Hello I'm sure no one here knows me. At all. In any way shape or form. But I was wondering if you strange mysterious folks who do not know me can help grant me advice on a portfolio im making, Basically what portfolio day is... Professors from alllll different colleges come to meet at one college for one day. This day varies and June 18th at Laguna arts college there is indeeed a portfolio day occuring which, I am heading to so i can know where the hell i'm going. Anyways i'll be posting what I plan putting in my portfolio some are currently incomplete and i'll edit update them when they are new or add more when I start on them.
Portfolio Day isn't meant for scholarship but to give a idea to help give yourself a idea what college you want to go to in a simple way with advice on whether or not you are acceptable to there specific place and if become what you want to be is a viable choice for there place.
Also since some people are curious about my progress I've decided to add a number next to each peice here, so that you may look over and see the progress in it
edit: and then I completely forget its portfolio day on january 18th, today is january 27th, please excuse me while I consume large amounts of vikadin.
2 girls 1 cup and one thing holding the cup woooo!
I'll be making more stufffff hopefully before then. My portfolio is kinda weak and small right now but its not something where your going to be accepted, they reveiw your latest work and tell you what is good to do for you.
The dude looks like his skin is made of papyrus.
Your work looks very good. THat top one looks like it is coming out of the page. Nice shading. I couldn'ty possibly offer advice on your artwork, but with your porfolio, make sure you make it look professional. Not over the top, but make sure you make good quality re-productions of your work, and print them off and bind them in a clean, well designed way.
If people offer me money to do there portrait (which I have now received a few times) then sure I will because I then get a free study + me getting money instead sweeeeet. Wait..... Well I mean I don't go out looking for it they come to me meh I don't even go outside unless I ride the bus. Which is where i run into everyone for some reason.
A hand and pencil drawing a hand and pencil drawing a hand and pencil drawing a hand and pencil drawing a hand and pencil drawing a hand and pencil drawing a hand and pencil......
Okay I shall do a hand but no elephant.. Not yet atleast.
sooo I had to spend these 3 days studying how to draw hands.. And now I only have about.... 15 hours before this assignment is due.
Plus mustang wanted me to draw hands. Anyways, any comments/Errors in the drawing, Anything to add or if the absence of space on the right side is a nice addition. Pleasee do say. I'll be starting to work on this again in one hour.
for now though I shall waitttt.
Throw in some perspective pieces, planar analysis, a couple of pages of your best gestures. Set up some compositional pieces to show them you know your stuff. Wouldn't hurt to toss in a couple of paintings to boot.
Also I dont get a painting class till next semester. And I dont want to waste my money on oils when I only have experience with acrylic and waste it like a fat kid wastes ketchup on his fries.
Oh but good idea on gestures, I do have a few ..... I'll pull that out if its still in tact.
Hold on getting something
Anyways, I dont have a life drawing class right now, but I sometimes walk in there class whenever I can which isn't very often. So I dont have MUCH.... But I got to do a 15 minute gesture in my human anatomy class for once, we dont have many sessions with such drawings because we usually have to, surprise, study the muscle and skeletal structure. I know who would guess.
so use something like this?
Edit: I personally cant wait till I get a life drawing class though I want to do this stuff. But I also understand the importance of learning the entire skeletal/muscle structure first so oh well. The semester is almost over and I feel much more well rounded off then if I went straight to life drawing.
Worst part is on days we do get a model. We have to spend the first hour to 2 hours first re-going over what we had to understand for the section such as neck muscle structure how it bends ect then apply it to the bone then critique our assignments. So we only get a hour really to draw, and the class is cut 10 minutes short every day so really only 50 minutes /wristtttt... I'm just glad we dont have to remember the names for it. It's just as effective for me to say "That thing on the side of your neck thats thick which is technically your back but so big you can see it on the front"
O = head Detailed
o = neck Flat block
( . ) ( . ) = Torso omg detailed
That's not much of an excuse man. You can easily do another perspective piece or two at home; a simple one or two point perspective will do the job fine.
And you don't need a model to do gestures, just try going out in public and drawing people in cafes or on the street. Stuff like this for example:
The gestures is so important it's not even funny. At school it's all we've been doing for at least half of the time spent there.
My sketchbook is filllled with gesture drawings, and I do have some newsprint with gesture drawings as well. I'll pull that out zzz I usually do gesture drawings on the bus since its the only time i'm outside asides when i'm at class.
When I cant get myself to draw I just draw a bunch of squares circles and triangles in the sloppyish fashion possible. I usually try to make it like 2-3 second drawings each just to get use to making objects when I draw the basics of other crap.
Take a look at these:
Try to make your marks more fluid...instead of drawing with your wrist, use your wrist AND your arm. Get a bigger sketchbook, and/or just make a single gesture per page. Instead of going back-and-forth with every line....try to make the entire line in one "swoop". If you don't nail the line the first time, you can try another "swoop" (which you see in that posted image).
Also, try to initially lay out (and FIGURE out) the movement the body is making. If the entire pose had to be defined by a *single line*, what would it look like? Build the bulk of the figure so that it follows (or exemplifies) that same single line.
It looks less like you're doing gestures, and more like you're just making fast contour drawings. Don't be too concerned with the details (exact shape of the head, etc), and don't be afraid to draw through the figure more - like, draw the circle/ellipses of where a limb meets the torso. Draw the head, torso, pelvis first...and then add limbs. This helps get that initial "gesture" down that the entire body is making, and get proportions down correctly.
Do enough gestures and you could be pumping out stuff like this:
And yeah, these should be huge. Well, the ones i posted should. If you're going to do gestures, squeeze no more than four on a page at a time.
wooo I ruv pencil
Hold on i'll pull out those drawings for yah. Edit: oh right 50 minutes if curious
Since my college isn't really a art university. Its a public college they dont go as in depth teachings like Specific gestures or what not. But I've personally picked up by drawing on my own what it means. EXCEPT I do know what you people are talking about using my wrist to much. It's something i've been practicing on fixing for a while now and it has improved tremendously over the past few months but i'm stilll getting there with it. I'm just so use to "feather strokes" because it was how I first learned. But I personally hate it.
Oops... I uploaded all the images sideways. OH WELL. But yah I'm trying to get to gestures like night dragons, I'll just practice more with it tonight. After I finish my next project first. I'm just glad I got hands out of the way for now sheesh.
To be honest, my own gestures are similar to that...and I more do "blocks" of shapes instead of flowy lines like I posted....I just feel that the "flowy lines" type will honestly help Loomdun more than any other kind, at this point...because getting those done, and getting them done properly, will help his stuff become less stiff, with more of a sense of movement, etc etc.
...and from what I can see, Loomy, you're getting the right idea. Try to actually make "forms" now (once you've got the marking technique down) and give them the same movement (using the same swooping lines) as the underlying gesture line.
Edit: because I've never really thought much about using a black background but figured this is something I should consider on it.
Also, I've realized that how I draw faces is flawed, so I need to do do a equivalent study on the faces from which I managed to pull off on hands.
As you can see faces is now my biggest dillemna, I can pull accurate measures. If I'm given a absurd amount of time. But I dont understand the proper steps to measuring the face like I now do with the body/Arms/Hands, (Not sure on legs and feet have yet to cover those in class).
And because of that, I do crappy face drawings like what I just posted.
cant strain my arm at the moment but once i'm able to draw again I'll get right on that
I feel like i'm talking to myself, Hello loomdun above me, and the other loomdun above that loomdun, how are you? I like your name. Why am I even doing this? Oh right... ANYWAYS... *cricket cricket cricket* HAI!
Edit: oh right if anyone is even reading this and if even curious, they where 10 minute sketches
edit: but thank you.
So instead of wasting 20% of my time trying to fit something which I won't understand completely. I feel its better to use all the time to analyze everything else because I already know that my understanding of the head is weak
Edit: I do speed drawings of specific segments 2-5 minutes. if I dont get the accuracy on it right (such as you commented on building blocks on hands 2 weeks ago which I got down lately) then it means I have a weakness in the understanding of how its created.
In other words, the fact that I can't apply the correct measurements to the head is a obvious sign that i'm going to have to go into a study in order to understand the appliance of it more fluidly, accurate, and faster.
You are thinking in segments and that's the problem. Doing a head study is not going to help you out for this - you need to practice relating the body to the head. This should be done in the initial 10-30 seconds - when you lay out your gesture establishing the pose.
This isn't about an understanding of the head, this is a lack of understanding of the head in proportion to the body. I don't care about features or anything, just an orb with a horizontal and vertical axis to establish direction. Talk about taking 2-3 minutes to "make it fit" shows your lack of understanding - you don't make the head fit, you start with a gesture of the pose with everything in position so that you don't have to start piecing things together. Once you start thinking about pieces you can guarantee that you will always have a disjointed, out of proportion pose. You start thinking about pieces after everything is laid out, well proportioned, and you are doing fine rendering - something you aren't going to be doing in 10 minutes.
10 minutes is plenty of time to get all the proportions laid out with some musculature and beginning rendering.