Hi everyone!
First of all, I am really enjoying my time at PAX this year. It is the second time I've been here. However, while waiting in line for the Wizard movie, which is located in front of the Wolfman theatre, my backpack and swag bag has went missing after I went away checking out nearby Rock Band sets for a few minutes.
I thought it would be ok, because I left it with friends, but the line started moving, and after they moved about a yard forward, looking back about a minute later, both of the bags were gone.
I'm sure hope of getting anything back is slim, seeming the bag and backpack were very likely taken on purpose, but if anyone sees a black backpack with the word "Tracker" printed all over that is lying around PAX, please return it to the lost and found. It would be greatly appreciated.
The contents in the backpack include: a Psp, DS, iPod, my wallet along with all my ID, about $200, my brown sweater, my house keys, and some other stuff. I'm just glad I left my passport in my hotel, so I can at least go back to Vancouver.
Wesley Tsai
Best of luck to the original poster.
Thanks in advance,
Right to the left of the registration booth is a smaller desk which is the info booth. They are handleing lost and found there.
So, this morning, I checked the lost and found once more, and was only able to recover my wallet, which was missing everything that was in it, other than my driver's license, bank card, and student ID. The other stuff that was in my backpack were still all missing.
All that aside, PAX was really fun and enjoyable. I especially loved the Q&A panels, Gabe and Tycho were both hilarious! Definitely coming back next year, and definitely going to remember to take good care of my stuff!
Sorry to hear about that.
In this case it wasn't a big deal, since I had 3 of those things. Whoever took it probably needed it more than me. :P But I still felt it was lame that they took it.
(I was in BYOC row F, 2nd spot from the wall.)
That really sucks about all the stuff in your bag though. I really don't understand how people can steal things like that; don't they think about the impact on the person they're taking it from?
I did have a game of monopoly in the back seat...a few books...windows vista in the glovebox (don't ask) and nothing was gone when I got back. Maybe they saw vista and just left...but I doubt it...
Hmm... Vista security systems? :P
Anyway, to the OP, that sucks. And it sucks even more that everything in your wallet except those few things were gone. I'm pretty sure I didn't lose anything, but I guess I'll find out for sure sometime later...
-Shelley, Xenosaga Episode I
And to Raptor: That sucks. I had a $300 pair of headphones hooked up to my computer all weekend, and was definitely a bit worried about those.
The one I found was underneath the empty seat next to me right after the Family Feud panel and before Q&A #2. It was a black leather bag with socks and clothing inside (sorry, didn't dig through it too much, we were in a hurry), it kind of looked like an oversized laptop bag, no fold-over flap, just zippered across the top. It was near the back, on the right side of the theater. I gave it to one of the enforcers near the doors. I hope it made it's way back to whoever it belonged to.
Hi, Wesley - I noticed the backpack in our lost and found - not sure if everything is in there, but I'll take a look the second i get back to the office. Thanks.
You got my hopes up there for a moment, as I lost a bag there, but mine was just a bag from the razor both with some shirts and a fallout viewmaster thing in it. Thankfully nothing that I paid any money for, but I'll miss that Fallout 3 shirt. Hope someone else is enjoying it.
Also, before PAX I misplaced my PAX04 shirt I had set aside just for wearing again at this year's PAX. Its like proof of membership to an elite club.
Anyone know what that e-mail is?