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Thank you to the couple who helped me start my car at 1 a.m. on Sunday

BrawlerBarbieBrawlerBarbie Registered User regular
edited September 2008 in PAX Archive
After a long Saturday at PAX I returned to my car only to find that my cab light had been left on all day and my battery was at death's door. Had it not been for the equally-exhausted couple in the silver SUV with Oregon plates I would have been stuck there all night, or at least for another $10 of parking.

Guys, I know you were tired, but I deeply appreciate the time you took to smoosh your car in the space next to mine to give my car the jump it needed to get me home. Thank you thank you THANK YOU! I hope the rest of your weekend was awesome, because knowing there were friendly people like you at the expo helped me relax for the rest of mine.

The chick in the maroon Blazer who had her own jumper cables (thanks, dad!) at the Meridian parking garage

BrawlerBarbie on


  • SumiSumi Abbotsford, BCRegistered User regular
    edited September 2008
    We weren't the ones that helped you but we ended up helping a friend of ours.

    But it comes with quite an infuriating story:

    Our friend was parked at the Impark lot under the convention centre and we grabbed our car and some cables (thanks to the dudes that lent them to us btw) and told the attendant we needed to jump a car. He said "oh, so you're not parking?" and we said "no" then he said "okay, you can get out that way." and pointed to the exit behind us (idiot). Once we told him again that we needed to give someone a boost, he said okay but told us to take a ticket and if we were in there longer than 10 mins, then we would have to pay. So we took the damn ticket, were in there for LESS than 10 mins and went to leave. We couldn't find our ticket right away and as we were looking for it he said "Well.. if you can't find it.. It will be $31" (this is the asshole that saw us enter in the first place.) So when we find the ticket and give it to him, he says "That will be $10." We flip out, and he says we were in there for "12 mins"... (honestly, you want 10$ for 12 minutes!?!) Long story short, we put the car into park.. refused to pay.. and watched several cars pile up behind us. We didn't give that dude a cent. Next year, I won't be going anywhere near that lot and I suggest you boycott it as well.

    Sumi on
    Standard Action, it's a webseries.
  • faitsfaits a panda eating cake seattleRegistered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Sumi wrote: »
    We weren't the ones that helped you but we ended up helping a friend of ours.

    But it comes with quite an infuriating story:

    Our friend was parked at the Impark lot under the convention centre and we grabbed our car and some cables (thanks to the dudes that lent them to us btw) and told the attendant we needed to jump a car. He said "oh, so you're not parking?" and we said "no" then he said "okay, you can get out that way." and pointed to the exit behind us (idiot). Once we told him again that we needed to give someone a boost, he said okay but told us to take a ticket and if we were in there longer than 10 mins, then we would have to pay. So we took the damn ticket, were in there for LESS than 10 mins and went to leave. We couldn't find our ticket right away and as we were looking for it he said "Well.. if you can't find it.. It will be $31" (this is the asshole that saw us enter in the first place.) So when we find the ticket and give it to him, he says "That will be $10." We flip out, and he says we were in there for "12 mins"... (honestly, you want 10$ for 12 minutes!?!) Long story short, we put the car into park.. refused to pay.. and watched several cars pile up behind us. We didn't give that dude a cent. Next year, I won't be going anywhere near that lot and I suggest you boycott it as well.
    I'm sure that's just their policy, but there's no reason for the guy to be a dick about it.

    I wonder what he would have done if you had gotten out of your car, walked over to the ticket dispenser, pulled a new ticket, and handed that one to him. "THERE YOU GO FUCKER NOW I'VE ONLY BEEN IN HERE FOR THIRTY SECONDS"

    faits on
  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Sumi wrote: »
    We weren't the ones that helped you but we ended up helping a friend of ours.

    But it comes with quite an infuriating story:

    Our friend was parked at the Impark lot under the convention centre and we grabbed our car and some cables (thanks to the dudes that lent them to us btw) and told the attendant we needed to jump a car. He said "oh, so you're not parking?" and we said "no" then he said "okay, you can get out that way." and pointed to the exit behind us (idiot). Once we told him again that we needed to give someone a boost, he said okay but told us to take a ticket and if we were in there longer than 10 mins, then we would have to pay. So we took the damn ticket, were in there for LESS than 10 mins and went to leave. We couldn't find our ticket right away and as we were looking for it he said "Well.. if you can't find it.. It will be $31" (this is the asshole that saw us enter in the first place.) So when we find the ticket and give it to him, he says "That will be $10." We flip out, and he says we were in there for "12 mins"... (honestly, you want 10$ for 12 minutes!?!) Long story short, we put the car into park.. refused to pay.. and watched several cars pile up behind us. We didn't give that dude a cent. Next year, I won't be going anywhere near that lot and I suggest you boycott it as well.

    There's an episode of Frasier that's pretty much identical to this. You should watch it.

    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
    Satellite Theater for life!
  • LewiePLewieP Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Heh, whilst in Seattle I went to the coffee shop that inspired the one in Frasier.

    Full Cycle

    LewieP on
  • SumiSumi Abbotsford, BCRegistered User regular
    edited September 2008
    faits wrote: »
    Sumi wrote: »
    [why is sumi always complaining?]
    I'm sure that's just their policy, but there's no reason for the guy to be a dick about it.

    I wonder what he would have done if you had gotten out of your car, walked over to the ticket dispenser, pulled a new ticket, and handed that one to him. "THERE YOU GO FUCKER NOW I'VE ONLY BEEN IN HERE FOR THIRTY SECONDS"

    I'm totally using that next time.

    Sumi on
    Standard Action, it's a webseries.
  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    LewieP wrote: »
    Heh, whilst in Seattle I went to the coffee shop that inspired the one in Frasier.

    Full Cycle

    Me: "Don't you mean the one in Cheers?"
    Everyone Else: "No, Frasier."

    "Oh. I get it. The Cheers bar. Awesome."
    "Frasier. It was a spinoff."
    "Ah yeah. That Cheers bar. It had Phoebe's twin in it."
    "Oh wait. That's Mad About you."

    PikaPuff on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited September 2008
    Cheers - Boston
    Frasier - Seattle
    Mad About You & Friends - New York City

    Moe Fwacky on

  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    yeah i'm kinda bad at names. and places. and people. and remembering things.

    PikaPuff on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited September 2008
    I figured that out when you thought I was black.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Look, he handed me a paper with your cell on it, and I forgot earlier when he said he was spook helping you out. i figured it out... two years later.

    PikaPuff on
  • LewiePLewieP Registered User regular
    edited September 2008

    LewieP on
  • BrawlerBarbieBrawlerBarbie Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Sumi wrote: »
    We weren't the ones that helped you but we ended up helping a friend of ours.

    But it comes with quite an infuriating story:

    Our friend was parked at the Impark lot under the convention centre and we grabbed our car and some cables (thanks to the dudes that lent them to us btw) and told the attendant we needed to jump a car. He said "oh, so you're not parking?" and we said "no" then he said "okay, you can get out that way." and pointed to the exit behind us (idiot). Once we told him again that we needed to give someone a boost, he said okay but told us to take a ticket and if we were in there longer than 10 mins, then we would have to pay. So we took the damn ticket, were in there for LESS than 10 mins and went to leave. We couldn't find our ticket right away and as we were looking for it he said "Well.. if you can't find it.. It will be $31" (this is the asshole that saw us enter in the first place.) So when we find the ticket and give it to him, he says "That will be $10." We flip out, and he says we were in there for "12 mins"... (honestly, you want 10$ for 12 minutes!?!) Long story short, we put the car into park.. refused to pay.. and watched several cars pile up behind us. We didn't give that dude a cent. Next year, I won't be going anywhere near that lot and I suggest you boycott it as well.

    GOD that sucks! It's hard to tell which parking garages in Seattle are going to have helpful or obnoxious staff. I only picked the garage I was in because it was 24hr -- the price I paid for that was the 22-point turn my good samaritans had to do to get into (and out of) the tiny space next to mine. I shoulda biked in. A stolen bicycle wouldn't have caused nearly as much trouble as a dead battery did.

    BrawlerBarbie on
  • MetaverseNomadMetaverseNomad Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    PikaPuff wrote: »
    LewieP wrote: »
    Heh, whilst in Seattle I went to the coffee shop that inspired the one in Frasier.

    Full Cycle

    Me: "Don't you mean the one in Cheers?"
    Everyone Else: "No, Frasier."

    "Oh. I get it. The Cheers bar. Awesome."
    "Frasier. It was a spinoff."
    "Ah yeah. That Cheers bar. It had Phoebe's twin in it."
    "Oh wait. That's Mad About you."

    hah! I remember part of that conversation, it was pretty good. :) I hope you guys enjoyed the (meh) tour.

    MetaverseNomad on
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