So, since the masochists who hide behind six inches of steel and the hybrids who think they can out damage us have threads, I decided I'd work one up.
I have very little (up to 6 or so) medium-armour MDPS experience, but I've got a goodly amount of Witch Hunter/Elf experience. The careers which mirror each other are Witch Hunter/Witch Elf and Marauder/White Lion.
Light armour: The TTK (time to kill) for light armour is slightly lower than that of medium, and was in fact the lowest there is at one point. In theory, we kill the fastest. We also die the fastest, unless you count sorceresses blowing themselves up.
Witch Hunter:
"These poor, simple folk - too fearful or too dull-witted to see the vulgarity and evil in their own midst. They wail and complain about my...uncompromising methods, but who among you can say that hanging half a village is too high a price to pay for the assurance that corruption has been exposed and destroyed this day?"
- Ernst Traugott, Templar Witch Hunter
A member of the Empire, this religious fanatic roots out heresy and blasphemers no matter the cost. Armed with a rapier, a flintlock pistol and six feet of style, this career is all about laying the hurt on people, often quickly. Around level 10 the Witch Hunter can train the ability Incognito, allowing for a rudimentary form of stealth. It's nowhere near as indefinite as stealth as seen in other mainstream MMOs, with a 30 second maximum duration and a 60 second cooldown. While using Incognito, the witch hunter's action point pool is being drained. The use of Incog does open up a few very nasty abilities, however. Each opener grants two Accusations (combo points) and reduces the cost of abilites by 50% for 10 seconds.
The major difference between Hunters and Elves are the self-buffs. Witch Hunters have different holy lotions which they can use to bless their bullets for extra effects when judging the enemy. It is possible for the Witch Hunter to snare a target if facing the target's back or side. The attack will build up even while moving.
Witch Elf:
“Do not desire the touch of a Maibd, a bride of Khaine, for her life is wholly given to the Lord of Murder, and he is a jealous god, unwilling to share his chosen ones.â€
- Ruerl Blackhand, Lord of Har Ganeth
A sadistic, mostly naked Dark Elf (as if there is any other kind). Female only, but that's not going to stop me. The witch elves carry two short swords, notable mostly for how utterly painful they look. They aren't designed to leave clean wounds. The Witch elf analogue of the bullet blessing is the set of Kiss Abilities. A kiss is an instant attack which, if sucessful, adds a two minute buff to the Witch elf. They range from AP theft to healing reductions on the target to the theft of Initiative, making the enemy more succeptible to crits. Again, at level 10 the stealth ability becomes available, and Witch Elf stealth is as restrictive as Witch hunter stealth. It is possible for the Witch Elf to snare a target if facing the target's back or side. The attack will build up while moving.
Medium Armour: More durable and a slightly less damaging than light armour, mediums can wade through a decent amount of pain while dishing out generous portions.
White Lions:
"Do not be deceived by the rugged beauty of Chrace, for behind that serene mask lies a beast like none other. No, no I speak not of the War Lion but of its White Lion master whose will can bring such a beast to heel!"
- Kitharl Woodwalker, Huntsman of Chrace
A melee pet class, armed with a very large axe. What's not to like? Well, they're High Elves for starters. They look very proper as they bisect their foes. To close the gap (which is half the battle for any melee DPS) instead of stealth the White Lions get charge. Charge is not unlike Flee!, however it doesn't drain all of your action points on use. Charge is notably faster than flee. As a pet class, the White Lion gains a number of abilites which do not have a mirror with the class which plays similarly. These unique abilities are Trainings. Trainings buff both your pet and you, from increased toughness to the pet and a crit chance bonus for you, to strength bonuses for the pet and toughness for you. At level 40, the white lion will have a wide variety of tools, possibly the most fun being "Fetch". As you may have inferred, Fetch causes your pet to knock your target through the air towards you so that you may cut them in two. Another such useful ability is a misdirect, adding hate to an ally instead of yourself for PvE purposes.
"Say what you will of us. Call us heathens because we deny your weak pretender-God. Call us savages because we strike at you. But know this – it is we who are closest to the Ruinous Powers. We most favored of the Gods shall raid your lands, revel in your suffering and destroy you. Despair! For all that remains for you is the taste of Northern steel and the end of your world. Such is the will of the Gods."
- Hallbjörn, Norscan Marauder
A twist on the standard stance based fighter, a marauder needs only one weapon. So devoted were these warriors that they have been blessed by their god and master, Tzeentch, the God of Change. So, what does a dark blessing from a chaotic god of change entail? Mutation. The Marauder's mutations come in three basic flavours, brutal, savage and monstrous. Each has a talent tree devoted to it, so sadly, the average marauder will tend to stick with one stance. Each mutation provides a different buff while active, from weapon skill and initiative to toughness. The Marauder also has a knock-towards like the White lion, useful for getting that healer under the knife. Charge works in the exact same way, as well.
I'm itching to play a Marauder right now but I was sort of waiting to roll one with RL friends.
If they were healing someone who was being assist trained, they normally wouldn't even try to heal themselves until they were in the ground.
I did not know this, and now I won't be able to stop thinking about WHs 'buffing' themselves before coming to kill me. D=
I think that the witch classes both get ranged snares at level 0.
People talk about how healers can turn the tide of battle and, while true, without DPS the battles usually turn into standoffs. The respawn time in scenarios makes it so long pitched battles become never ending.
Snap Shot for witch hunters is the ranged snare
Playing Melee DPS is a lot of fun in this game because you always feel like a guerrilla.
I like to look at it like this: Healers can sway the course of an entire battle. I can remove healers. Therefore I can sway the course of an entire battle.
This class is fun. I wish I could go stealth though and truly sneak up on people.
My only complaint is the targeting enemies when I'm in a big battle. It can be very frustrating when you are running up to someone and just want to slash away only to find tab targeted the wrong guy.
Maybe there is a key to target closest enemy I haven't been using, if not that key would be most helpful.
White Lion's mirror is the Squig Herder.
It depends on if you count the pet as the mirror or fighting style (range/melee). In the end neither one is a good mirror and this could lead to some RvR imbalance.
However, both people who spec this way can make their own thread.
Melee + pet = White Lion
Melee + stances = Marauder
Ranged + pet = Squig Herder
Ranged + stances = Shadow Warrior
is the easiest way to look at it but abilities are shared too inconsistently to really call any of them definite mirrors.
(edit) hate you all
also a witch elf blog
Stats broken down
But one of my alts will likely be a Witch Elf. Possibly.
Once you hit level 10 shit changes so much.
Oh, that thing where I can hardly tell what's going on.
An asskicking is what is going on.
I only got my WH to level 8 in OB but I still had a blast. My brother went Archmage and was my chum in scenarios. It is insane how much your survivability improves when a healer looks after you, suddenly our biggest weakness is negated by a few HOT's and some support.
I would have loved to have played more of the ORVR with my bro to see how our pairing would fit in the zerg. Even still I'm pretty sure that a WH will be my main and my bro with stay with Archmage.
It was a stick.
I played one to Rank 10 in the OB and really liked it. My only problems involved the pet. First is that your snare is a pet skill, and some times that fucking lion is not where you want him to be. And we all know how key snaring is for MDPS. I found that this caused me to go after other MDPS more then RDPS/Healers that will try and run. Also, the lion is a unruly beast, sometimes I found that I had to spam pet commands to get it to obey (some responsiveness issues). Also, for RvR put the lion on passive or you will never see the thing, as it will be on the other side of the map, chasing some random dude. However that's all small stuff and it did not stop me from having a blast RvRing with the WL. If you try one, don't give up until you hit R10, charge really makes a huge difference in how the class plays.
P.S. I'd love to hear some someone that played a WL high enough to get "pounce". That skill just sounds flat out awesome.
I loved this class. Almost as much fun to play as a squigg herder with the added benefit of being effective in combat and scenarios. When I make an order alt I'll be making one of these.
They work pretty much like you'd think they work. PvE the lion tanks, RvR the lion annoys. And by annoys I mean seriously annoys. That healer in the back? The one with easily set back spells that is keeping that chosen on his feat? Sic your lion on him.
Your lion won't kill him, but it will disrupt those incoming heals quite a bit.
I seem to run out of AP really fast, but I guess that's because I'm mashing my attack buttons as fast as possible. Probably should stop that.
I had tried one during the first PW and loved the mechanics, but only got her up to 7/7, so I didn't have any of the really key abilities yet and it was very frustrating spending all this time stalking a 10/? BW, then getting demolished. Guess I ought to give it another try now come release.
Why do DE have to have so many awesome classes that I love...
At least if the WE doesn't end up my main, she'll prolly have my alt spot in TSM next to the DoK.