During PAX last weekend, I purchased the new PAX 2008 edition Razer Death Adder mouse with 3G sensor and kung fu action grip, plus a stock and a compass and this thing that tells time. I've been using it for the past few days, and it's an outstanding mouse. This is the first Razer mouse I've ever owned-- previously, I've been using a Logitech MX400 laser mouse; and before that, a Microsoft Intellimouse Optical. Both are excellent mice, very comfortable and robust, but I already prefer the Razer to either of those. It's very well-made, very comfortable to use, very precise with more software options than any other mouse I've used-- but what I love most about it are the buttons, not just the left- and right-click, not just the Internet buttons on the side, but also the mouse wheel. It's the first mouse I've used where clicking and holding the wheel button feels like something the creators actually expected you would want to do.
The true test of the new mouse came last night, when a pack of furious zebras broke into my house and attempted to steal it. I held the mouse aloft, its PAX08 logo began to glow, and I was suddenly transformed into Jeanne D'ork. An intense light filled the room, and the zebras were consumed instantly, their ashes coalescing into a small sphere of which I then disposed in a nearby trash can. That's Razer quality right there.
Twitter - @papapwnsPAX
I've never understood exactly what people love so much about Razers though. Every time I've tried one I've wished for my MX518.
Well, I was referring to using the wheel as a button. Scrolling has been great on every mouse I've used, but I frequently use the wheel itself as a button when opening new tabs in Firefox and such. This mouse wheel feels considerably less stiff and narrow than the wheels on previous mice I've used, which I personally like.