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Epic pictochat thread

Brian4120Brian4120 Registered User regular
edited September 2008 in PAX Archive
Ok, PAX as of an hour ago has ended. Another awesome year has come and passed.

Let us share the epic pictochat we encountered.

Thats right, people sitting in the second Q&A may have seen this epic depiction of Gabe and Tycho on stage (saved the first one and combined them when the second came up). Thanks goto the user "Guantlet" For at least part of the picture (as I don't know who posted the first one, but its safe to say its)

I am glad I kept my DS on for the rest of the day, to save this little treasure.

Brian4120 on


  • SpawnOfCthulhuSpawnOfCthulhu Also that Snifit guy. Gig Harbor, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2008
    There were cocks.

    SpawnOfCthulhu on
  • Rocket TacoRocket Taco Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Somebody in channel A during the Frontalot set was an EPIC artist. He/she/it drew a Mario and Snake that looked exactly like the box art.

    Rocket Taco on
  • MetaverseNomadMetaverseNomad Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    In the concerts, I overheard a guy trying to explain Pictochat to a girl who had never used it before.
    Girl: "So, I'm supposed to write something? What should I write?"
    Guy: "Well, usually people just draw weiners"
    Girl: "....umm.... " *uncomfortable silence*

    MetaverseNomad on
  • gogglesgoggles Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    I haven't laughed so hard in a long time... There was a full chat room last night in Lounge C (second floor?) around 2 AM. Only nick I remember was Drifter. There were a couple moments were the entire floor broke out into hysterical laughter and it was glorious.

    Dicktochat for the funnies.

    goggles on
  • zyphlarzyphlar Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    I was haunted this year and last by spoink (katakana supoinku)
    She wrote poems about me, like "silly zyphlar-- you can't push clouds with dreams." and generally creeped me out with the whole "find the pictochatter" type stuff.

    I'll try post creepy screencaps when I finish uploading (plus regular pictochat caps)

    zyphlar on
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2008
    yeah I got plenty of pictochat pictures to post as well after everything gets uploaded...

    EDIT: Prepare yourself... I (well, mostly Rob (aka Woodoosticka)) just had to take pictures of anything interesting that came though pictochat over the weekend.
    So I have to warn everybody for random fucked up content, and a shit ton of pictures when you click the next spoiler... Honestly though, I haven't even looked at half of these, I just uploaded everything on my SD card and did it live. :P

    Rob, WTF!? Taking so many pictures of pictochat on my camera so I have to upload them... :P All those were taken today... and apparently I still have a shit ton more, WHY!
    Maybe it wasn't a good idea to make this thread? Or maybe it was... I don't know...

    Coldbrew on
  • Altima NEOAltima NEO Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    There were cocks.

    It wouldnt be right without them.

    Altima NEO on
  • woodoostickawoodoosticka Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Hey I may of only drawn 3 penises out of that! I believe I only added those on to existing pictures :P sad panda :P. I couldn't help but take tons of pictures you had a 2GB SD Card that was barely used. :)

    Actually I did not draw any of those whoever did the pics of Gabe and Tycho are done quite nicely.

    woodoosticka on
  • Foo_DogFoo_Dog Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    goggles wrote: »
    Dicktochat for the funnies.

    year it was like watching the credits for Superbad. I had to wash my eyeballs after that.

    Foo_Dog on
  • sithsethsithseth Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    In the concerts, I overheard a guy trying to explain Pictochat to a girl who had never used it before.
    Girl: "So, I'm supposed to write something? What should I write?"
    Guy: "Well, usually people just draw weiners"
    Girl: "....umm.... " *uncomfortable silence*

    I had to explain to my friend that if he didn't add a cock to every pic., he was a scrub.
    -He learned quickly.

    sithseth on
  • xxhennersxxxxhennersxx Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    alright. My friends had this guy, Terry, stay with us.

    Chris changed his name to some random Japanese characters and started talking to him on pictochat in the hotel room (but terry was in another part of the suite)

    so Chris poses as a Japanese girl and wants to meet him in room 708, an empty room. That was after 30 minutes of them talking. so Terry goes up to 708, and nothing.

    Sometime later she asks why he never came up? Terry said "i did. 708" Chris says "No! I said 808!" 808 was my friend Brians room.

    So Terry goes up to 808, and it's brian. They both come back down, and brian is confused as hell.

    so I come in, as a random japanese girl too. I put my name in Japanese and I told him I want to see him in toom 712, (another empty) and terry leaves immediatly to find her.

    My friend David comes in as "dana" and Jon comes in as "jennifer" and we're friends enjoying th econvention.

    He asked if we wanna go to the concert together. We say okay. And tell him to meet us at the elevators.

    He waited for some time, we got back in pictochat and told him we didn't see him. But to yell "Wooo hooo" after the first song.

    He did.

    we told him we were on the left side, with a red DS phat.

    So he goes and seriously LOOKS throught he crowd for her.

    we tell him to just yell our names because our DS was dying.

    and we shut them off. And no sooner than 2 seconds, we hear "DANA! JENNIFER! DANA! JENNIFER!"

    after Anamanaguchi, we head to the lounge and talk to him more posing. And he walked, up and down up and down, looking. We gave a description of "lighish darkish brown hair" and was near a wall.

    He thought there was this girl that was it, but it wasn't.

    and he found some dude, named Weasel in the pictochat. And got weasel in on the goose chase, looking for "dana and jennifer or thier japanese friends"

    It went on, straight into the next morning.

    We never told him.

    But I apologize Asian girl with a Red DS leaving the Homewood Suites at the same exact time as my friend terry, getting off the other elevator and heading to the concert.

    He thought it was you for a good while. that's why he followed you.

    xxhennersxx on
  • Childe DirkChilde Dirk Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Anybody else at the Friday night concert? The Pictochat running during the Freezepop set was an amazing experience I was proud to be part of.

    Childe Dirk on
  • [Mr]Skadoosh[Mr]Skadoosh Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    I cant remeber who it was that drew the pic
    but it was during Minibosses
    it was a hella detailed picture of Batman
    and a good one of Bowser

    [Mr]Skadoosh on
  • AlexTehArteestAlexTehArteest Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    goggles wrote: »
    I haven't laughed so hard in a long time... There was a full chat room last night in Lounge C (second floor?) around 2 AM. Only nick I remember was Drifter. There were a couple moments were the entire floor broke out into hysterical laughter and it was glorious.

    Dicktochat for the funnies.

    Would that happen to be the penis-horse drawing? I was there to witness my friend's pictochat when that happen. She had drawn a horse, then someone had erased the horses head and put in a penis in its place. so someone starts laughing insanely loud, then my friend starts laughing, she shows all of us, we start laughing, another guy across the room starts laughing, and suddenly everyone knows who is in the pictochat now! it was glorious... the first dude who was insanely laughing had to get up and walk around because he couldnt take it.

    AlexTehArteest on
  • GodmeatGodmeat Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Do you all have some secret?

    I couldn't get pictochat to work reliably during any of the main events.

    Or is that just par for the course?

    Godmeat on
  • geeeeoffffgeeeeoffff Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Godmeat wrote: »
    Do you all have some secret?

    I couldn't get pictochat to work reliably during any of the main events.

    Or is that just par for the course?

    i had trouble getting it to work in the huge line on friday, but at the far cry 2 demo it worked pretty reliably. i think when there are too many dses playing and chatting it overwhelms the system.

    geeeeoffff on
    GD on paforums
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2008
    I cant remeber who it was that drew the pic
    but it was during Minibosses
    it was a hella detailed picture of Batman
    and a good one of Bowser

    The one of Batman that happened to be this?

    Fucking Epic!

    EDIT: lol Wes I didn't even realize it was you that I was quoting. :P
    Remember Rob was taking pictures of pretty much everything

    Coldbrew on
  • KrnDoxyKrnDoxy Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    During Post-Apocalyptic Movie Night, we went from dicks to v-jays jays to boobies. w00t.

    KrnDoxy on
    A lust for conquest and absolute power, and the desire to have a really big… gun.
    -Shelley, Xenosaga Episode I
  • gogglesgoggles Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    goggles wrote: »
    I haven't laughed so hard in a long time... There was a full chat room last night in Lounge C (second floor?) around 2 AM. Only nick I remember was Drifter. There were a couple moments were the entire floor broke out into hysterical laughter and it was glorious.

    Dicktochat for the funnies.

    Would that happen to be the penis-horse drawing? I was there to witness my friend's pictochat when that happen. She had drawn a horse, then someone had erased the horses head and put in a penis in its place. so someone starts laughing insanely loud, then my friend starts laughing, she shows all of us, we start laughing, another guy across the room starts laughing, and suddenly everyone knows who is in the pictochat now! it was glorious... the first dude who was insanely laughing had to get up and walk around because he couldnt take it.

    Yea, that was the first outburst of laughter. I was the one that replaced the horse's face with a penis, not thinking it would be that funny. I don't know what happened. It was a chain reaction.

    goggles on
  • BrawlerBarbieBrawlerBarbie Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Anybody else at the Friday night concert? The Pictochat running during the Freezepop set was an amazing experience I was proud to be part of.

    I was in pictochat during Freezepop -- nobody believed me when I said I was a real girl and declared 60=old.

    After seeing all the girls in that crowd, I have lost faith in nerdboys everywhere. "No girls on the internet." Harumph.

    BrawlerBarbie, aka "<3winifred<3"

    BrawlerBarbie on
  • Nerd TraumaNerd Trauma Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Did anyone see the...*ahem* portal penis picture?

    It was the first penis picture to give me nightmares.

    Nerd Trauma on
  • KrnDoxyKrnDoxy Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    goggles wrote: »
    Yea, that was the first outburst of laughter. I was the one that replaced the horse's face with a penis, not thinking it would be that funny. I don't know what happened. It was a chain reaction.
    Not thinking it would be funny?!!! Dude, this shit is brilliant! You don't give yourself enough credit.

    KrnDoxy on
    A lust for conquest and absolute power, and the desire to have a really big… gun.
    -Shelley, Xenosaga Episode I
  • Poseidon88Poseidon88 Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Someone in line on Friday did a fairly decent rendition of goatse.

    I'm sad nobody has posted a shot of my awesome Fruit Fucker, though.

    Poseidon88 on
  • Childe DirkChilde Dirk Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Anybody else at the Friday night concert? The Pictochat running during the Freezepop set was an amazing experience I was proud to be part of.

    I was in pictochat during Freezepop -- nobody believed me when I said I was a real girl and declared 60=old.

    After seeing all the girls in that crowd, I have lost faith in nerdboys everywhere. "No girls on the internet." Harumph.

    BrawlerBarbie, aka "<3winifred<3"

    Winifred? I think I remember you from the chat. I was "Dirk."

    "My ears haven't bled like this since Kahn put that slug in my ear"

    Childe Dirk on
  • BrawlerBarbieBrawlerBarbie Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Anybody else at the Friday night concert? The Pictochat running during the Freezepop set was an amazing experience I was proud to be part of.

    I was in pictochat during Freezepop -- nobody believed me when I said I was a real girl and declared 60=old.

    After seeing all the girls in that crowd, I have lost faith in nerdboys everywhere. "No girls on the internet." Harumph.

    BrawlerBarbie, aka "<3winifred<3"

    Winifred? I think I remember you from the chat. I was "Dirk."

    "My ears haven't bled like this since Kahn put that slug in my ear"

    Left side rules! I was busy trying to keep my back from killing me so I could keep up with the Freezepop-bashing and laid down on the floor. I'm kinda wishing I'd made a better effort to track down some of the others. What's the range on the DS? 15 feet?

    BrawlerBarbie on
  • GertBeefGertBeef Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    I think this pretty much sums up pictochat at PAX 08.


    GertBeef on
  • Post BluePost Blue Redmond, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2008
    goggles wrote: »
    I haven't laughed so hard in a long time... There was a full chat room last night in Lounge C (second floor?) around 2 AM. Only nick I remember was Drifter. There were a couple moments were the entire floor broke out into hysterical laughter and it was glorious.

    Dicktochat for the funnies.
    Oh heavens that was glorious. I was Drifter, and I remember a Benjamina and Jason in the room at that point. When I had the idea for that 9/11 picture I remember thinking, "yeah, that might be kind of funny; I suppose I'll just throw it out there." At PAX there's always some degree of laughter in the distance, so I didn't think much at first, but then it started spreading, and I heard the sounds of people showing other people something, the girl in front of me was craning over my DS asking what the hell was so funny, and then it broke into a chorus of laughter and someone shouted, "alright, who's Drifter!?" and I thought, "oh shit."

    The horse, Falcor, The Pope, Iwo Jima... you guys were hilarious and the whole session was brilliant. I seriously felt like we had won Pictochat right then and there; I half expected the credits to just start rolling up the DS screen.

    Post Blue on
    Moments before the wind.
  • Childe DirkChilde Dirk Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Anybody else at the Friday night concert? The Pictochat running during the Freezepop set was an amazing experience I was proud to be part of.

    I was in pictochat during Freezepop -- nobody believed me when I said I was a real girl and declared 60=old.

    After seeing all the girls in that crowd, I have lost faith in nerdboys everywhere. "No girls on the internet." Harumph.

    BrawlerBarbie, aka "<3winifred<3"

    Winifred? I think I remember you from the chat. I was "Dirk."

    "My ears haven't bled like this since Kahn put that slug in my ear"

    Left side rules! I was busy trying to keep my back from killing me so I could keep up with the Freezepop-bashing and laid down on the floor. I'm kinda wishing I'd made a better effort to track down some of the others. What's the range on the DS? 15 feet?

    I don't think it's even that. Although whatever the issue was this year, I don't remember it being like that last year

    Childe Dirk on
  • Rocket TacoRocket Taco Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    What's the range on the DS? 15 feet?

    I don't think it's even that. Although whatever the issue was this year, I don't remember it being like that last year

    I'm pretty sure we just had so much 802.11x traffic and miscellaneous RF signals flying around that everything got budgeted less than it wanted. The range on the DS is a lot better normally, ~50' in open spaces.

    Edit: It's already been noted that we broke the local phone cell.

    Rocket Taco on
  • cRIPticoncRIPticon Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    I kept my DS on during one of my panel sessions to take anon questions from the audience. Boobs. Lots of boobies. So many in fact, that we coined a new hardware term that someone in a physics company is probably working on: BGU (Boob Graphics Unit)

    cRIPticon on
  • BrawlerBarbieBrawlerBarbie Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Anybody else at the Friday night concert? The Pictochat running during the Freezepop set was an amazing experience I was proud to be part of.

    I was in pictochat during Freezepop -- nobody believed me when I said I was a real girl and declared 60=old.

    After seeing all the girls in that crowd, I have lost faith in nerdboys everywhere. "No girls on the internet." Harumph.

    BrawlerBarbie, aka "<3winifred<3"

    Winifred? I think I remember you from the chat. I was "Dirk."

    "My ears haven't bled like this since Kahn put that slug in my ear"

    Left side rules! I was busy trying to keep my back from killing me so I could keep up with the Freezepop-bashing and laid down on the floor. I'm kinda wishing I'd made a better effort to track down some of the others. What's the range on the DS? 15 feet?

    I don't think it's even that. Although whatever the issue was this year, I don't remember it being like that last year

    Actually, come to think of it, if it were 15 feet or less I probably would have met somebody.

    BrawlerBarbie on
  • Childe DirkChilde Dirk Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Anybody else at the Friday night concert? The Pictochat running during the Freezepop set was an amazing experience I was proud to be part of.

    I was in pictochat during Freezepop -- nobody believed me when I said I was a real girl and declared 60=old.

    After seeing all the girls in that crowd, I have lost faith in nerdboys everywhere. "No girls on the internet." Harumph.

    BrawlerBarbie, aka "<3winifred<3"

    Winifred? I think I remember you from the chat. I was "Dirk."

    "My ears haven't bled like this since Kahn put that slug in my ear"

    Left side rules! I was busy trying to keep my back from killing me so I could keep up with the Freezepop-bashing and laid down on the floor. I'm kinda wishing I'd made a better effort to track down some of the others. What's the range on the DS? 15 feet?

    I don't think it's even that. Although whatever the issue was this year, I don't remember it being like that last year

    Actually, come to think of it, if it were 15 feet or less I probably would have met somebody.

    Yeah, you'd think with so many of us on there we would have noticed each other.

    Childe Dirk on
  • KrnDoxyKrnDoxy Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    How does the topic of gender come up in pictochat anyway? I've never gotten asked if I was a real girl or not, and I don't bring it up either.

    KrnDoxy on
    A lust for conquest and absolute power, and the desire to have a really big… gun.
    -Shelley, Xenosaga Episode I
  • meloncolliemeloncollie Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    I'm sad I didn't participate more in the pictochat mayhem. The connections were just way too dodgy :|

    I'm the one who drew a penis with a happy face on the tip, saying, "I am Hemingway!" in line on Friday :D

    meloncollie on
  • MeeOkMeeOk Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    I tried saying things on pictochat, but.. there was fail going on. So much lag. I was MeeOk, popping in and out on Saturday, probably pissing some people off with the "It's my B-Day" thing that it does. Sorry, guys!

    MeeOk on
  • BrawlerBarbieBrawlerBarbie Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    KrnDoxy wrote: »
    How does the topic of gender come up in pictochat anyway? I've never gotten asked if I was a real girl or not, and I don't bring it up either.

    I think it has a lot to do with the username, little hearts, and a bunch of horny guys all in one big room surrounded by women they can't bring themselves to talk to directly. Hey, ONE of the people on pictochat has to be a girl, right?

    BrawlerBarbie on
  • KrnDoxyKrnDoxy Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    KrnDoxy wrote: »
    How does the topic of gender come up in pictochat anyway? I've never gotten asked if I was a real girl or not, and I don't bring it up either.

    I think it has a lot to do with the username, little hearts, and a bunch of horny guys all in one big room surrounded by women they can't bring themselves to talk to directly. Hey, ONE of the people on pictochat has to be a girl, right?
    Er, my tag is Jenny, and no one says anything. And god forbid do I use little hearts (unless someone uses them first, and mosta the time I don't use them even then). Perhaps I just happen to go into the chatrooms where guys care more about drawing penises than thinking with them.

    KrnDoxy on
    A lust for conquest and absolute power, and the desire to have a really big… gun.
    -Shelley, Xenosaga Episode I
This discussion has been closed.