So, as many of you may know, the Ohio GOP filed a lawsuit against the Democratic Secretary of State in Ohio, trying to force her to purge voters from the rolls if their voter registration records did not match with their social security or DMV records
The issue and the reason the Democratic SoS opposed this is because such mismatches may be as simple as a misspelling, or a middle initial on one form and a full middle name on another. Such people, according to the GOP, should be removed from the rolls if they have registered in the last year (new registrants are tilting heavily towards Obama in the polls).
Jennifer Brunner, the dem Ohio SoS, lost the first lawsuit, took it to the appeals court, and won with a bench of three judges, but then lost an appeal by the GOP to the full appeals court. Brunner took the case to the US Supreme Court, which just ruled
unanimously in her favor, essentially saying that the Ohio GOP was trying to disenfranchise voters.
Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas ruled in favor of a democratic SoS against a GOP-brought lawsuit
You all should be seeing it show up online and on the networks shortly, if it hasn't already.
In short:
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PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
damn son this cartoons is hilarious
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oh Deacon but what was that about Republicans not trying to suppress the vote?
Or what would you call a lawsuit designed to knock 200,000 people off the rolls in a swing state who are likely to support their opponent?
Dude, BN, let it slide for once. DB was just making a silly joke and now you're looking for any reason to start an argument.
Its the ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife...
No no, this is gloating.
There are no silly jokes only silly people! Far too much silliness in these threads if you ask me.
what this thread needs, is PRECISION DRILLING!
I got that book right on my shelf. You tell us when to begin and we'll see who reaches the finish first!
sick burn.
XBL: Torn Hoodie
When did I say Republicans never do that you humorless stump?
My favorite part of that was Fox News talking about his "hip hop" dance.
That is obviously the Hustle.
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Neo Geo Big Red owners club.
2009 PAX Puzzle Quest Champion
I have beat Rygar on the NES and many of you have not.
Wait, how is your av so huge?
Elki is also black
also holy shit