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PC Tourney thanks and reconnections

PliskiN|SnaKePliskiN|SnaKe Registered User regular
edited September 2008 in PAX Archive
Ghrog, thanks for running things for us. I very much enjoyed just making it in to the tournament and being able to play. Thanks to everyone there, organizer and enforcer alike. I know it was quite the mess outside when they were trying to get teams together and into the PC room, but at least someone finally brought up a mini-megaphone so the enforcers could talk instead of yell across the hall.

As for reconnecting, just wondering who on the forums played in the Team Fortress 2 tourney. Wondering if anyone from my team is a forum goer, or from other teams (especially [ARS] who rolled us 12-0 second round). If you played me in game, I was 'SnaKe!'.

Thanks again for an awesome first PAX and a fun experience fragging.

PliskiN|SnaKe on


  • Jackal24Jackal24 Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    I was not on your team but my team "Office Space" ended up getting second losing to what I gathered was a full roster, STA team. That tournament was AMAZING, me and my friends had a great time. I hope to play against # with my real clan sometime.

    Jackal24 on
  • SnaptySnapty Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    I was on the Office Space team with Jackal and others, and had an absolute blast!

    I posted my comments about the tournament in the 'suggestion' thread, which has now been overrun with stupidity and nonsense regarding a mother hating PAX because it wasn't child friendly... but I'll repost my comments here in hopes that it will be read by those who can answer my questions.

    Snapty wrote: »
    Ghazgkull wrote: »
    Please allow spectators for tournaments, at least the semis and finals.

    I'm going to third this and add on something else regarding tournaments...

    What happened to the pictures/videos that the hired cameraman took after the tournament? My team placed 2nd in the TF2 tourny, yet I have nothing to show for it except a Darth Tater potato head doll. And don't get me wrong, I love my Darth Tater, but the prize booth was epic fail. Oh, I also got a pair of socks.

    PAX claimed to be "for the gamers," yet there was nothing congratulating the winners of tournaments or decent prizes.

    Also, MOAR SUMOS! There was nowhere to sit, and you can only stand in those massively long lines without getting tired for so long.

    If anyone is reading this that can find those TF2 Tournament pictures... PLEASE send them to me!!!

    Snapty on
  • ghrogghrog Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    It takes awhile to go through all of those photos; also Johnny (the camera man) was a non-paid enforcer. I'll hit him up asap though.

    Next year I promise we'll do a better job on tournament coverage. The guy that was supposed to help me with that got busy at the last minute. I've already brought up the prize situation with Khoo, so good things should be happening there.

    Having at least 1 match/round TV'd and having the finals shout-casted has always been on the "TO DO" list. Next year it'll happen.

    ghrog on
    PAX PC-Tournament Admin |
  • ghrogghrog Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Also, thanks a lot for everyone that participated. I had zero issues this year with attendees. That's awesome on your guys part especially since we don't do everything perfectly.

    I will be the first to admit BFH didn't go smoothly as I wanted. It was a learning experience that I hope we don't have to go through again. After we got out of the first round things went really smoothly and it was a great tournament, but that first round really blew up on us. Sorry guys, I probably won't ever stop apologizing for the first round of BFH.

    If anyone has any feed-back or suggestions, shoot me a PM.

    Thanks again; can't wait for next year,

    ghrog on
    PAX PC-Tournament Admin |
  • SnaptySnapty Registered User regular
    edited September 2008

    Thanks Ghrog - You guys did an awesome job with the tournaments besides my basic complaints! It was the highlight of my trip!

    Snapty on
  • FallFall Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    PC tournaments all ran pretty smoothly this year.

    Starcraft, WOW, TF2, and BF Heroes all finished on time or early and with no match disputes or major technical snafus. COD4 ran into a few minor hitches, but still finished very close to the scheduled end time.

    Next year I look forward to more nazi-like scheduling and registration. Too many... special... participants showing up a couple minutes late or feigning ignorance slowed down the start of all tournaments by 10-20 minutes. Was better than years past, but still, check-in disqualifications weren't really enforced and that held things up.

    Better tourney-related signage would help a lot ensuring everyone knows the timeframe for registration and checkin, how teamless folks can find teams, where to stand when waiting for a tournament, and why participants should shut their mouths, always.

    Fall on
  • babelfishbabelfish Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    How about some tourney computers that don't suck balls, Intel? :p

    babelfish on
  • ghrogghrog Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    LOL babel.

    Those computers will be decommissioned by next year, they're building a new batch. I mostly blame their high-temp videocards as the main source for the high rate of BSoDing.

    ghrog on
    PAX PC-Tournament Admin |
  • babelfishbabelfish Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    It wasn't even BSoDs. In the TF2 tourney, I couldn't get a decent framerate with just about everything turned all the way down.

    Not that BLE would have done any better. We were shit. Or maybe we just got rolled by a good team (at least to start the match).

    What I'd like to see next year is some tourney organization method which doesn't have those of us who are already signed up stuck in a crowded room for half an hour while listening to fucking standby teams/players. I say that because I had a killer headache and was stuck in a crowded room listening to people scream with no actual reason to be there. :(

    babelfish on
  • Jackal24Jackal24 Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Only one computer I was on had frame rate issues, it was during free play. I capped my FPS at 76 and with med/high settings I saw no FPS issues in 6v6. Computers could have been better but were not garbage.

    Jackal24 on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Jackal24 wrote: »
    Only one computer I was on had frame rate issues, it was during free play. I capped my FPS at 76 and with med/high settings I saw no FPS issues in 6v6. Computers could have been better but were not garbage.

    All of Intels machines were of varied configurations.

    The tourney machines had better specs than most of the freeplay machines. Plus all the computers were of identical specs/config (for fairness in tourney and all)

    The front row of freeplay machines (the ones with the fancy cases) were "showcase" computers that had by far the best specs.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • SnaptySnapty Registered User regular
    edited September 2008

    Any update on those TF2 tourny pictures? ^.^

    Snapty on
  • ghrogghrog Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    they're mia. :[

    I have the BFH ones though. And WoW.

    for those interested, here's the photographer's web-gallery for pax. . . unsorted:

    ghrog on
    PAX PC-Tournament Admin |
  • SnaptySnapty Registered User regular
    edited September 2008

    So they don't exist at all, or the guy who took the pics just hasn't posted them?

    Edit: I looked through his photos and saw some TF2 tourny pics, just not the final pics that he took of the top 2 or 4 teams? :(

    Snapty on
  • sizzlesizzle Registered User new member
    edited September 2008
    My team won the PAX team fortress 2 tournament and would love to have the picture of all of us together. If anyone knows where that is please send me a private message?

    sizzle on
This discussion has been closed.