the Darth Vader and the Stormtroopers that are wandering the exhibition floor are handing out patches (A rebel patch, and an Imperial Patch). To acquire one of these patches (From Wizards of the coast), go play the Star Wars Miniatures Demo in the Annex, and they'll give you a miniature when you're done. Show the miniature to Vader or the stormtroopers, and they'll hand you one of the patches. (Maybe both today)
On Friday at the beginning, I think some booth was giving out these little plastic balls.. when you toss them up in the air or shake them or something, the white sides flip over to reveal a black side. I really really want one of these.
Also the weighted companion cube keychain thing on the back of the card for PreGameLobby.. alas.
Antec Veris external HDD enclosure
City of Villains*
Battlefield 2*
RB6 Vegas 2*
Tabula Rasa*
Nintendo DS Case*
PS3 Coffee Mug*
Lots of lanyards
Razer Hat and Wristband
Two EVE Online T-shirts
EGM Magazine
Full Metal Alcehmist TCG*
Lots of other crap...
*got from Prize Booth
I also bought:
Rainslick Special Edition
PAX08 Razer DeathAdder
I wish I could hate you to death T-shirt
Queen Brewer on
<Moe_Fwacky> once i had next door neighbors
<Moe_Fwacky> nice girls
<Moe_Fwacky> lesbians
<Moe_Fwacky> robbed drugstores together
-7 Shirts
-3 bags of stickers posters... that lame shit.
-The Starcraft pins
-Brothers in Arms Hells Highway
-Ass whooped by PMS MISSY
-Free entrance to next years PAX... RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE
Ukali.Kula on
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited September 2008
The coolest things I got I think would have to be the posters that Chris Taylor was signing and giving away at the Pre-PAX Dinner. That guy is so cool. Also, a Tabula Rasa shirt I got for free just by telling the guy at the NCSoft booth that I owned the collectors edition, that was great. I do wish I got a PAX sticker pack though, I wanted the window sticker lol. Oh, the empty can of Brawndo was cool too, those guys were awesome. XD
I didn't spend near enough time in the expo hall though..
I will totally agree with brew, but just seeing all that we all saw was well worth it, everything we saw this weekend was win from the RvB panel to the Omegathon Final round. It was all epic. Even being able to take a friend to PAX that has never been to one made it worth every penny.
well besides that dick at the Sheraton :P
woodoosticka on
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
fukin lol, the guy that was telling everybody to get outside, then yelling at us some more for blocking the side walk, and nobody was listening to him. (this was the buttoneers gathering today BTW)
It wasn't free, but I got a full, 3-disc set of Club Nintendo game soundtrack CDs from Pink Godzilla, as well as the Mario Galaxy soundtrack (also Club Nintendo exclusive). Totally worth the money.
I didn't get much swag, but all of it was awesome/has an awesome story.
Alienware Bag and other crap: So, the swag itself is pretty lame, though the bag was nice for carrying my other swag. However, I got to run around the exhibition hall on friday yelling "I Love Alienware!" constantly. I got some weird-ass looks.
Defiler: I played a lot of warhammer 40k this weekend. On the tournament today(sunday), I actually didn't do too well, but one of the winners worked for games workshop, and didn't want his prize, so basically raffled it off(actually, we Waaagh'd off for it). It was a defiler, a $40-45 dollar vehicle. I don't play chaos, but my friend does, and has wanted one. I'll end up trading it to him, for other stuff. Best actual swag I got.
Anamanaguchi: Something small, but I talked to the anamanaguchi guys, trying to set up a show with them in california. I know a couple guys who set up those kinds of things, for chiptunes specifically, and I may middle-man that.
Nerdcore: A few awesome things here. Finally met up with a lot of the nerdcore artists. Got a picture taken with Ytcracker, Beefy, Nursehella, Ultraklystron, and myself. Got YTC and Frontalot to sign my Pax guide.
Overall, I got the least swag of any convention I've been to... but the best swag. No shirts though, sadly.
I really think that the functional swag was INFINITELY cooler that the random posters that some were handing out.
I nabbed:
1. vol. 5 of Penny Arcade from M$
2. nerf gun w/ laser scope from M$
3. DoW 2 T-shirt that fits from THQ
4. Some cool looking plastic monster from Privateer Press
5. A coin for the Munchkin card game that gives you random perks (rules listed on their website) beyond those in the game
6. Free drinks from the Champion's guys; and best of all
7. A gift certificate to a local Games Workshop store (!!)
Two other friends picked up games from Sony and the company pitching Hell's Army (plus the haircut heh). A third got one of those HDs from the frag girls.
I don't think anyone I went with was on a treasure hunt and we still scored some excellent things. I was having a blast even without the goodies, but boy were some of those things nice. Maximum respect to all the official and semi-official exhibitors that put some of those things together.
I wish I had gotten a vault boy puppet. I think my fondest memories of the con will include the vault boy dance routines at the Omegathon finals.
Otherwise, look, I don't mean to be a gloating dick, but the $3,000 Blackbird gaming rig with the custom RSPD case that my fiance and I won sort of takes the cake for best stuff.
dovirstrgn on
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
Anamanaguchi: Something small, but I talked to the anamanaguchi guys, trying to set up a show with them in california. I know a couple guys who set up those kinds of things, for chiptunes specifically, and I may middle-man that.
Anamanaguchi is really cool like that. Me and a friend of mine showed them our 1337 filming skillz and footage of the [entire] Freezepop show the night before and they loved it, so they offered something rather cool to us, like maybe "officially" covering some of their shows. We just need to send them some of it when we get it captured, edited, and all that stuff. Still, just the thought of it thrills me. Oh, and getting on a mailing list for them so they can send us their upcoming album for free. Those guys rock.
Mine would be the Guild Wars and Tabula Rasa mouse pads at the NCSoft booth. I was talking to Regina (new Guild Wars PR Manager) and a lot of the developers and asked them if I could get some mouse pads. They gave me 1 Guild Wars one and 3 Tabula Rasa ones. :-D
Anamanaguchi: Something small, but I talked to the anamanaguchi guys, trying to set up a show with them in california. I know a couple guys who set up those kinds of things, for chiptunes specifically, and I may middle-man that.
Me and a friend of mine showed them our 1337 filming skillz and footage of the [entire] Freezepop show
Do share. ;p
Psychoish on
SpawnOfCthulhuAlso that Snifit guy.Gig Harbor, WARegistered Userregular
I wish I had gotten a vault boy puppet. I think my fondest memories of the con will include the vault boy dance routines at the Omegathon finals.
Otherwise, look, I don't mean to be a gloating dick, but the $3,000 Blackbird gaming rig with the custom RSPD case that my fiance and I won sort of takes the cake for best stuff.
I was one of the starting people doing the puppet dance.
Also, did anyone else notice the puppet way far away from the group jacking-off?
I scored a 9800GTX from the LOTRO booth raffle for Solving the mines of moria riddles. that was pretty slick. I really wanted one of the ramen shirts from InstantAction.com. Anyone consider a trade for my Fallout 3 puppet? XL?
Foo_Dog on
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
Anamanaguchi: Something small, but I talked to the anamanaguchi guys, trying to set up a show with them in california. I know a couple guys who set up those kinds of things, for chiptunes specifically, and I may middle-man that.
Me and a friend of mine showed them our 1337 filming skillz and footage of the [entire] Freezepop show
Do share. ;p
Don't worry, we will. We don't have the greatest camcorder/tripod, but the footage we shot with what we had was amazing quality, especially the audio which was surprising. I'm just slightly disappointed in how much I moved it around during that first concert... My buddy Rob (aka Woodoosticka) is rendering a bunch of it now, but I honestly have no idea when we may be able to get it uploaded. I'm sure within the week, but I can't say.
I scored 1 Fallout Vault-Boy Puppet as well as one of the big Fallout 3 Posters done by Gabe. Bonus!
I got seriously lucky at the Fallout 3 booth today, in that I stood there and ended up with the controller in my hand within 15 minutes. Interestingly enough, there was no defined line at the Fallout boothes until right after the panel. A buddy of mine considered playing, but we ended up moving on.
I also scored a Left 4 Dead shirt whilst standing in line to play the game. It took an hour to get through the line, but I had a lot of fun chattin' up some nice people.
Like, I would kill a small child to get one.
I was one of the first ten or so people in line on Friday, and all I got was a poster.
Seriously, if anyone wants to perform a swag trade with me, let me know.
I really want a large Left 4 Dead shirt.
is it possible they will be doing this tomorrow
I'll do it, my hair's already pretty short
The one I got was long-sleeved too, which was extra bonus.
I will tell you, that they're not all that exciting. It's an all black shirt (front and back) with the Left 4 Dead written logo (i.e. no hand or anything) on the left side of the chest. It's pretty minimal.
Just sayin'.
I also won the approval of G&T to turn "Armaddeadon" and "Paint the Line" into a live action comedy.
And many memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life...there's still one day to go, and I already want to come back next year
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
I need to find a way to obtain this item to add to my current collection of 5 or so t-shirts
I'd say i ninja'd some sweet loot
*passes out from sheer epicness*
I did it today. Yeah, the Hell came right off in the shower when I got back to my room. And yeah, while they're cutting your hair, you write down your name and address on a sign-up sheet, and you can choose from the PC, 360 and PS3 versions that they'll mail when the game is done.
I got a Vault Boy puppet today also, and some little black and white ball that switches color everytime you toss it that I haven't been able to stop playing with.
It's the Iron Chef booth if you want to grab one tomorrow.
now thats swag
Is there some secret underground Fight Club I should know about?
-14 t-shirts total
-over 9000 rockstar stickers
-cool pacman bouncy ball
-bawls and white cheddar popcorn (yummmmm)
-a pretty girl checking me out
-fan guards
-snap bracelets
-annoying clicker things
-and a passionate back rub.
BTW, not really swag, but the absolute worst raffle I went to: ITT Tech. I'm not interested in enrolling, but they had some sort of murder mystery thing, which they claimed would only take 20 minutes. Since I'm interested in problem solving, I decided to sign up. What followed was maybe 30 minutes long, consisting of the weakest murder mystery ever. There was no actual crime solving involved, it's basically long lecture where they walk you through everything. At one point, you solve a sodoku puzzle to figure out an encryption key, which opens up a file that the murderer left on the victims computer. The file states the full name of both the killer, and the person who hired him. Some mystery!
The Blades raffle was pretty inventive, though.
Ok.. Its not really great Swag, but the Darth Vader and the Stormtroopers that are wandering the exhibition floor are handing out patches (A rebel patch, and an Imperial Patch). To acquire one of these patches (From Wizards of the coast), go play the Star Wars Miniatures Demo in the Annex, and they'll give you a miniature when you're done. Show the miniature to Vader or the stormtroopers, and they'll hand you one of the patches. (Maybe both today)
I seemed to miss all the shirts or other swaggy bits this year
MYSTERIUM 2014 Spokane, WA
Unwritten: Adventures in the Ages of Myst & Beyond
Also the weighted companion cube keychain thing on the back of the card for PreGameLobby.. alas.
Antec Veris external HDD enclosure
City of Villains*
Battlefield 2*
RB6 Vegas 2*
Tabula Rasa*
Nintendo DS Case*
PS3 Coffee Mug*
Lots of lanyards
Razer Hat and Wristband
Two EVE Online T-shirts
EGM Magazine
Full Metal Alcehmist TCG*
Lots of other crap...
*got from Prize Booth
I also bought:
Rainslick Special Edition
PAX08 Razer DeathAdder
I wish I could hate you to death T-shirt
<Moe_Fwacky> nice girls
<Moe_Fwacky> lesbians
<Moe_Fwacky> robbed drugstores together
-3 bags of stickers posters... that lame shit.
-The Starcraft pins
-Brothers in Arms Hells Highway
-Ass whooped by PMS MISSY
-Free entrance to next years PAX... RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE
I didn't spend near enough time in the expo hall though..
Nothing that wont end up in the garbage after a while
Old E3 gave out the best swag, like the 360 faceplates, or sketches by famous game artists, trinkets and what not.
well besides that dick at the Sheraton :P
fukin lol, the guy that was telling everybody to get outside, then yelling at us some more for blocking the side walk, and nobody was listening to him. (this was the buttoneers gathering today BTW)
It wasn't free, but I got a full, 3-disc set of Club Nintendo game soundtrack CDs from Pink Godzilla, as well as the Mario Galaxy soundtrack (also Club Nintendo exclusive). Totally worth the money.
Alienware Bag and other crap: So, the swag itself is pretty lame, though the bag was nice for carrying my other swag. However, I got to run around the exhibition hall on friday yelling "I Love Alienware!" constantly. I got some weird-ass looks.
Defiler: I played a lot of warhammer 40k this weekend. On the tournament today(sunday), I actually didn't do too well, but one of the winners worked for games workshop, and didn't want his prize, so basically raffled it off(actually, we Waaagh'd off for it). It was a defiler, a $40-45 dollar vehicle. I don't play chaos, but my friend does, and has wanted one. I'll end up trading it to him, for other stuff. Best actual swag I got.
Anamanaguchi: Something small, but I talked to the anamanaguchi guys, trying to set up a show with them in california. I know a couple guys who set up those kinds of things, for chiptunes specifically, and I may middle-man that.
Nerdcore: A few awesome things here. Finally met up with a lot of the nerdcore artists. Got a picture taken with Ytcracker, Beefy, Nursehella, Ultraklystron, and myself. Got YTC and Frontalot to sign my Pax guide.
Overall, I got the least swag of any convention I've been to... but the best swag. No shirts though, sadly.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
I nabbed:
1. vol. 5 of Penny Arcade from M$
2. nerf gun w/ laser scope from M$
3. DoW 2 T-shirt that fits from THQ
4. Some cool looking plastic monster from Privateer Press
5. A coin for the Munchkin card game that gives you random perks (rules listed on their website) beyond those in the game
6. Free drinks from the Champion's guys; and best of all
7. A gift certificate to a local Games Workshop store (!!)
Two other friends picked up games from Sony and the company pitching Hell's Army (plus the haircut heh). A third got one of those HDs from the frag girls.
I don't think anyone I went with was on a treasure hunt and we still scored some excellent things. I was having a blast even without the goodies, but boy were some of those things nice. Maximum respect to all the official and semi-official exhibitors that put some of those things together.
Otherwise, look, I don't mean to be a gloating dick, but the $3,000 Blackbird gaming rig with the custom RSPD case that my fiance and I won sort of takes the cake for best stuff.
Anamanaguchi is really cool like that. Me and a friend of mine showed them our 1337 filming skillz and footage of the [entire] Freezepop show the night before and they loved it, so they offered something rather cool to us, like maybe "officially" covering some of their shows. We just need to send them some of it when we get it captured, edited, and all that stuff. Still, just the thought of it thrills me. Oh, and getting on a mailing list for them so they can send us their upcoming album for free. Those guys rock.
Do share. ;p
I was one of the starting people doing the puppet dance.
Also, did anyone else notice the puppet way far away from the group jacking-off?
It was hilarious.
Don't worry, we will. We don't have the greatest camcorder/tripod, but the footage we shot with what we had was amazing quality, especially the audio which was surprising. I'm just slightly disappointed in how much I moved it around during that first concert... My buddy Rob (aka Woodoosticka) is rendering a bunch of it now, but I honestly have no idea when we may be able to get it uploaded. I'm sure within the week, but I can't say.
Is that what it was? I thought it was doing air guitar...