For the last few weeks I've had an annoyance with the forums. I get logged out at seemingly random times while using the forums. Sometimes it takes hours, sometimes minutes and rarely I can go for days without being logged out. Sometimes I get logged out upon closing my browser and other times I stay logged in.
A common way of me noticing is that upon posting or editing a post, I get told that I don't have permission to do that and that I should refresh and login in again. In all cases of this happening, I'm logged in when I go to the top of the page, but logged out when refreshing.
In some cases I've had this happen when editing a post immedietly after posting it.
I'm using Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 under Windows XP SP 2 and I've tried to add to trusted sites and to set it to always allow cookies from (couldn't add sub domains to that).
And yes, I am making sure to check "remember me" when logging in. I also use other similar forums and have never experienced this on those.