I'm trying to find a good RPG for my wife on 360 and PS3. She
REALLY loved FFX and is a huge Breath of Fire (PSX) fan. I know Disgea 3 got some good reviews, as did Tales of Vesperia. But are there any other must play RPG's for these two systems that I should buy her?
And yes, we have most the DS and GBA RPG's, especially the FF re-releases.
Thanks in advance everyone.
Also if you're willing to wait a few months, make it a point to grab The Last Remnant.
Is it more FF turn based, or Secret of Mana action based? She liked Mana, but prefers FF turn style.
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
Blue Dragon is another 360 RPG that's like a Dragon Quest clone, but I haven't played it yet so I can't comment beyond that.
Eternal Sonata for the 360 is similar to Tales of games or Star Ocean games for the battle system.
Disgaea 3 would be good if she's never played a Disgaea before. Well, at least Disgaea 2 was too similar and not as good as Disgaea for me to get into it. I don't know about 3 really though.
Is that it for now? I think...maybe something else on the PS3. The Last Remnant is coming out soonish though, that might be pretty good.
I'm just making sure I haven't overlooked some rare gem; a holy grail of next gen RPG, if you will. I can't help but think that someone hasn't made the end all RPG for the new systems yet.
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
As for the killer RPG, FFXIII is still a while off.
Thanks for help again.
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
I know that's not exactly what you were asking about, but... Chrono Trigger is widely held to be one of the best JRPGs ever made.
Oh, just remembered something. Have you played Persona 3 or Shin Megami Tensai: Nocturne? Those are really good, although a fair bit more... psychological? than most RPGs. They're PS2 games.
She already knows, and plans on buying it. She actually told me about it coming to the DS; such an awesome wife. Thanks though Zero, if I didn't already know, I would have jumped in delight from the news. :^:
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
BTW Eternal Sonata is about the life of a 15th century composer or something along those lines. I've personally almost beaten the first level so I'm a bit lost on the details minus what has been filled in for me as I go. I hate spoilers so she's has been intentionally vague with me.
Annnnnnnd yes. You listen to this man here. Game kicks much ass.
She loved KH 1 & 2, Chain of Memories, and Secret of Mana. But who didn't?
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
I'm sorry, did you just refer to Frederik Chopin as "a 15th century composer or something along those lines?"?
First off, Chopin as a romantic composer was a 19th century composer, but he's also one of the most influential composers for piano in the current canon of art music.
a 15th century composer indeed.
Frederik Chopin. Also it's not his life, it's a fantasy on his last unconscious moments before he died at 39 of tuberculosis, an envisioning of what his dreams would be like. As such it can get a little heavy handed with the "WE KNO MUSICZS!" but still it is not "about the life of a 15th century composer or something along those lines".
In that case, has she considered Fallout 3?
You know, Frederick Fucking Chopin.
Sorry, couldn't resist. Val Kilmer, just awesome.
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
Hwell. I dont know what to say. Are you serious in your defense or is this just your cock-crazy antics? Who knows. But I loved Sonata. A LOT. Also, Lost Odyssey, that game was amazing. Vesperia, just...wow. I dont know...the RPGs on the 360 havent really let me down at all so.
Yeah, I was going to ask this because while there haven't been a whole lot of killer JRPG's this gen, we have gotten a bunch of great RPGs from western companies. Namely Mass Effect, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fable 2.
Of course, western RPGs and JRPGs are practically different genres so I guess it depends on your taste.
edit: He was 400 years off. That's like saying Paul McCartney was a contemporary to Bach and they used to jam together.
Where else would they come from? o_O
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
There isn't enough lime in the world.
I may not have been a huge fan of Eternal Sonata, but I'd save a few bucks and get ES on 360 instead. I think the PS3 version adds some minor items to the plot and a new character, but you can find ES for 360 on the cheap now while ES on PS3 just came out.
Also, I'm going with the option others haven't talked about yet which is buy more PS2 games. Get Persona 3: FES. Its a great JRPG with some social sim aspects and a nice difficulty level that makes fights feel rewarding and doesn't beat your ass into the ground like SMT: Nocturne. Also Persona 4 comes out next month. P3FES can be found for just over $20 and I believe P4 will release at $40.
Listen to this man. As someone who found Oblivion pretty mediocre and bland, I am thoroughly enjoying Fallout 3. I would also highly recommend Mass Effect.
This is all assuming that you guys aren't opposed to playing western RPGs though.
And I have a lot of games.
Why I do believe no one can resist invoking yours truly.
As much as I love Mass Effect, I think Fallout 3 might be edging it out, IMO.
Also, you guys suggesting western RPGs didn't catch this on the last page.
Either he is not interesting or you'll need to provide some more education on the subject.
Twitter: Cokomon | dA: Cokomon | Tumblr: Cokomon-art | XBL / NNID / Steam: Cokomon
I thoroughly recommend all of them. If she wants a western RPG, I'd certainly recommend Fallout 3 if she can get into the grittiness of the world. It really is a superb game.
That was a joke. I failed at the wording, or the joke emphasis. One of the two.
I didn't know Fallout was an RPG, to be honest. She's more into the epic fantasy storylines tho. Fallout seems more for me. I was looking at the box yesterday, but wanted to check the reviews before I purchased it. I'm heading out today to grab AC/DC tack pack, so I may grab Fallout3 and Etrnal Sonata. The Chopin angle seems pretty interesting.
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
If you're looking for an Epic RPG, you should look no further than Mass Effect. And at least one of you both probably would enjoy it massively.
Mass Effect
Fallout 3 I heard is good, not picked it up yet.
Kotor 1 or 2 if they are backwards compatible.
GM: Rusty Chains (DH Ongoing)
WRPG- Whether it is Mass Effect, Fable 2, or Fallout 3, all of them are good choices. ME and Fallout are sci fi, but Fable 2 is fantasy.
Well, the crazy thing is which console is getting the majority of JRPGs. It boggles the mind.
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
Yeah, I thought it was a joke, it was just kind of worded weird. I also gave me flashbacks to Ketchum_Ash, a forumer we used to have around here.
Twitter: Cokomon | dA: Cokomon | Tumblr: Cokomon-art | XBL / NNID / Steam: Cokomon