Last boss...

aezmvpaezmvp Registered User new member
edited January 2009 in Penny Arcade Games
Okay so it seems pretty obvious right?
But no matter what combination I'm using I'm getting nailed on system restores. What the heck? Someone who's beat that dang FF tell me what I'm missing.

aezmvp on


  • aBlankaBlank Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    aezmvp wrote: »
    Okay so it seems pretty obvious right?
    But no matter what combination I'm using I'm getting nailed on system restores. What the heck? Someone who's beat that dang FF tell me what I'm missing.

    timing might be a bit off.
    You have to use the A (slow) attack, then the powerup attack (I think Y?), then a regular attack (X). If he hits you between powering up and regular attacking, you lose the charge and have to do it again. Make sure you start the combo (AYX) when he's got 0 red bars under his picture.

    aBlank on
  • magimixmagimix Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Man this last fight makes the most annoying things about the whole game (as well as the previous one) take on horrendous new significance (yay, hyperboly 8-) ) - speech bubbles getting in the way.

    There is something delightfully awkward about timing the block for attack incoming from an enemy that is *totally fucking covered* by a speech bubble saying, 'oooh, your timing must be off'.

    Edit: Would you Adam and Eve it? After posting here I do the fight on the very next attempt. Clearly bitching on a forum pays dividends!

    magimix on
  • LeviantLeviant Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    its part of the game challenge? lol

    maybe its meant to assist and distract you at the same time. :D

    didn't really bother me though

    Leviant on
  • KrazybojanglesKrazybojangles Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    last boss fight is way too easy
    3rd attack first to slow, 1st attack to power up, 2nd attack to kill

    Krazybojangles on
  • LeviantLeviant Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    ^Try it this way, achieve 40 hits on all three characters and fight the last boss, maintain this 40 hit status :D

    i did that already, so much fun :D

    Leviant on
  • KingKing Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I wonder if there's any chance you can kill the boss before Anne-Clair comes.

    King on
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