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GM? Gamer? Check out the PAX Online Adventure

Tony HellmannTony Hellmann Registered User regular
edited September 2006 in PAX Archive
Hey everyone, its late and I had a BAWLS induced hallucination, where I saw PAX attendees getting together to play a game that they created...about PAX. So I cracked another bottle and got to writing.

I'd like to present to you a Massively MultiEditor Online Adventure at Its free to edit, and free to play. You don't even have to register an account. Make the rules up as you go along.

Eventually, we're going to data-enter the adventure into an online interface so that gamers can play in a more game-like environment, but for now, have at it.

Tony Hellmann
CEO, Technomancer Press

Check out TerraDrive Live...its happening at PAX, and everyone's playing
Tony Hellmann on
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