You'll get more people there to see Al than you will people there to see the Expo
From a business standpoint, it's a good deal for PA. A bunch of people buy passes who normally wouldn't and only show up to one event.
Also, I've mentioned this idea a couple times in various threads here. I think it's perfect timing. With the new album due out next week, he'll likely be starting up a tour a few months after. The tours usually last at least a year, so by next August, he'll be right in the middle of a tour.
You'll get more people there to see Al than you will people there to see the Expo
From a business standpoint, it's a good deal for PA. A bunch of people buy passes who normally wouldn't and only show up to one event.
Also, I've mentioned this idea a couple times in various threads here. I think it's perfect timing. With the new album due out next week, he'll likely be starting up a tour a few months after. The tours usually last at least a year, so by next August, he'll be right in the middle of a tour.
He said that he will be touring next summer, so it should work. Unless he's busty.
You'll get more people there to see Al than you will people there to see the Expo
From a business standpoint, it's a good deal for PA. A bunch of people buy passes who normally wouldn't and only show up to one event.
Also, I've mentioned this idea a couple times in various threads here. I think it's perfect timing. With the new album due out next week, he'll likely be starting up a tour a few months after. The tours usually last at least a year, so by next August, he'll be right in the middle of a tour.
That and he's got quite a few geek themed songs. I just saw the video for 'White and Nerdy' on youtube. Sheer genius.
From a business standpoint, it's a good deal for PA. A bunch of people buy passes who normally wouldn't and only show up to one event.
Also, I've mentioned this idea a couple times in various threads here. I think it's perfect timing. With the new album due out next week, he'll likely be starting up a tour a few months after. The tours usually last at least a year, so by next August, he'll be right in the middle of a tour.
He said that he will be touring next summer, so it should work. Unless he's busty.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
Oh, I don't want to see weird al busty I mean, he's weird but hopefully not THAT weird.
Freeze-pop might induce the non-paxgoers to come to pax. That, my friends is when the trap is sprung and they become enveloped into our culture.
Or the gangland style shootings begin when we start trying to talk to them, and they don't understand us. People fear what they don't understand...
And as we all know, fear leads to anger, anger leads to yadda yadda yadda darkside.
That kind of stuff will do it...