Where are all the pictures? I was too insanely busy to take any myself (plus I kept leaving the camera in BYOC). But I have here a link to yoshamano's pictures, muahaha. Now link your photosets, ya jerks!
EDIT: VT, is that your youtube profile? cuz im gonna send you a friend invite!
Oh, aye, it is! I'd not used YouTube before as an actual video poster until the whole BioWare competition thing came around, so I'm new to it. Definitely add me, I'll do the same!
VThornheart on
3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
mentok1982I could never leave you PAX baby.BaltimoreRegistered Userregular
The first pic is a sign that has the name of one of my clan's admins.
The next 4 are from the Pike Place Market visit.
Then 3 pics from the library.
Fresh Tossed Salads for everyone!
2 pics of Super cool ivy from our above ground Seattle tour.
4 pics from the CCST arrival.
The rest are terrible pics of the Needle from the front door of the the Pre-PAX dinner.
Here are all my vacation pics (and one video) from Friday.
3 pics from the Pre-PAX Breakfast corner meet up.
3 of the Fallout 3 booth.
2 of the Dead Space guy.
3 of me in my costume.
The cool thingy in the Annex entrance area.
Jonathan Coulton
A video of Mirror's Edge gameplay.
Here are all my vacation pics (and 3 videos) from Saturday.
Dude from Umbrella.
Gabe's Prince of Persia sneak peek.
2 pics of bacon man.
3 pics of the Fruit Fucker
Video of the Fruit Fucker
Death Spank equipment video.
Bacon man video.
And I have no pics from Sunday (I guess I did not take any) but I did record a video of Wil Whaeton playing
Rock Band 2. It is rather large, but I will link it soon.
wheres kiko with his anyway? doesn't he have a flickr or something that he puts them on? think there was one last year I was in of a crowd shot where I was looking at an empty table for some reason.
wheres kiko with his anyway? doesn't he have a flickr or something that he puts them on? think there was one last year I was in of a crowd shot where I was looking at an empty table for some reason.
I am looking for a SPECIFIC photo. During the Freezepop concert they turned down the lights and had everyone hold up their electronics. Does anyone have a good picture of that?! It was SOOO amazing!! I will give snuggles to the first person who gets me a great pic of it! ^_^
I am looking for a SPECIFIC photo. During the Freezepop concert they turned down the lights and had everyone hold up their electronics. Does anyone have a good picture of that?! It was SOOO amazing!! I will give snuggles to the first person who gets me a great pic of it! ^_^
I'd really like a photo and/or video of the Pre-Pax Dinner when I Hi5'd Chris Taylor if anyone has it?
To hell with photos, I know I have video of the Freezepop one, and the Chris Taylor part I'm sure I also have video of, I will start looking momentarily.
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited September 2008
Okay I found the Freezepop part, it was during the song Plastic Stars, I'll be cropping that and uploading it now, though I may get a few snaps of it to post up in the meantime. As soon as that starts getting converted I'll look through Chris Taylor's keynote for the hi5. XD
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited September 2008
hah lulz good news! I got a good view of it on tape, you were sitting at the table right in front of ours, i can see your head pop in and out a lot lol. It's funny too because when you walked back he pointed at our camera and said "I'm gonna have to eat the tape in that camera!"
fricken hilarious! Anyway yes I will get it cropped and just let me know the easiest way to send it to you, it's probably only going to be around 25-30 second clip.
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited September 2008
Alright I'll try that.
BTW Here's a few shots I got of the waving horde of DS's
First two are general views of the crowd from the back
This next one is from one of the screens on the side, their camera was showing the crowd from above.
And the next three are also looking at one of the screens, showing an angle from the front of the stage looking back. Epic it was!
And the video is being uploaded now, because it's many times more epic!
Coldbrew on
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited September 2008
Okay I got the clip up on Megaupload, sending the link to LewieP via PM. The same clip is also being processed on Youtube right now, as well as the Freezepop clip of the waving horde of DS's. I will be editing this post with both links as the videos become active.
Spoilered because this is a pictures thread, but the videos are still posted here, and will be posted in the videos thread as well!
My Photobucket, narrowed down to albums for each day I was in Seattle. I did see Moe a few times, mostly in the Sheraton, but was never able to get a pic. Also, most of these are extremely bad, so here's my Facebook albums as well. Technically, those are both links to my entire Photobucket and all of my Facebook albums, but it should be easy enough to find what you're looking for.
Posted the first set of my Seattle/Tacoma/PAX 08 photos on Flickr today. http://tinyurl.com/5uasps Yes, I know none of the ones in set 1 are from PAX itself, that's what'll be in set 2! 8-)
GenXer on
Twitter: @GenXer| Flickr: Gene Eckser | Xbox Live: Gene Eckser
I adore your album... You've got a great eye for photos, it seems, as opposed to my "take a 1000 pictures and hope 100 come out well" technique. Also, it'll be a while before I can get them all in since I have a free account, but I'll get what I do have decent added to the group as I [slowly] get it uploaded.
Posted the first set of my Seattle/Tacoma/PAX 08 photos on Flickr today. http://tinyurl.com/5uasps Yes, I know none of the ones in set 1 are from PAX itself, that's what'll be in set 2! 8-)
That museum in Tacoma looks amazing. It would probably bore my husband to death, but I really want to see it now. Stupid Georgia.
Thought he'd post for himself, but I'll represent for Darkphibre and his Flickr collection: Darkphibre's PAX08 sets
Thank you for doing that! I spent all last night working on the panoramas, and didn't see this post get stickied! I've posted a list of links to my panoramas, photos, and photosynths for this year's pax in this thread.
Weeks ago I tried to start a premptive PAX08 Photos thread over here. In it I ask for people to share their photo locations... and if they would give me permission to create a community Photosynth of PAX. Credit would of course be given to contributors, but I'd love to see what we could come up with!
I am looking for a SPECIFIC photo. During the Freezepop concert they turned down the lights and had everyone hold up their electronics. Does anyone have a good picture of that?! It was SOOO amazing!! I will give snuggles to the first person who gets me a great pic of it! ^_^
Here's two of the better ones that turned out (clickyable). I'll be uploading a ton more to my website tonight.
I might also have a stitch of this year, like I did for last year's Coulton:
EDIT: VT, is that your youtube profile? cuz im gonna send you a friend invite!
Pike Place Meetup and Breakfast
PAX Day One
PAX Day Two
PAX Day Three
The Sixth Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament Part 1 |
Pokecrawl Episode 4: The Power Of One!
Pokemon X: Atlus | 3539-8807-3813
Oh, aye, it is!
The next 6 that are outside were taken in front of the aquarium.
The rest are from the aquarium.
The next 4 are from the Pike Place Market visit.
Then 3 pics from the library.
Fresh Tossed Salads for everyone!
2 pics of Super cool ivy from our above ground Seattle tour.
4 pics from the CCST arrival.
The rest are terrible pics of the Needle from the front door of the the Pre-PAX dinner.
3 of the Fallout 3 booth.
2 of the Dead Space guy.
3 of me in my costume.
The cool thingy in the Annex entrance area.
Jonathan Coulton
A video of Mirror's Edge gameplay.
Gabe's Prince of Persia sneak peek.
2 pics of bacon man.
3 pics of the Fruit Fucker
Video of the Fruit Fucker
Death Spank equipment video.
Bacon man video.
And I have no pics from Sunday (I guess I did not take any) but I did record a video of Wil Whaeton playing
Rock Band 2. It is rather large, but I will link it soon.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
also here the gallery of the pics i took, ignore the errors on the site its a small image hoster
It takes him a while to process them and upload them all.
Clickety click!
I am looking for a SPECIFIC photo. During the Freezepop concert they turned down the lights and had everyone hold up their electronics. Does anyone have a good picture of that?! It was SOOO amazing!! I will give snuggles to the first person who gets me a great pic of it! ^_^
To hell with photos, I know I have video of the Freezepop one, and the Chris Taylor part I'm sure I also have video of, I will start looking momentarily.
fricken hilarious! Anyway yes I will get it cropped and just let me know the easiest way to send it to you, it's probably only going to be around 25-30 second clip.
BTW Here's a few shots I got of the waving horde of DS's
This next one is from one of the screens on the side, their camera was showing the crowd from above.
And the next three are also looking at one of the screens, showing an angle from the front of the stage looking back. Epic it was!
And the video is being uploaded now, because it's many times more epic!
Freezepop performing Plastic Stars, complete with hundreds of waving DS's!
Thanks man.
Oh, and Moe? My husband loves your jacket.
Contributing Editor, http://www.gamepolitics.com
Also if you're on flicker, could you add your shots to our Penny Arcade group?
"Oh what a day, what a LOVELY DAY!"
You got a pic of me in there:
That's me in all the green.
I adore your album... You've got a great eye for photos, it seems, as opposed to my "take a 1000 pictures and hope 100 come out well" technique. Also, it'll be a while before I can get them all in since I have a free account, but I'll get what I do have decent added to the group as I [slowly] get it uploaded.
Edit: That museum in Tacoma looks amazing. It would probably bore my husband to death, but I really want to see it now.
Thank you for doing that! I spent all last night working on the panoramas, and didn't see this post get stickied! I've posted a list of links to my panoramas, photos, and photosynths for this year's pax in this thread.
Weeks ago I tried to start a premptive PAX08 Photos thread over here. In it I ask for people to share their photo locations... and if they would give me permission to create a community Photosynth of PAX. Credit would of course be given to contributors, but I'd love to see what we could come up with!
-Tom (Darkphibre)
Dark Fibre: Fiberoptic cable placed in anticipation of future demand
I might also have a stitch of this year, like I did for last year's Coulton:
Dark Fibre: Fiberoptic cable placed in anticipation of future demand
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!