Wow, i considder my stomach a lead lined cast iron atomic furnace but i dont think even my gut could handle that burger.....just wow. I wanna know what went through the head of the dude that came up with this concoction "Hmm lets see burger, good now some more meat, bacon works, cheese, good calorie count is rising , about glazed donuts for the ultra make your heart explode upon smell cholesterol factor"
Wow, i considder my stomach a lead lined cast iron atomic furnace but i dont think even my gut could handle that burger.....just wow. I wanna know what went through the head of the dude that came up with this concoction "Hmm lets see burger, good now some more meat, bacon works, cheese, good calorie count is rising , about glazed donuts for the ultra make your heart explode upon smell cholesterol factor"
Wow, i considder my stomach a lead lined cast iron atomic furnace but i dont think even my gut could handle that burger.....just wow. I wanna know what went through the head of the dude that came up with this concoction "Hmm lets see burger, good now some more meat, bacon works, cheese, good calorie count is rising , about glazed donuts for the ultra make your heart explode upon smell cholesterol factor"
Wow, i considder my stomach a lead lined cast iron atomic furnace but i dont think even my gut could handle that burger.....just wow. I wanna know what went through the head of the dude that came up with this concoction "Hmm lets see burger, good now some more meat, bacon works, cheese, good calorie count is rising , about glazed donuts for the ultra make your heart explode upon smell cholesterol factor"
I take it you never watched "The Itis", did you?
Not everyone enjoys "The Boondocks" unfortunately
True, but considering how many of us immediately thought "Luther" when we saw the pic...
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
I am a monster truck that walks like a man.
This I'd be down with.
~ Buckaroo Banzai
Man, those look sick.
Twitter - @papapwnsPAX
I take it you never watched "The Itis", did you?
Only at Carl's Jr.
Don't bother me, I'm eating.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Hell yes. Messy, though.
Seriously though. I would love to see emergenC sold by the cookie brigade. Maybe it might help stop the pax sickness funk going around.
Not everyone enjoys "The Boondocks" unfortunately
True, but considering how many of us immediately thought "Luther" when we saw the pic...