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OTRSPOD: Ep 2 Glitch found, need help

JoshkdmwJoshkdmw Registered User new member
edited 2008 04 in Penny Arcade Games
Hey, everyone.

I'll get right to it. I Have OTRSPOD : Ep 2 on my 360, and I'm loving it. But it looks like my copy has glitched out.

Here's the story: I'm at the symposium on the future of man, just after The... 'escapade' at the apartment building. I have all three SIMian cards at this point. Now, the first two have been used already, and I have the third. I approach the monkey-fight door, and interact. The bottom bar scrolls up, ready for some dialogue, and promptly scrolls down again without a word. This keeps happening, no matter how many tries.

I check the objectives screen, and it's telling me I have yet to use the second card, but my inventory shows the card as used.

Now, I used the first and second card at the same time as each other - thinking I hadn't found a card yet, not knowing the card from Ep 1 was in my inventory - and I think that was the problem. In any case, I can't re-use the second card, and the game cancels the dialogue necessary to enter the room.

So. Any ideas? Is this a known issue? Is there a patch forthcoming?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Joshkdmw on


  • BryanS7BryanS7 Registered User regular
    edited 2008 04
    This has been discussed here and a few other places already, and Hothead definitely knows about it as they replied in this thread:

    I am assuming it will be patched but I haven't heard when as of yet, but they do know about it at the very least. When this happened to me, I simply started over, didn't take too long to zip ahead to the same spot. The second time around, I made sure to use the monkey cards right when I got them (used the Red card right after I got the monkey, green card after completing the sanitarium, and blue after finishing the apartment). This method worked out for me.

    Good luck!

    BryanS7 on
  • JoshkdmwJoshkdmw Registered User new member
    edited 2008 04
    Thank you, sir.

    Joshkdmw on
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