Man this year the Bungie stand was alot better i dont know if i missed something last year but this year just blew me away i got amost the whole bunige team to sign my legendary helmet and one old school bunige member that was laying low in the crowd..........I didnt really try for recon armor becuase the lines were really unorganized they had two lines colliding from artist alley and the recon armor and i never really realized that the recon armor was that important
Btw I got from the Bungie booth a Halo 3 Warthog figure. I had a couple figures bounce of my hands before this one bounced off other peoples hands and landed in my friends wifes arms startling her. She was really nice and gave it to me since her hubby was busy packing up his BYOC stuff.
lol about the recon. Yeah, I was planning on trying out for that but I didn't have a teammate. But, I got what I wanted which was more important than any armor which was a photo with Shishka (such a sweet guy), spoke with Jen Taylor (Cortana), swag...oh my goodness... my favorite one was the cute grunt. I love grunts. They're so cute.. I felt bad though because there was this cute girl next to me asking for a grunt but I was also in desperate need of a grunt as well so I told her, "I don't have another grunt, but you can have this guy" (I loved this monster guy as well but really felt bad for her) but she goes, "Oh, no, no, it's okay." She pulled her bf/hubby(?) towards me and said she got some good stuff so I felt a lil better. But yeah, my favorite would be that cute, he was pretty big, too... grunt. Also, just talking to Shishka face to face was an awe-some moment.
princesskicker on
ViscountalphaThe pen is mightier than the sword Userregular
edited September 2008
I got teabagged and humiliated by chun and froman. I deserve RECON! (lawlz)
I also got an amusing story from major nelson who didn't get to autograph something. He was amused by it.
I haven't done it yet, but I want to.
wat dat mean
oh i was just wondering lol
I don't think I saw you.. or maybe I caught just a shoulder and up glimpse.. get any pics in costume?
yes, in the cosplay pics topic...first page.
I also got an amusing story from major nelson who didn't get to autograph something. He was amused by it.